Honors Program

A departmental honors program is an option for the Classical Languages major. To graduate with honors, the student must complete 4 hours of upper-division work in the language of concentration beyond the 4 required of regular majors and another 4 hours in any upper-division HEBR, GREK, or LATN class or any other departmentally approved ancient language course (e.g., Akkadian, Aramaic, Ugaritic). Upon selection, these courses are to be designated as “honors work.” “Honors work” means that a student’s work goes beyond that of the class’s other students, in quality if not quantity. These hours count toward the major and are usually taken in the senior year. The student will also take CLAL 499 (honors thesis). Minimum acceptable grade in honors work is A-. The departmental honors designation will appear on a student's transcript and on the printed program at graduation. A copy of the thesis will be kept in the college library.

Students majoring in Classical Languages who are interested in pursuing departmental honors should discuss this interest with their advisor, preferably during their junior year.

From the Wheaton College Catalog 2020-2021: Some departments offer departmental honors recognition for high-achieving students within their major(s). Students wishing to pursue departmental honors must achieve the following minimum criteria:

The pursuit of departmental honors is at the discretion of the department and additional requirements may be imposed at the discretion of the department. Students interested in pursuing departmental honors should speak with the chair of their major department. Students who begin an honors thesis but do not qualify for departmental honors upon its completion may appeal via Academic Petition to have the thesis converted to an independent study. Students successfully completing all requirements for departmental honors will have the award noted on their transcript. In order for department honors to be included in the commencement program, the oral defense/thesis must be completed by April 15, and verification received by the Registrar’s Office from the department by April 25.