History of Evangelism in North America
In this section of the Museum, visitors will experience a lively retelling of the history and impact of evangelism in the United States, through rare artifacts, historic film footage, visually compelling displays. Starting with the Colonial era and ending with World War II, the story includes sections on the Second Great Awakening, the Civil War period and late nineteenth century developments such as urban evangelism and city missions and the advent of radio evangelism.
On display is a rich array of historical images and artifacts surrounding these events including:
- A portion of the Eliot Algonquin Indian Bible from 1663—the first Bible printed in America
- A copy of the book The Ecclesiastical History of New England by Cotton Mather, 1702
- A manuscript of a sermon by Cotton Mather
- A copy of the book "Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Renewal of Religion in New England" by Jonathan Edwards, 1742
- A copy of George Whitefield's book "The Nature and Necessity of Our New Birth in Jesus Christ," 1737
- A saddlebag with sermons used by 19th century circuit riders
- A copy of "Poems of Various Subjects," by Phillis Wheatley, 1773
- A copy of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1879
- A book of Scriptures for soldiers used during the Civil War, 1863
Contact Us
Billy Graham Museum
500 College Avenue
Wheaton, IL 60187