2008 HNGR Symposium
My Land, My People
Symposium Theme
The third annual Symposium in Human Needs and Global Resources engaged issues of land as the nexus of the ongoing challenges of poverty and hunger in the Global South, and Africa in particular. Through the plenary session, workshops, and panels, the Symposium explored the implications of these issues for increasing food production, enhancing food security, and alleviating poverty, doing so from rural and urban, government and NGO, formal and non-formal perspectives, and domestic and international contexts.
Dr. Aklilu Dalelo, of the University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church,delivered the plenary address entitled, "Food Insecurity and Famine in Ethiopia: Challenges of Land Policies and Land Degradation." Dr. Paul Robinson gave the Chapel Convocation.
Symposium recordings:
Plenary Address by Dr. Aklilu Dalelo (mp3)
Symposium Poster