
Course Communications 373 Workout

"Workout" is the core commitment group of students training to be actors in Arena Theater. Since 1973, this unique model uses auditions for admission, which are held during the second week of Fall semester.

The group varies in size between 30-40 students. Workout meets twice weekly for 75 minutes to work on the basic tools of the actor: vocal, physical and improvisational skills. Attendance is mandatory for individual physical training, acting exercises and group work.

The commitment also includes support of the season both technically and as actors, with upperclassmen assuming responsibility to lead the effort in those areas. While Workout involvement is not a guarantee of casting, it does assume an interest in and availability for acting parts in the season.

In lieu of a Theater major, Workout is what allows Wheaton College an accountability structure to take on the producing responsibilities for Arena Theater’s three-play season. Although there are often many others who are involved in various ways, students who commit to Workout for the year assume the bottom line responsibility for staffing, building and acting in the plays. Without this kind of accountability and commitment, theater as a serious academic and artistic enterprise would not be possible.

Fore more information, please contact the Director of Workout, Mark Lewis.

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