2011 Ivan Fahs Memorial Symposium
The Paradox of Power: How Elites Advance and Hinder Human Flourishing
The Sociology and Anthropology Department at Wheaton College presented its ninth annual Ivan Fahs Memorial Symposium on November 11th, 2011. Gordon College President D. Michael Lindsay delivered a lecture titled "The Paradox of Power: How Elites Advance and Hinder Human Flourishing."
Dr. Michael Lindsay is President of Gordon College, where he is also Professor of Sociology. For the last five years, he was a member of the sociology faculty at Rice University. Dr. Lindsay earned his Ph.D. in sociology at Princeton University. His most recent book, Faith in the Halls of Power, draws on personal interviews with an array of influential evangelicals to show how they are bringing their vision of moral leadership to the public square. Dr. Lindsay’s research is also published in leading scholarly journals of sociology, religion, and American studies.