Communication Honor Societies

Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta Logo Sigil

Lambda Pi Eta is the official Communication Studies Honor Society of the National Communication Association (NCA). Lambda Pi Eta represents what Aristotle described in his book, Rhetoric, as the three ingredients of persuasion:

  • Logos (Lambda) meaning logic
  • Pathos (Pi) relating to emotion and
  • Ethos (Eta) defined as character credibility and ethics

Goals of Lambda Pi Eta

  • Recognize, foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in Communication studies
  • Stimulate interest in the field of Communication
  • Promote and encourage professional development among Communication majors
  • Provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of Communication
  • Establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students
  • Explore options for graduate education in Communication studies

Lambda Pi Eta at Wheaton

Each spring, students are invited to join Lambda Pi Eta after they have satisfied the following criteria:

  • have completed at least 60 semester hours (or at least 90 quarter credit hours) in college
  • have completed at least 12 semester hours (or at least 18 quarter credit hours) of Communication study
  • have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.7 as a Communication major, 3.5 otherwise
  • be currently enrolled as a student in good standing
  • display commitment to the field of Communication

Invitation letters are traditionally issued in the fall. Induction is acknowledged at the Spring Honors Convocation.

For more information, please visit National Communication Assocation Lambda Pi Eta or contact the faculty advisor of Lambda Pi Eta, Emily Langan.

Pi Kappa Delta

Pi Kappa Delta Logo Sigil

Pia Kappa Delta is a Forensics (Public Speaking and Debate) Honor Society for undergraduate university students, and a professional organization for graduates, typically university Speech and Debate coaches.

Pi Kappa Delta (PKD) encourages the education of articulate citizens through a three part focus:

  1. The commitment to and promotion of ethical, humane and inclusive communication and educational practices
  2. The commitment to and promotion of professional development of forensics educators, and
  3. The commitment to and promotion of comprehensive forensics programming.

More than 60,000 men and women have been initiated into PKD. Active chapters are located on more than 200 college and university campuses. Schools in PKD range in size from some of the largest universities to some of the smaller liberal arts colleges, teaching colleges and church-related colleges.

PKD works to advance its goals through several methods:

  • PKD sponsors a National Convention every other year at which time the business of the organization is conducted along with an annual National Tournament in individual events and debate. PKD also hosts a National Honorary Tournament every other year.
  • PKD publishes a refereed journal entitled The Forensic of Pi Kappa Delta. This journal is the oldest national forensic journal and has been a leader in pedagogical research throughout its history.
  • PKD sponsors and co-sponsors programs at the annual National Communication Association (NCA) Convention. In addition, a variety of awards are presented on an annual basis.

For information about Pi Kappa Delta at Wheaton, please contact the faculty advisor of Pi Kappa Delta, Rebecca Sietman.