ICCT Resources

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Here you can find helpful documents and resources related to each of our target audiences. 

Listed below are some resources to help you become a more effective teacher. If you are new to the field of ESL teaching, we suggest you begin with the first section and then move on to learn more about the wide variety of available resources for classroom teaching and professional preparation.

Essentials for New English Teachers

ESL and Ministry

Teacher Preparation Resources

Teacher Education / Professional Development


Professional organizations and conferences

Classroom Teaching Resources

Choosing Materials


We have listed a number of major publishers below. 

Online Resources

Dave’s ESL Café: One of the richest sources of TESOL information on the Internet. Links to teaching materials, articles, information about jobs, discussion forums, publishers, etc. (The information you find through the many hundreds of links on this site varies considerably in quality.) Visit Dave's ESL Cafe

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab: A website containing hundreds of listening scripts for beginning, intermediate, and advanced English learners. Listening exercises are topical and include comprehension quizzes. Visit Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Man working on computer with  headphones

“The ins and outs of working with a language helper were extremely useful and practical, and it felt empowering to begin learning my new  language.” 
~ past SLA student

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