Jeff Clark

jeff clark
Jeff Clark

Director of Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Rural Church Institute


Jeff Clark is the Director of the Rural Church Institute at the Billy Graham Center. Jeff also serves with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention as the Global Rural Researcher, and he has been involved in leadership roles as the Executive Director for the Montana SBC and as the Church Planting Strategist for the West Virginia SBC. Prior to this, Jeff and his wife, Melva, planted three churches in Michigan, Florida, and Tennessee. Most recently, they served 12 years in East Asia.

D.Min. – Ministry in Missions Leadership
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

M.Div. – Christian Education
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

B.A. – Religion and Psychology
Carson Newman College

  • International Mission Board, Strategy Research Associate; East Asia Affinity Group; Taipei: Taiwan
  • Montana Southern Baptist Convention, Executive Director
  • West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists, State Evangelism Director and Church Starter Strategist
  • Hillcrest Baptist Church, Church Planter
  • Central Parkway Baptist Church, Church Planter
  • Grace Southern Baptist Church, Church Planter
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