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2016-17 CACE Faculty Article Series

Theater as a Way of Knowing- Faculty Seminar 2016-17

Robert BishopCreation As Theater
Dr. Robert Bishop



Johann BuisVeritas Corpus
Dr. Johann Buis 



Alison Gibson CACE Seminar Reflections 
Dr. Alison Gibson



Dr. Jeffrey GalbraithTheater as a Way of Knowing
Dr. Jeffrey Galbraith



Sarah HolmanTheater as a Way of Knowing
Dr. Sarah Holman



Brian HowellAn Unexamined Life is Over Rated:   Reflections on Theater as a Way of Knowing
Dr. Brian Howell



Beth Felker Jones - Wheaton College - Wheaton, ILReflection
Dr. Beth Jones 



Tiffany KrinerI Have Nothing for You - Playing the Role of Poor in Spirit
Dr. Tiffany Kriner



Alexander LoneyA Rich Experience
Dr. Alexander Loney 



Kim SasserCACE Seminar Reflections
Dr. Kim Sasser



Laura YoderOppressed, Oppressor, Substitute, Observer
Dr. Laura Yoder