ICCT Resources
Here you can find helpful documents and resources related to each of our target audiences.
- Planning for Success in Language Learning doc. (PDF)
- Basic Assumptions of Language and Culture Learners (PDF)
- Language benchmarks to keep track of your language proficiency level
- Tip of the Tongue: Monthly Language and Culture Learning Tips
- Lauren Vitrano-Wilson, a partner of ICCT, has a free email newsletter with tips for language learners and language coaches.
- Language Learning in Midlife (PDF)
- Learning Pronunciation (PDF)
Listed below are some resources to help you become a more effective teacher. If you are new to the field of ESL teaching, we suggest you begin with the first section and then move on to learn more about the wide variety of available resources for classroom teaching and professional preparation.
Essentials for New English Teachers
- Frequently Used Acronyms (Word doc.)
- Getting Started in Teaching ESL (Word doc.)
- Opportunities for English Teachers (Word doc.)
ESL and Ministry
- Three Important---and Often Neglected---Keys to an Effective ESL Ministry (PDF)
- Can You Have an Effective ESL Ministry Without Using Christian Materials? (PDF)
Teacher Preparation Resources
Teacher Education / Professional Development
- ESL Courses and Degree Programs (Word doc.)
- Annotated Bibliography of Selected Teacher Preparation Materials (Word doc.)
- Qualifications for English Teaching (Word doc.)
- The Internet TESL Journal
- CAELA Digests
- International Journal of Christianity and English Language Teaching
Professional organizations and conferences
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
- Christian English Language Educators Association (CELEA)
Classroom Teaching Resources
Choosing Materials
- Evaluating Classroom Teaching Materials (Word doc.)
We have listed a number of major publishers below.
- Cambridge University Press
- Center for Applied Linguistics
- Heinemann ELT
- Intercultural Press
- New Readers Press
- Oxford University Press
- Pearson Education
- Prentice Hall Regents
- Addison Wesley Longman
- Longman
- Pro Lingua
- National Geographic Learning: CENGAGE Learning
Online Resources
Dave’s ESL Café: One of the richest sources of TESOL information on the Internet. Links to teaching materials, articles, information about jobs, discussion forums, publishers, etc. (The information you find through the many hundreds of links on this site varies considerably in quality.) Visit Dave's ESL Cafe
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab: A website containing hundreds of listening scripts for beginning, intermediate, and advanced English learners. Listening exercises are topical and include comprehension quizzes. Visit Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab
- Planning for Success in Language Learning doc. (PDF)
- Basic Assumptions of Language and Culture Learners (PDF)
- Language benchmarks to keep track of your language proficiency level
- Tip of the Tongue: Monthly Language and Culture Learning Tips
- Lauren Vitrano-Wilson, a partner of ICCT, has a free email newsletter with tips for language learners and language coaches.
- Proficiency-Oriented Language and Culture Learning (PDF)
- Helping the Older Language Learner Succeed (PDF)
- Helping Learners Develop Sociolinguistic Competence (PDF)
- Learning Pronunciation (PDF)
“The ins and outs of working with a language helper were extremely useful and practical, and it felt empowering to begin learning my new language.”
~ past SLA student