Essentials of Teaching English PronunciationEssentials of Teaching English Pronunciation -->

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Pronunciation Course Overview

Teaching pronunciation is extremely challenging. Without specific training, it is difficult to know how to correct learners for improved fluency and comprehensibility of speech. In this 30-hour non-credit course, participants will gain the skills necessary to diagnose errors and assist learners in improving their listening and production of the various elements of English pronunciation.

Great News! Essentials of Teaching English Pronunciation is a GO for Winter 2024!

Format: 10 week course, one 3-hour session per week

Dates: Tuesdays, January 23 - March 26

Times: Morning Section: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. CT; Evening Section: 7-10 p.m. CT

This new format for our two specialized 30-hour training courses: Essentials of Teaching English Pronunciation and Essentials of Teaching ESL Grammar were piloted the past two winters. Given the overwhelming positive response, we have decided to transition to this format permanently from the 1-week intensive format previously used.

Course Objectives

  • Gain a foundational understanding of the English pronunciation system, including sounds (consonants and vowels), rhythm and stress, natural speech phenomena
  • Identify typical learner errors
  • Practice completing a error analysis
  • Understand the basics writing a pronunciation drill
  • Practice conducting pronunciation drills
  • Develop a tutoring / teaching plan for 3-4 pronunciation lessons
  • Adapt materials to use in a pronunciation lesson
  • Locate & evaluate pronunciation teaching resources

Pronunciation Course Description

Pronunciation Registration Form

Register for our Pronunciation Course

Course FAQs

No, you can take this course even if you haven’t taken ROWE since this course focuses specifically on teaching English pronunciation.

Participants are awarded a 30-hour non-credit certificate upon course completion. A letter that lists the types of content covered in the course is also provided.

Next Offering: Winter 2024

Format: 10 week course, one 3-hour session per week

Dates: Tuesdays, January 23 - March 26

Times: Morning Section: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. CT; Evening Section: 7-10 p.m. CT



The cost for Winter 2024 is as follows:

  • $375   for non-credit early registration e-mailed on or before January 15
  • $425   for non-credit late registration e-mailed after January 15
  • $175   for current Wheaton College students

      (Note: This course is not open to M.A. TESOL students who have not completed LING 616)

  • $175   for Essentials of Teaching English Pronunciation past participants


Materials: Cost for Printing and Mailing of Course Notebook ($30)

  •  $30 Materials Fee for hard copy of course notebook / lecture notes (Highly Recommended)

[Note: Must be registered by Monday, January 15 and live in the U.S. Will also receive the Dropbox link to digital copies of the materials even if this option is chosen.]

  •  Dropbox Link with course materials in digital form (No cost)

[Note: This is the only option for overseas participants.]



2 women talking with computer

"I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to participate in this pronunciation course at this time. I have come away personally, professionally, and spiritually refreshed and eager to serve and share all that I have learned." ~ TESOL Pronunciation Course Participant

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Pronunciation Course Overview

Teaching pronunciation is extremely challenging. Without specific training, it is difficult to know how to correct learners for improved fluency and comprehensibility of speech. In this 30-hour non-credit course, participants will gain the skills necessary to diagnose errors and assist learners in improving their listening and production of the various elements of English pronunciation.


New format:  10 weeks, 3-hour session per week. 

Next Offering: Winter 2024 (January 23-March 26)

Days / Times: Tuesdays--Morning Section from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. CT; Evening Section from 7-10 p.m. CT


Course Objectives

  • Gain a foundational understanding of the English pronunciation system, including sounds (consonants and vowels), rhythm and stress, natural speech phenomena
  • Identify typical learner errors
  • Practice completing a error analysis
  • Understand the basics writing a pronunciation drill
  • Practice conducting pronunciation drills
  • Develop a tutoring / teaching plan for 3-4 pronunciation lessons
  • Adapt materials to use in a pronunciation lesson
  • Locate & evaluate pronunciation teaching resources