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Events Archive

A comprehensive listing of CACE events over the last decade

2014-2015 - Counter Cultural Not Anti Cultural
2013-2014 - Facing Tough Questions
2010-2011 - Challenges in Christian Ethics: Charting a course for the 21st Century
2009-2010 - Created or Crafted: Exploring Identity 
2008-2009 - Authentic Living in a 5000 Channel Universe
2007-2008 - Christian Moral Engagement in the World 
2006-2007 - Environment, Economics, Equity
2005-2006 - Freedom and Community
2004-2005 - The Future of Humanity
2003-2004 - Moral Judgment and Decision Making
2002-2003 - Liberty, Security and Dissent
2001-2002 - Cultivating Conscience: Exploring Moral Development