What They're Saying about Wheaton in Chicago

ailee-vianna"Wheaton in Chicago is a program for anyone who wants to grow professionally in a new context. Students are challenged to learn outside of a classroom and instead in a city. Through internships, site visits, and cohort living, students see what life could be like post-grad, and they return to campus with unique experiences that enhance continued learning."
- Ailee Viana, WIC Spring 2024

“Wheaton in Chicago has facilitated my most intense growth period since entering college. I learned how to recognize my own race and biases, how to function in spaces where I am the only white person, how to figure out public transportation on my own, how to manage my own work/life/school balance, how to deal with conflicts in close-contact community, etc. Wheaton in Chicago fostered and grew my sense of self, calling, and independence.”
- Elinor Hiller, WIC Spring 2024

isaac-hubing-for-WIC“Wheaton in Chicago creates room for exploration. I don't think I have ever grown more in my sense of self and vocation than I have during this semester at WIC; the support from staff, cohort, and supervisors has been phenomenal in allowing me to engage deeply with the world around me and ask meaningful questions.”
- Isaac Hubing, WIC Spring 2024

“Wheaton in Chicago allows you to engage with the city in a way that you can't while being [on Wheaton’s main campus]. This program exposes you to so many different communities and a lifestyle that has really helped me grow as a person both mentally and spiritually.”
- Kayla White, WIC Spring 2024

“Though there are several things I loved about my Wheaton in Chicago experience, one of the foremost was definitely my internship and the experience I was able to gain through it. I have never worked in a setting that I am actively interested in pursuing as a career, so gaining new skills--as well as learning about all the incredible things my organization is doing--was an incredible experience. Another thing I loved about WIC was the opportunity to build a strong community with the cohort. Living and learning and working in the same space for three months allowed me to build and/or strengthen relationships with these amazing people, and I am super grateful for that."
- Anna Ritzema, WIC Spring 2024

alexis-goddard“I would recommend Wheaton in Chicago because of its interdisciplinary structure and how rich it is with knowledge. You have access to all of Chicago through the U-Pass and are exposed to a world-famous city while interning there and picking up valuable skills and experience. The community you form with your cohort is also something that I have learned to cherish.”
- Alexis Goddard, WIC Spring 2024 

“Before Wheaton in Chicago, I had read about systemic and local issues in Woodlawn, but it wasn’t until I spent a few months in the neighborhood that I was able to contextualize what I learned in the classroom. I found myself empathizing much more and connecting with the community in a unique way.”
- Maura Wilkerson, WIC Spring 2024

 “The FOOD in Chicago is amazing.”
- Brayden Vandervelde, WIC Spring 2024

Apply to Wheaton in Chicago

Woodlawn_MosaicStart your application on GoGlobal, Wheaton’s registration system for off-campus study. The final deadline to apply is the end of the A-quad prior to the semester you wish to attend.