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CACE Ethics Booklets

Christians, the Care of Creation, and Global Climate Change
featuring Allen, Greenberg, Hill, Houghton, Litfin, Lowe, Morris, Page, Scott, Toly.
Special Offer $5 USD (plus shipping) Available Now
Wheaton Bookstore or contact

Christian Perspectives on Business Ethics: Faith, Profit, and Decision Making
Business and Professional Ethics Journal Special Issue Incorporating Professional Ethics: A Multidisciplinary Journal featuring Nash, Novak, Stackhouse, Knapp, Erisman, Daniels, Wong, Franz, Joakson, Gill, Ryken, Rundle
Special Offer $8 USD (plus shipping) Available Now
Wheaton Bookstore or contact 

A Study Guide and Response to: Mel White's What the Bible Says- and Doesn't Say 2006 Stanton L. Jones, Ph.D.

Business and the New Awakening: Moral Equity in the 21st Century 2004
Fogel, Schelhing, Fellowes, Pollard

Devotions and Reflections for the Wheaton Campus 2003
Edited by Trey Buchanan, Lynn Cohick, and David Setran

The Bible, Ethics, and Health Care: Theological Foundations for a Christian Per Revised 1996 John F. Kilner, Ph.D.

Distinctive Responsibilities for the Environment: A Christian Response1995
Susan Power Bratton, Ph.D.

Understanding and Responding to Moral Pluralism1993 Alister McGrath, Ph.D.

On Being Truthful 1991 Lewis B. Smedes, Ph.D.