Wheaton College Gateway Governance Committee

The Wheaton Gateway Governance Committee has been established to oversee the strategic management, implementation, and governance of the Wheaton Gateway. The committee makes recommendations to the Chief Information Officer (CIO).

The Wheaton Gateway Governance Committee will provide oversight to, and is responsible for, providing advice on strategic direction, and governing the development, deployment, and ongoing management of the Wheaton Gateway. The committee's role is to ensure that the Wheaton Gateway aligns with the organization's mission, values, and strategic objectives, while also promoting innovation, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Additionally, the committee will focus on comprehensive testing and content approval prior to the launch.

The Wheaton Gateway Governance Committee will oversee the implementation and continuing development of the Wheaton Gateway including but not limited to:

  • Create and maintain all policies, procedures, standards and practices relating to the content, functionality and usage of the Wheaton Gateway, specifically in the following areas
    • Effective information sharing and IT security measures, policies and practices to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Wheaton Gateway.
    • Data governance and security.
    • User experience and accessibility.
    • Performance monitoring and continuous improvement.
    • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Identify and approve priorities for enterprise portal ongoing operations, enhancements, and new initiatives to assure alignment with the college’s business goals and needs.
  • Enhance understanding of the Pathify application platform to maximize our investment throughout the College.
  • Ensure the adoption and use of the Wheaton Gateway maximizes the efficiency and effectiveness of access to the college’s enterprise applications.
  • Evaluate and approve new releases of Pathify Engagement Hub for Wheaton College.
  • Identify and work to resolve the escalation of issues which span departmental or divisional boundaries.
  • Oversight of the implementation to ensure the Wheaton Gateway is fully functional and all content is accurate prior to the launch. Areas of oversight include
    • Comprehensive testing prior to launch
    • Obtaining content approval
    • Review communications to be sent to the College regarding the launch of the Wheaton Gateway to ensure consistency and clarity

The Wheaton Gateway Governance Committee will initially meet every two weeks prior to launch, and then will meet quarterly, or more frequently as needed, to review progress, address issues, and recommend decisions. Meeting agendas will be prepared and distributed in advance, and minutes will be recorded and shared with all members.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
The Wheaton Gateway Governance Committee will conduct an annual self-evaluation to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Feedback from committee members and stakeholders will be used to refine processes and enhance governance practices.

The Wheaton Gateway Governance Committee is committed to ensuring the successful governance and management of the Wheaton Gateway. Through strategic oversight, collaborative decision-making, and continuous improvement, the committee will support the organization's mission and enhance the value delivered to users.

Committee Members

The WCGGC will consist of members representing key stakeholders, including:

  • John Barger, Graduate Admissions
  • Karen Belling, Financial Aid
  • Bill Bemister, Academic & Institutional Technology
  • Eric Durbin, Undergraduate Admissions
  • Becki Henderson, Student Development
  • Steve Ivester, Student Engagement
  • Diane Krusemark, Registrar
  • Rebecca Larson, Marketing Communication
  • Jeff Mudge, Library
  • Mandie Porick, Academic Advising
  • Maureen Romero, Academic & Institutional Technology
  • Paul Sloboda, Academic & Institutional Technology
  • Karen Tucker, Human Resources
  • Craig Williams, Academic & Institutional Technology, co-chair
  • Alan Wolff, Chief Information Officer, co-chair
  • Other representatives from key user groups or departments as needed.

updated July 2024.