Wheaton College students pitch their best ideas to experienced judges in front of a live audience.
ThunderPitch 2025
We are proud to announce the fourth annual ThunderPitch competition.
- Monday, April 28, 2025
- 7:00pm
- Barrows Auditorium, Billy Graham Hall
How It Started
Years ago, Wheaton students initiated a campus wide pitch competition that was student run and facilitated. But as different generations of students came through, the energy for an annual event waxed and waned. With the establishment of the Harrison Chair in Entrepreneurship, the opportunity for a regular event supported by faculty and incorporated into the curriculum emerged. ThunderPitch began as part of a class requirement, but now the competition is open to anyone on campus with an entrepreneurial idea.
ThunderPitch Award Categories
- AndersonPrize - Grand Prize
- MastadonPrize - High Impact Idea
- WheatiePrize - Most Likely To Succeed
- ThunderPrize - People's Choice*
*Audience members can select the ThunderPrize - a people's choice award - by attending the event and voting for their favorite pitch.
Apply to Pitch Your Idea!
Any Wheaton student can apply! Use our online form to submit your idea.