2015 HNGR Symposium
The Hungry Shall Be Filled
The 2015 Symposium sponsored by the John Deere Foundation explored the complex linkages between conflict and hunger and underscored the fundamental importance of reconciliation work for regaining food security in post-conflict settings. As the Symposium Plenary Speaker, Dr. Emmanuel Katongole addressed the role of reconciliation in the multiple dimensions of post-conflict recovery, with a focus on regional examples from East Africa that directly address agricultural initiatives as integral to the process of rebuilding peaceful communities that support healthy agrarian societies.
Fr. Katongole is the co-founder and former co-director of the Center for Reconciliation at Duke University. Presently he serves as Associate Professor of Theology and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace.
The Symposium was held on February 26-28, 2015.
Regrounding the Church in Africa: A theological experiment
Fr. Dr. Emmanuel Katongole
Making reconciliation work
Dr. James Beitler, Dr. Darcie Delzell, Dr. Ezer Kang, Dr. Paul McNamara, and Kayla Slagter
Moderated by Dr. Jamie Huff
Integrative reflection and conversation
Fr. Dr. Emmanuel Katongole and Dr. Paul Robinson
Symposium Videos
Regrounding the Church in Africa: A theological experiment
Fr. Dr. Emmanuel Katongole
Power and Reconciliation at the Table
Making Reconciliation Work
Panel 3 - Closing Reflections and Conversation
Symposium Schedule
Thursday, February 26
5:30 pm | Ewert home - 401 N Scott St
Dinner with Dr. Emmanuel Katongole
7:00 pm | Coray Alumni Gymnasium
Plenary address
Dr. Emmanuel Katongole
8:45 pm | Coray Alumni Gymnasium
HNGR Intern poster reception
Friday, February 27
10:30 am | Edman Chapel
HNGR Chapel
1:00 pm | Coray Alumni Gymnasium
Power and reconciliation at the table
Dr. Andrew Abernethy, Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College
Dr. George Kalantzis, Associate Professor of Theology, Wheaton College
2:30 pm | Coray Alumni Gymnasium
Making Reconciliation Work
Dr. James Beitler, Assistant Professor of English, Wheaton College
Dr. Darcie Delzell, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Wheaton College
Dr. Ezer Kang, Associate Professor of Psychology, Wheaton College
Dr. Paul McNamara, Associate Professor and Director MEAS Project, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Kayla Slagter, HNGR Intern, Wheaton College
4:00 pm | Coray Alumni Gymnasium
Closing reflections and conversation
Dr. Emmanuel Katongole
Dr. Paul Robinson, Professor Emeritus, Wheaton College and former HNGR Director
7:00 pm | Coray Alumni Gymnasium
Dessert and art
2014 HNGR interns
Saturday, February 28
10:30 am | South Party Room
In the classroom and on the farm: Cultivating the vision and practice of reconciliation
Chas Edens, Executive Director, Anathoth Community Garden & Farm