Teaching without Crayons

How can you teach without crayons or enough books for each student? This was a question that crossed my mind as I met the teachers and students at Musonda Community School. Read More
How can you teach without crayons or enough books for each student? This was a question that crossed my mind as I met the teachers and students at Musonda Community School. Read More
It is 7:42am, and a faithful congregation of elderly Thai folks are gathering for the morning devotional in the Ruam Jai village outside of Chiang Mai, Thailand. Read More
There’s something divinely human when you find your feet resting against the foot of another person lying in the hospital bed across from you. Read More
As a semi-amateur community psychologist researcher, I am fascinated by the patterns of language we use to describe others. Read More
My community during my HNGR internship was a palliative care clinic in a large south Asian city that offers holistic, life-prolonging medical care and builds community with people infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS... Read More