EDUC 136L/515L (Cross-Cultural Tutoring)
EDUC 225L/521L (Teacher Aiding)
EDUC 305L/505L (Learning Differences)
EDUC 311L/511L (Elementary Methods)
EDUC 324L/527L (Secondary Methods)
- edTPA Information
- edTPA parent permission slip (English)
- edTPA parent permission slip (Spanish)
- Log of Hours for Methods Practicum
- Methods Evaluation (sample)
- Weekly Activity Report
- Weekly Schedule (SEC/PK-12)
- Weekly Schedule (Alternate)
EDUC 328L (Special Education Practicum A)
EDUC 338L (Special Education Practicum B)
EDUC 405L/507L (Middle Grade Practicum)
- MGP Cooperating Teacher Evaluation
- Glossing Sample
- Letter to Principals
- Middle Grade Practicum Syllabus
- Partner School Agreement
- Middle-Grade Practicum Intention Form
EDUC 496/596 (Student Teaching)
- Clock Hours
- edTPA Information
- edTPA parent permission slip (English)
- edTPA parent permission slip (Spanish)
- Final Evaluation (sample)
- Long Range Plan
- Weekly Activity Report
- Weekly Schedule (ELEM)
- Weekly Schedule (SEC/PK-12)
- Weekly Schedule (Alternate)