Through the certificate reciprocity approach to certification, Alabama recognizes valid professional educator certificates issued by other states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, or the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) as the basis to offer professional certification in Alabama. The certificate(s) presented must be at a degree level, in a teaching field or instructional support area, and at a grade level in which Alabama offers comparable certification. Basic Requirements:
State Reciprocity Requirements
Your One-Stop Resource for Every State in the Union
Visit an interactive map regarding teacher license reciprocity. The article describes the way various states are making it easier to transfer your teaching license.
We have assembled the following information for all 50 states and the District of Columbia:
- State Department of Education Website
- How To Apply Online
- Registration Fees
- Reciprocity with Illinois
- State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Major Districts and Tips For The Districts
- Application Deadlines
- Ideal Times To Apply
- ESL Endorsement Information
Expand the "plus" sign next to the state for which you would like to get more information.
Wheaton College does it best to maintain this information as accurately as possible. However, it is the candidate's responsibility to check all state requirements with the specific department of education they are seeking to transfer their license.
Requirements for the State of Alabama
Visit the Alabama State Website
Helpful Links
Apply for Your Out of State Certificate
- Completed Out of State Certificate Form. This form details out step by step what to send in, how and where.
- Background Clearance (if not previously cleared)
- Valid Professional Educator Certificate issued by another state
- Verification of specific educational experience in grades P-12 for areas of instructional support (educational administration, school counseling, etc.)
- Verification of US Citizenship or Lawful Presence
- Official transcripts of all credits and degrees earned (must hold at least a master’s degree for areas of instructional support)
- Degrees must be from a regionally accredited senior institution.
Registration Fees
- $30 Application fee (an additional $30 fee is required for each area of certification for which an individual is eligible)
- Required background clearance/fingerprinting fee is $48.15 for residents and $56.15 for non-Alabama residents
- Fingerprinting Information
Reciprocity with Illinois
- The applicant must hold a valid professional certificate issued by another state and meet all background clearance, tests, and experiential requirements for reciprocity to occur. Someone who has completed a teacher education program at a college but has not been certified cannot expect reciprocity.
Additional Endorsements (found on page 6 of the Out of State Certificate Form)
- Some states issue professional educator certificates in areas of certification designated as “In-Field,” “Supplemental,” “Endorsement,” or “Add-On,” which are contingent upon the individual holding a valid base professional educator certificate in that state. Certificate reciprocity for In-Field, Supplemental, Endorsement, or Add-On areas provides recognition for those areas if Alabama offers an area of comparable professional educator certification
- If the Educator Certification Section determines an applicant is eligible for an area of Alabama certification based on an In-Field, Supplemental, Endorsement, or Add-On area held in another state, to have that area of certification issued in Alabama, the applicant must meet Alabama’s current Praxis Subject Assessment (content knowledge) for the area. a. Test requirements will be individually prescribed by the Educator Certification Section when eligibility for certification has been determined. Individuals who choose to test prior to receiving a letter of eligibility from the Educator Certification Section do so at their own risk.
Major Districts
- A list of all Alabama districts
- Largest Districts: Mobile, Jefferson,Montgomery, Baldwin, Birmingham City, and Huntsville City.
- Current Size District Size Ranking
Tips for Major Districts
- A job application can be sent out to every district in the state, for free, on the Alabama State Department of Education website.
Application Deadlines
- Most applications close the last week of December (about 7 days before the position begins, which is often in January).
Ideal times to apply
- During fall semester or before the end of December.
Related Blogs
- Must complete these steps:
- Earn a degree in ESL Education from an approved educator preparation program
- Pass the praxis II: English to Speakers of Other Languages Exam
- Renew Your ESL Teaching Certification
Special Education
- Licensure Requirements:
- The specific job openings on the web portal for the Alabama State Department of Education provides information about the requirements for working as a special educator in Alabama. The ALSDE requires teachers to have completed a bachelor’s degree and a teacher preparation program, which can be done concurrently at select institutions. All degrees and certificates earned must be from accredited institutions.
- A teaching certification program, or a graduate degree, in education, or special education, qualifies a candidate to teach in Alabama, provided that it includes all courses and fieldwork required by the ALSDE.
- A master’s or a doctorate degree in education can qualify candidates for an advanced level of licensure. Graduate students who hold general education degrees or certificates can pursue a special education endorsement program.
