For Donors

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Your Support Makes All the Difference! 

When you donate to ICCT, you are making a difference that has a ripple effect throughout the world:

One online ICCT course...

   ...60 language coaches are equipped...

      ...each coaching 10 other workers in language learning...

         ...600 cross-cultural workers learning languages...

            ...each sharing the Gospel in the local language with 10 people...

               ...6000 people hear the Gospel for the first time...

                  ...and the ripple continues on...

Your partnership with ICCT impacts cross-cultural workers who lead, train, and teach from 70+ organizations, 100+ countries, and 110+ languages. Now that's a global impact!

ICCT is a fully self-funded academic center under the Wheaton College Graduate School. Our mission is to equip Christians called to global service with skills in cross-cultural communication, language learning, and English teaching so they can serve their communities effectively and professionally.

In order to keep our courses and services affordable for cross-cultural workers, we rely on donations from individuals, churches, and groups like you who, like us, believe that equipping believers for their callings is essential to the work of the Great Commission.

Your monthly or one-time gift goes directly to support our work. All gifts to ICCT are tax-deductible and are handled through Wheaton College.

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How We Partner

We are here to support cross-cultural workers:

We are they can share Christ wherever they are.

"Because of our regular coaching calls, we've become really intentional in our language learning and applied a lot of the things that we initially learned about in SLA. Natalie is also so encouraging and empathetic, and we always leave each meeting feeling hopeful, empowered, and excited to apply a new strategy or idea to our language learning." ~ VIP language coaching participants

We've served dozens of agencies, big and small, and continue to cultivate relationships with more. Along with offering courses in language and culture acquisition, language coaching, and teaching English, we provide FREE consulting services to help agencies craft policies and think through ways to support their workers. Learn more here about how we serve organizations.

"As more and more of our new staff are being trained through the ICCT SLA program we are seeing measurable and noticeable results on the field....That we have access to the finest and most thorough training available and access to the best and most skilled experts in the field, is a gift from the Lord.  ICCT not only provides training for language learners, but they also provide training to language coaches and consulting services to individuals and organizations.  [Our organization] has used and benefited from each of these services!" ~ A Language Learning Director 

"...You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” ~ Acts 1:8b

Jesus calls each of us to be his witnesses - this is not optional! ICCT is here to serve believers, whether they're called to witness in their neighborhoods or around the world, as we all seek to fulfill the Great Commission by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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“The ins and outs of working with a language helper were extremely useful and practical, and it felt empowering to begin learning my new  language.” 
~ past SLA student