Consortium Visitor Program FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What schools can I attend as a consortium visitor?
Students can attend Asbury University (KY), Bethel College (MN), George Fox University (OR), Gordon University (MA), Greenville College (IL), Houghton College (NY), Malone College (OH), Messiah College (PA), Seattle Pacific University (WA), Taylor University (IN), Trinity International University (IL), or Westmont College (CA). The consortium visitors program is limited to these schools.
How do the finances work?
You will be subject to the fees of your own college (e.g. Wheaton) or the one you wish to visit, whichever are higher. Because you technically remain a student at Wheaton, payment for participating in the program is handled through Wheaton's Student Accounts office. A non-refundable deposit may be required by the college you plan to visit.
Does my Wheaton Financial Aid apply?
Financial aid, if any, can be arranged only through Wheaton, not the campus you are to visit. Please check carefully with Wheaton's Financial Aid Office regarding whether you are eligible to receive funds while under the CCC Visitor Program. Wheaton College Financial Aid will contact the consortium school and obtain their budgeted cost of attendance. The Financial Aid Office will use the lesser of the budgeted cost of the consortium school or the budgeted cost of Wheaton to determine your award. Please contact your financial aid counselor to obtain more information.
Will my credits transfer to Wheaton?
Yes, most credits from these schools will transfer to Wheaton. The larger question is how they will transfer to Wheaton—as general education, as major requirements, etc. Students should complete the Transfer of Credit Approval form, available on the Registrar's Office forms webpage, prior to enrollment so they are informed of how their credits will transfer.
Will the grades from the consortium program impact my Wheaton GPA?
No, your consortium work will be listed as transfer credit on your Wheaton College transcript. You will maintain a transcript at the consortium school, which you may need to obtain if you are applying to graduate school, applying for licensure, etc.
What are the deadlines for application?
This varies from school to school. We strongly encourage students to apply by March 1 for the fall semester, and by October 1 for the spring semester.
How do I apply?
Complete the CCC Student Visitor Application. Pay close attention to the instructions. There is no cost to apply.
How do I register for classes, get my housing assignment, etc. at the consortium school?
It is important for you to recognize that you will be governed by the regulations of the campus you visit, including those pertaining to housing. Regulations vary somewhat from campus to campus, and it will be your responsibility to learn and abide by those in place at the institution you visit.
What are the most popular consortium schools?
In the past, Westmont has been the most popular consortium program, followed by Gordon, Taylor, Houghton, SPU, and Bethel. Other information: SPU is on a quarter-hour system. You must multiply the number of quarter hours by 2/3 to equate them to semester hours. If you attend SPU in the spring, you will be eligible to attend two quarters at SPU. In the past, Westmont has had a limited number of consortium spaces available for the spring semester.
What if I want to do a Study Abroad program through one of the CCU schools?
If you wish to do a Study Abroad program through one of these schools, begin with the Global Programs and Studies (GPS) Office to find out the application process for that program. You may not need to do the full consortium visitor's application.