Department of Earth and Environmental Science

Dynamic Rock Cycle Display in Lower Meyer Science CEnter

Explore Our Programs

Learn more about our programs, meet our faculty, learn about scholarships, internships, research opportunities, and more.

Wheaton Student with hands on topographical  map

Geology Program

At Wheaton, we prepare geoscientists and community leaders for a world of expanding knowledge, diminishing natural resources, and rapid environmental change. You will be equipped for graduate studies in earth and environmental sciences or entry-level employment in related fields, including resource development, environmental management, and missions/development. 

Students Exploring Doi Inthanon National Park

Environmental Science Program

Environmental Science is a problem-based discipline that draws on a broad understanding of biology, geology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics to develop holistic solutions to pressing environmental challenges. At Wheaton, all this is integrated under a strong biblical environmental ethic to comprehensively steward the environment that God has entrusted to us.

Wheaton College IL Students on Black Hills Field Trip

Aequitas Fellows Program in Sustainability

The Aequitas Fellows Program in Sustainability offers Wheaton College students a unique, multi-disciplinary opportunity to directly relate their robust Christian liberal arts education to the needs of contemporary society, to develop a personal ethic of creation care, and to practically address global environmental degradation. 

Student on Bear Butte Wheaton in the Black Hills
Study in the Black Hills of South Dakota

Wheaton College Science Station

The Wheaton College Science Station is the home base for the geology program's annual field camp. This camp offers hands-on experience in field methods and regional geology studies for geology and environmental science majors. Through mapping exercises focused on local geological features, students can integrate their understanding of rocks, minerals, and structural and stratigraphic concepts to gain a comprehensive understanding of the regional geology in the Black Hills.


Science Station
Southwest Trek group

Department Opportunities

With state-of-the-art facilities in the Meyer Science Center, our department supports abundant faculty and student research opportunities. The global campus spans from the Black Hills Science Station to institutes in Thailand. Field trips, internships, and seminars provide faculty, students, and alumni with opportunities to collaborate on cutting-edge geoscience inquiries. Post-graduation alumni-led trips enhance experiential learning.

Meyer Science Center - at Wheaton College IL - front


The Meyer Science Center, a LEED gold-certified building, features research labs and an extensive array of environmental equipment. The department houses analytical instrumentation such as X-ray diffractometers and spectrometers, while students benefit from nearby resources like Chicago's zoos and forest preserves. Additionally, the Wheaton College Science Station in the Black Hills offers unique geological study opportunities, including a geology lab with a reference collection and access to iconic geological sites.

Contact-newsletter-covers-with-drop-shadowCONTACT Newsletter

The CONTACT newsletter is published annually to stay connected with our alumni and former students. We feature stories from faculty, staff, and students, news of interest, lists of publications, and other information about what is happening in the department and in the field. Read the latest issue

Meet Our Faculty

Our faculty are published authors, with numerous publications in prestigious journals and books from esteemed presses like Harvard, Cambridge, and Oxford. They cover diverse areas of environmental science, from ecology to urban studies. These accomplished scholars also foster student growth through mentorship, leading to collaborative research and invaluable field experiences.

Charles "Chris" B. Keil, Ph.D., CIH Headshot

Charles "Chris" B. Keil, Ph.D., CIH

Professor of Environmental Science
Andrew Luhmann, Ph.D. Headshot

Andrew Luhmann, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Geology
Kathryn Maneiro, Ph.D. Headshot

Kathryn Maneiro, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Geology
L. Kristen Page, Ph.D. Headshot

L. Kristen Page, Ph.D.

Ruth Kraft Strohschein Distinguished Chair & Professor of Biology
Laura S. Meitzner Yoder, Ph.D. Headshot

Laura S. Meitzner Yoder, Ph.D.

Director and John Stott Chair of Human Needs and Global Resources; Professor of Environmental Studies

Next Steps for Prospective Students

Interested in studying with the Earth and Environmental Science Department at Wheaton? Request more information or start your application today.