Degree Works FAQs
Degree Works
Degree Works is a user-friendly degree-tracking application that students can access through the Banner Self-Service page (Enter Secure Area, log in, Student Services, Degree Works).
Degree Works will allow students to see exactly where they stand in terms of requirements met and those still needed. To get started, please read the information below and watch the tutorial here.
How do I access Degree Works?
Degree Works can be accessed through the Wheaton College Portal.
- Enter Secure Area
- Input your username and password
- Select Student Services
- Select Degree Works-Student
Why won't my Degree Works load on my browser?
Please check your web browser. Degree Works does not work in Chrome. Please use Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge or Safari.
What are ‘fall through’ courses?
Fall Through courses are courses that do NOT meet a specific requirement in the program you
are pursuing, but which count as hours towards graduation. Think of them as general electives.
What are insufficient courses?
Insufficient courses are courses that do NOT count towards meeting any requirement at Wheaton. These are frequently failed courses, courses with a W grade, or audits.
Do my hours totals in Degree Works include in-progress and pre-registered courses?
YES, and Degree Works assumes you will complete those hours successfully.
Why are my 100 and 200 level foreign language courses going to fall-through?
For the foreign language requirement, Degree Works looks to ensure you have passed
competency. Each semester, the foreign language department sends the list of students who
have passed competency to the Registrar’s Office, and it is coded to reflect that for those
I have an approved substitution from my department. How is that reflected in Degree Works?
A signed department recommendation for any substitution must be submitted to the Registrar’s office. Once that is submitted, the substitution will be ‘hard coded’ into your Degree Works evaluation. Only faculty have access to the Departmental Recommendation form on the Portal.
What is the difference between pre-registered and in-progress courses?
In-progress courses are courses taken in the current semester. Pre-registered courses are courses registered for future semesters which have not yet begun.
My major, minor, or certificate is not correct in Degree Works. How do I fix that?
Please work with your current advisor to complete an official Major Change Application or
Minor Change Application or Certificate Change Application form.
I think I met a requirement, but Degree Works shows it as not met. What should I do?
Please contact the registrar’s office at Please include your name, ID number and a description of the problem.
My advisor is incorrect in Degree Works. What should I do?
If you are in the process of changing your major, your advisor will be changed once the new academic department sends us the information. If your major is correct but your advisor is still incorrect, please contact the office coordinator in your major department. He/she will notify the registrar’s office of any changes that need to be made.
How do I change the catalog I wish to graduate under?
Please complete a Change of Catalog Year Form We will change the catalog for you in our records and Degree Works.