Requirements for the State of Alaska
Helpful links for
Apply Online
- Online Application
- You have 25 days to complete that application. School districts can see your application even if it’s not completed. Once you completely apply online through Alaska Teacher Placement, your application becomes immediately available to all 47 school districts, but to apply to the Big Five, you must import your application to their job bank databases (visit for more information on this)
- Fee description from the Alaska Department of Education and Family Development website
- Initial Teacher Certificate $200, no personal checks or cash, non-refundable
- The state of Alaska requires educators to take a state approved course in Alaska Studies and one in Multicultural/Cross-Cultural Communication
- All teacher and administrator candidates must be fingerprinted and pass an FBI background screening
- All teachers must have a valid Alaska teaching certificate if teaching in the public school district
- Must pass a Basic Competency Exam and a Praxis II Content Area Exam. There are prep tests you can take.
- More information on teacher education reciprocity
- Teachers certified in another state to receive a one-year, Tier I Initial certificate (can occasionally be renewed for 2 one-year terms); Requires passing the Basic Competency Exam.
- Interstate Reciprocity: program that offers teachers certified in other states to get an Alaska teaching credential
- Contact the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development to inquire about your specific situation.
- Once that certificate is expired, you must apply for a Tier II (Professional or Master) Certificate
- If your test scores from the Illinois Certification Testing System meet Alaska’s score requirements, you pass the Basic Competency Exam (score requirements can be found on the Alaska Education and Family Development website)
- Initial Certificates are non-renewable in most cases. All holders of Initial Certificates have to complete the requirements for a Professional or Master Certificate during the validity period of their Initial certificate.
- More information on getting certified
Major Districts
- ”THE BIG 5”: Anchorage Public Schools, Kenai-Peninsula Borough School District, Mat-Su Borough School District, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, and Juneau School District
- Alaska Districts and Schools Information
Application Dates
- You can apply online at anytime
- Applications are normally processed about two days after they are submitted and reviewed for a final time two and a half weeks later
- Most apply in June, July, or August, but it is recommended one applies at least three months prior to the contract start date
Special Education
- If you wish to teach special education, you must (in addition to meeting other requirements for teacher certification) secure an endorsement based upon completion of an approved teacher training program in special education
- If you wish to teach preschool children with special needs and are not eligible for an endorsement in preschool special education, you must have completed at least six (6) semester hours in early childhood special education in addition to holding a teaching certificate with a special education endorsement (this does not constitute an endorsement in Early Childhood Special Education)
- How to Become a Special Education Teacher in Alaska
ELL Requirements
- Major or Minor in ESL, earn a degree in TESOL, apply for certificate with ESL endorsement, renewal fee is $125, every five years. Alaska ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
(Updated Fall 2019)
Requirements for the State of Arizona
Application Forms
- Cannot apply online. Download forms and follow instructions.
- Initial Certification Form
Registration Fees
- All certificates, endorsements, and approved areas are $60
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Forms and information
- No fingerprint reciprocity
- Illinois exams waive the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA)
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- A fingerprint application
Major Districts
- Mesa USD
- Tucson USD
Tips for Major Districts
- Info on employment opportunities for certified teachers and other jobs in the Mesa district
- Mesa Online Application and Job Listings
- Info on employment opportunities for certified teachers and other jobs within the Tucson USD
- Tucson Job Listings (the online Application link is on the bottom of the page when you click on a job)
Application Deadlines
- By closing dates listed next to the job after clicking on the job (varies depending on the job)
Ideal Times to Apply
- Dates can be found on the job listing sites above for the major school districts in AZ.
- Otherwise, no specific dates found although March/April seem to be talked about quite a bit.
Tips from Graduates in the State
- None that I know of.
Related Blogs
Special Education
Requirements for the State of Arkansas
Registration Fees
- 5 Year Standard: $75
- 5 Year Renewal: $75
- Duplicate: $50
- 5 Year Technical Permit: $75
Reciprocity with Illinois
Apply for reciprocity by submitting an application, official transcripts, a copy of current or expired out of state educator’s license, and verification of one of the following, if applicable: Any basic skills, content area, and pedagogy testing required for the out of state license; Documentation of three years licensed teaching experience; or a National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certification; 3 hours Arkansas History course for Elementary and for Secondary Social Studies
Major Districts
- Little Rock
- Springdale
- Pulaski County Special
- Rogers
- Bentonville
- Fort Smith
Tips for Major Districts
- Tips for applying in the Larger Districts: None specifically; just check the individual district site for applications
Application Deadlines
- Most deadlines are until the job is filled
Ideal times to apply
- End or beginning of school year
Related Blogs
- How to Get a Teaching License in Arkansas
Special Ed Requirements
- Complete all course work, with a 2.50 G.P.A., required for special education, identified by the Arkansas Department of Education and reflected on the Additional Licensure Plan. There is an application for K-4th and 4th-12th.
