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Schedule of Events

2018 HNGR Symposium logo For the Healing of the Nations

Schedule of Events

Tuesday, March 13

Introductory session and lecture- Intersection of Health and the Environment
Presentations by Wheaton Biology faculty and students
7-8:30pm, Meyer Science Center 145, Buyse Lecture Hall

Wednesday, March 14

Science Chapel
Dr. Rebecca Heidkamp
10:40-11:25am, Edman Chapel

Plenary Panel 
Biology-invited and HNGR-invited speakers
3:45-4:25pm, Meyer Science Center 145, Buyse Lecture Hall

Breakout sessions 
4:35-5:15pm, Meyer 129, 131 and 133

  • Poverty, the Environment, and Health: Ms. Catherine Flowers
  • A Reluctant Academic—Re-envisioning Research as Personal Engagement & Global Action:
    Dr. Rebecca Heidkamp
  • Promoting Community Health in Rural Nicaragua: Dr. Francisco Moraga & Dr. Reyna Sanchez

Science Keynote Lecture- America’s Dirty Secret: Poverty and Parasites 
Ms. Catherine Flowers
7:00-8:30pm, Coray Gymnasium

Thursday, March 15

Dinner with Keidkamp, Moraga, and Sanchez
5:15-6:30pm, 401 N. Scott St, Wheaton, IL 60187

HNGR Keynote Lecture-Health, Environment, and Climate Change in Latin America
Drs. Francisco Moraga and Reyna Sanchez
7:00-8:30pm, Meyer Science Center 145, Buyse Lecture Hall

HNGR Poster Session
8:45-10:30pm, Meyer Science Center Lobby

Friday, March 16

HNGR Intern Chapel
10:40-11:25am, Edman Chapel

Faith in Place workshop
(for students and alumni)
3:30-5:30pm, Meyer 133

Saturday, March 17

HNGR Alumni Brunch and Alumni Workshop with invited guests from Faith in Place
(for alumni, returned interns & their parents)
10:30am-12:30pm, South Party Room
RSVP required by March 10, brunch provided

Sunday, March 18

World Christian Fellowship Dinner 
Honoring returned and outgoing HNGR interns
6pm, Phelps Room