
Wheaton Magazine

Wheaton magazine extends to its readers the College's mission to relate Christian liberal arts education to the needs of contemporary society. The award-winning publication shares articles of thought leadership and stories about the College—its news, value, scholarship, people, and past.

Established in 1929, the magazine has evolved from a monthly, print bulletin to a premier magazine published twice per year in print and continuously online.

Wheaton shares stories about the College’s news, events, trends, campus life, and Wheaton people, history, and scholarship. Additionally, the magazine contains feature articles covering a broad range of topics as they relate to Wheaton—social issues, arts, science, business, technology, and matters relating to Christian faith and practice. While the topics covered are quite broad, the magazine’s treatment of these subjects seeks to be an expression of the College’s commitment to what it holds to be biblical faith and practice as expressed in Wheaton’s Statement of Faith and Community Covenant. The magazine reflects an academic community that is covenanted to encourage spiritual, moral, and intellectual growth.

Subscribe to the Print Magazine

  • Wheaton College alumni, faculty, and staff located in the United States automatically receive the print publication at their address on file. Alumni can update their information using this form.
  • People outside the Wheaton community who are interested in reading Wheaton magazine may subscribe by emailing their request to editor@wheaton.edu.


  • Managing Editor Eliana Chow ’21
  • Designers Brittney Dunn ’09, Alexa Adams
  • Chief Marketing Communications Officer Joseph Moore
  • Editorial Adviser Cindra Stackhouse Taetzsch ’82
  • Photography Director Kayla Smith
  • Brand Journalist Juliana Bacote ’24


Send your letters to the editor and story ideas to editor@wheaton.edu or Attn: Editor, Wheaton magazine, Wheaton College, 501 College AvenueWheatonIL 60187.


View all past issues on the magazine archive site.