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Children during reading time
Reader in the Reading Room 2022

Marion E. Wade Center

A living literary center of scholarly, artistic,
and ongoing spiritual renewal

Wade Center logo - green

The Marion E. Wade Center promotes cultural engagement and spiritual formation by offering a collection of resources available nowhere else in the world. We emphasize the ongoing relevance of seven British Christian authors who provide a distinctive blend of intellect, imagination, and faith: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy L. Sayers, George MacDonald, G.K. Chesterton, Owen Barfield, and Charles Williams. The Wade Center implements these goals by 

  • Assisting scholars in their study of unique materials by and about these seven authors in order to generate new understandings;
  • Sharing insights with a broader audience through our numerous programs and publications;
  • Supporting artistic works inspired by our authors;
  • Welcoming visitors to our museum.

No image or text from this website may be used without the written consent of the Wade Center.
All rights reserved.

VII Volume 39

VII Volume 39 Released

Volume 39 of VII is now available, featuring previously unpublished letters from C.S. Lewis and articles exploring Lewis's childhood, Dorothy L. Sayers's playwriting, Lewis's thoughts on war, and more. Read it online or purchase a print copy today!

Co-Directors of the Wade Center, Dr. Crystal Downing and Dr. David C. Downing

Retirement of David and Crystal Downing

Drs. Crystal and David Downing recently announced their retirement as Co-Directors of the Wade Center and co-holders of the Marion E. Wade Chair of Christian Thought. Dr. James Beitler, currently Professor of English at Wheaton College, will become the Wade Center’s fifth Director.

Malcolm Guite

"When A Heart Is Really Alive: George MacDonald and the Prophetic Imagination" a lecture by Malcolm Guite

Watch as Malcolm Guite explores how George MacDonald's Fantasy writing not only created an entire new literary genre and inspired writers like Lewis and Tolkien, but also how the stories he created continue to speak powerfully and prophetically into our own cultural crisis two hundred years after he was born.

Watch the Lecture
Guite Lecture Handout of Quotes

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