Conference and Research Grants

Small Group of People Listening to a Speaker

Explore and apply for competitive conference and research grants, available for Wheaton College faculty.

CFI grants provide conference and research funding for Wheaton College faculty. This program exists to support faculty seeking to provide high quality mentoring for students by helping them learn how to apply disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and Christian liberal arts knowledge to a complex problem in society.

CFI Conference Grant Details
Apply for a CFI Conference Grant

Research Grant

The CFI Research Grant supports work that applies disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or Christian liberal arts knowledge to a complex problem in the marketplace. CFI invites proposals for faculty and undergraduate projects that apply disciplinary or interdisciplinary knowledge to real-world problems; explore vocational opportunities associated with academic disciplines; or advance our understanding of the Christian liberal arts as preparation for Christian vocation.

CFI Research Grant Details
Apply for a CFI Research Grant


Are you a student with an idea for a conference to attend or research to conduct? We encourage you to find a faculty sponsor to work with you to submit a proposal.