Grammar Course

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Grammar Course Overview

Teaching grammar is extremely challenging, given the complexity of the English system. Teachers must first understand grammar before they can explain it to learners. In this 30-hour non-credit course, participants will increase their own knowledge of the English grammar system and also gain the skills necessary to introduce grammatical concepts in clear, uncomplicated ways.

Next Offering: Winter 2025

New Format: 10 weeks, 3-hour session per week

Dates: Weeks of January 27 - March 31, 2025

Course Objectives

  • Gain a foundational understanding of the English grammar system in areas such as:
    • parts of speech
    • question formation
    • verb-related concepts, i.e., verb tenses, modals, and passive voice
    • gerunds vs. infinitives
    • count vs. non-count nouns
    • comparatives and superlatives
    • phrases vs. clauses
  • Identify typical problem areas for English language learners
  • Learn how to break down grammar concepts into organized and manageable chunks
  • Develop key parts of lesson plans for teaching various grammar concepts
  • Locate and evaluate grammar teaching resources

Interested? Even if you're not sure if you can take the course, please fill out our interest form. We use this to gauge whether there is enough interest to offer the course and to determine dates.

Register for our Grammar Course

Course FAQs

No, you can take this course even if you haven’t taken ROWE since this course focuses specifically on teaching grammar.

Participants are awarded a 30-hour non-credit certificate upon course completion. They also receive a letter outlining the course content.

The Essentials of Teaching ESL Grammar course has typically been offered in a 1-week intensive format, but we are delighted to announce that we piloted a new format in winter 2023, and it was very well received! This spread out format allowed participants time to digest and review the content as well as apply it to practical homework assignments between each session.

Next Offering: Winter 2025 (January-March) This will be a ten-week course, with one 3-hour session per week. Fill out the interest form here.

Course Cost:

Grammar by early registration deadline     $375
Grammar after early registration deadline       $425


Hard copy (highly recommended for U.S. participants): $30  (offset printing and mailing costs)

Digital copy (overseas participants): $0 (available through a Dropbox Link)

Check back closer to the next offering of this course. The one-page course description is suitable for emailing and for posting on a bulletin board.

Grammar Course Description


2 women talking with computer

“I came into the course with limited knowledge of ESL and now feel well-equipped to effectively participate in this type of ministry. ~ TESOL participant

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