Faculty Fellowships

Faculty Fellows Laughing around the Table

The Faculty Fellowship is a competitive program designed to help Wheaton College faculty integrate the classroom with the world. These year-long fellowships provide stipends and seminar experiences that help up to five full-time faculty incorporate new themes and outcomes into their courses.

The process of discerning one’s calling is a key outcome of a Christian liberal arts education, and the classroom serves as a critical component of that discernment. The Faculty Fellowship program exists to help faculty bring vocationally formative elements into the curriculum.

A multi-disciplinary group of Wheaton faculty is accepted into this program each year. Fellows study vocation and human flourishing in the Christian liberal arts tradition and they explore how these ideas can be applied to problems in the marketplace and society. Their studies culminate with a teaching project featuring pedagogical resources that will anchor vocational themes in their courses.

CFI Faculty Fellows…

  • Study and discuss vocation and human flourishing in the Christian liberal arts tradition
  • Generate teaching tools that anchor a generative approach to vocation in the classroom
  • Build a customized faith and vocation resource library
  • Receive a stipend to fund their work

After viewing the program details linked below, if you have any further questions, contact Ben Norquist.

Read about the projects and papers that 2018-2019 Faculty Fellows and CFI Scholars are working on.