Offices and Services
Information on finances, budgets and other fiscal matters.
A host of information related to Wheaton faculty including development, sabbaticals, governance, hiring, promotions, and tenure. You can also find a wide variety of resources to assist you in your teaching.
Academic and Institutional Technology offers solutions in the effective use of media and the integration of technologies to enhance curricular and campus programs.
Information for the Wheaton College community about the use of animals in the classroom and in research. Wheaton College strongly supports both the appropriate use of animals in research and teaching, and the proper and humane care and use of such animals.
Order textbooks, apparel, gifts, and more!
Whether you're sending your classmate a note or a package for your parents in Latvia, the CPO is where you will need to go.
Event Services is the "one-stop-shop" for all event scheduling on campus. We oversee both the room and vehicle reservations for all College events as well as the rental of campus meeting and residential facilities to external clients.
From carpentry to keys to transportation to custodial work, Facilities meets a host of vital needs to keep Wheaton's campus in operation.
Wheaton College’s Finance Division is committed to faithfully stewarding Wheaton’s financial resources.
The Human Resources Office seeks to employ individuals who are committed to our mission and who seek to work For Christ and His Kingdom.
Statistics related to faculty and students at Wheaton College.
As part of a growing initiative to serve, equip, and empower current and incoming international students, Wheaton College is committed to effectively supporting our students as they learn to thrive on campus.
Overseeing the College's legal affairs, compliance activities, loss prevention, and insurance program.
We are marketing and communications professionals who have a passion for telling the Wheaton College story, in many different forms. From website support to print design and media relations, we promote the College and support its mission.
Learn more about the President, Senior Administrative Cabinet, Board of Trustees, and other advisors.
The Wheaton College Department of Public Safety is dedicated to the protection of life and property and to the prevention of crime, fire and accidents.
Our Purchasing department facilitates acquiring materials, goods, and services to support the educational mission.
The Office of the Registrar provides the framework for effective student-faculty-staff interaction through the development of the yearly College catalog, course scheduling, classroom assignments, student registration, student records/database maintenance, and evaluation of degree completion.
Scheduling Services coordinates the reservations of all rooms on campus, as well as College vehicles, catering and AV setups.
Student Financial Services (SFS) is responsible for processing all payments and financial aid.