Billy Graham Hall

Located at the heart of the building that carries the name of Wheaton's most prominent alumnus, The Wheaton College Billy Graham Center is an academic center that develops and mobilizes Jesus-followers for individual and communal witness. The center offers training on teaching and preaching in churches, classrooms, and conference settings; evangelism tools; and mentoring.
Billy Graham Hall is a perfect place to begin your online tour of campus, located at the south edge of campus on College Avenue. Dedication services and a crusade led by Billy Graham marked its completion in 1980.
The Billy Graham Museum, located on the first floor of Billy Graham Hall, provides interesting displays on the history of evangelism, highlights of Billy Graham’s life and ministry, and a graphic presentation of the gospel.
On the second floor is the Wheaton College Graduate School and Graduate Admissions.
The Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Archives is located on the third floor. It makes available primary sources on Billy Graham and his evangelistic association, as well as organizational records, personal papers, and oral histories that document the history of evangelism and missionary activity of North American nondenominational Protestants.
The Wheaton College Library's department of College Archives and Special Collections is also found on the third floor. It includes the books and journals of the Evangelism and Missions Collection, as well as over two hundred special collections.
The fourth floor houses the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center (WCBGC). The WCBGC is an academic center which exists to develop and mobilize Jesus-followers for individual and communal witness. Training takes a number of forms: teaching and preaching in churches, classrooms, and conference settings; online and print evangelism tools; and mentoring in individual and group contexts. The WCBGC offers master’s-level studies in evangelism and leadership and missional church movements through the Graduate School.
The fifth floor is home to Wheaton's biblical and theological studies programs.
The 500-seat Barrows Auditorium in the east wing is a popular venue for conferences, recitals, lectures, and other events.
The west wing houses the Communication and Psychology departments and the Advancement offices, including Media Relations. The west wing also is home to the Academic and Institutional Technology offices.