Ivan Fahs Memorial Symposium

Annual lecture and chapel featuring a noted sociologist or anthropologist

The Ivan Fahs Symposium takes place each fall and consists of a lecture and chapel message given by notable sociologists or anthropologists. Through this symposium, we seek to honor the legacy of scholarship that Dr. Ivan Fahs sought to nurture.

Ivan FahsIvan J. Fahs served the Sociology Department at Wheaton College faithfully for many years as a professor. He was a gentle man who wanted Sociology to serve "the least of these."

He was a friend of the homeless, he was a friend of the powerless, and he acted as a servant leader in everything that he did.

Ivan loved life to the fullest. He took time for conversations with people, and he made Sociology meaningful to everyone he met. He loved the Lord with all his heart, and he loved people just as much. Behind a tenacious commitment to excellence was a man of great compassion.

He went to be with his Lord in January of 2002, and the Ivan J. Fahs Memorial Seminar Room was dedicated in his honor. In October 2003, the department sponsored its first conference in his memory.

Past speakers have included: