Institutional Statements General Policy
Wheaton College is united in its Christ-centered mission of educating the whole person to build the church and benefit society worldwide. To that end, we seek to create a campus climate where every member of the College community experiences a sense of belonging and contributes to the shalom necessary to learn and grow.
As a Christian institution of higher education, Wheaton College stands for life, freedom, peace, and justice, and therefore also stands against oppression and exploitation, including racism, sexism, religious persecution, unjust violence, and the destruction of human life. This always remains true, whether or not the College issues a public statement about a particular issue or specific event.
In keeping with the covenant faithfulness of God and with our covenant promises to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength, members of our campus community lament and oppose injustice, practice and pray for righteousness, engage public issues with truth and grace, and promise to love our neighbors as ourselves.
As a general policy, neither the Senior Administrative Cabinet nor the President will issue public statements on broader political, legal, or social issues or events. In the aftermath of local, national, or international events that cause distress to our campus community, the College may however offer prayer, gather for worship, share words of encouragement, and remind faculty, staff, and students of campus resources for personal and spiritual care, including in the Chaplain’s Office, Human Resources, Counseling Center, and other Student Development offices.
Typically, Wheaton will release an institutional statement only when responding to issues or events in which the College is directly involved. Due to privacy laws and legal considerations, the College generally does not make public comments about student discipline or personnel matters except to correct media or social media accounts that are injurious to the College’s mission or members.
Apart from the kinds of statements mentioned above, on occasion Wheaton College may be required to issue public warnings. Public Safety will alert the campus promptly whenever the College becomes aware of a direct, credible, identifiable threat to the safety of the campus community. Public Safety consults campus leaders and collaborates with local authorities to evaluate and respond to such threats.
For more information about how Wheaton addresses the public, faculty and staff can refer to the policy for “Speaking on Behalf of the College” in the employee handbook.
View Wheaton College Institutional Commitments or Statements.