- Pass required Praxis II exam
ESL Requirements:- Complete a state-approved educator preparation program
- Pass the required PRAXIS examinations
- Apply for a provisional and standard teaching license
- Gain credits to qualify for an ESL endorsement
Requirements for the State of California
- Apply Online
- Credentialing Information
- All positions
*These pages provide information for teachers prepared outside of California. Credential requirements, information on examinations, and approved educator preparation programs are presented here. In addition, application materials can be found online. Provides an outline of requirements for individuals seeking alternative certification
Registration Fees
Fee information for residents of California and out-of-state applicants - Basic application fee: $100 - Additional information on fingerprint processing fees
- Out-of-state fingerprint fee $49.00
Reciprocity with Illinois
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential (CL-561)
- Requirements for teachers prepared outside of CA
- If applying with less than two years experience
- basic skills test must be passed
- applicant must hold a baccalaureate degree
- must submit photocopy of teaching credential
ELLs Certification
Special Education
- Information provided on jobs, financial aid, and credentials required for special education
- Information on teaching programs for special ed
- Resource for teachers regarding special education resources in-state
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- complete a commissioned approved general education induction program
- obtain an ELD authorization
- Multiple Subject Teaching Credential (CL-561)
Major Districts
In order of rank:
- Los Angeles Unified
- San Diego Unified
- Long Beach Unified
- Fresno Unified
- Elk Grove Unified
- List of smallest and largest districts
Tips for Major Districts
- School directory based on county
- Application deadlines:
must be completed three weeks before applying to a school
recommended application time is before summer (processing time may be longer due to influx of applicants)
Ideal Times to Apply
- March/April before school year begins in the fall
Tips from Graduates in the State
“Unfortunately, California has NO reciprocity with any state, however, ‘some licensure can be granted to out-of-state applicants based on a variety of different conditions, but candidates must complete some extra coursework tests.’”
Story from a Wheaton Graduate
“After attaining a diploma from Wheaton and an IL teaching certificate, all I did to obtain my California teaching certificate (preliminary Multiple Subject) was to apply for it by sending in a bunch of paperwork including transcripts from Wheaton and get a livescan (fancy fingerprints). Then I waited for 3 months for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to get back to me, and finally, they emailed me to confirm I had been issued my CA certification. My "Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential" does NOT have a CLAD certification embedded into it. Most, if not all, programs in California include classes that make you CLAD certified. However, since I did not earn my certificate here in California, I still do not have a CLAD certificate. With that said, I would strongly recommend anyone interested in teaching in California to complete CLAD prior to applying post-graduation of Wheaton.”
*Depending on the specific type of certification you wish to be issued, the rules vary.
**As of September 1, 2008, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing no longer prints or provides a paper copy as an official document.
What Wheaton Graduate Recommends to Wheaton Grads
- California accepts the TAP in lieu of the CBEST. Refer to this document for information on how to use the TAP instead.
- Get the CLAD/CTEL or BCLAD certification - Most public schools in CA require this for full-time teacher candidates.
- Register on the teacher employment website.
- Apply to schools (many vacancies are available in middle school math/science or special education).
- Consider applying for a job like an instructional assistant for one year to network and get into a district that you like.
- Network with any and every teacher you come in contact with in California! Teachers LOVE to help new teachers in any way they can.
- If you know what you want to get a Master's Degree, then start a Master’s program the fall after graduation from Wheaton (Cal State Long Beach or Cal State Fullerton are highly recommended by most current teachers if you’re in Southern California. San Jose State is a good option for Northern California. National University is a good option if you would like to do an online program).
- If you graduate from Wheaton WITHOUT a teaching certificate, but wish to teach in CA., consider applying for the M.A.T. with Teacher Credential - a one year master's program combined with a teacher credential offered at University of California, at Irvine (UCI)
Helpful information about CA teacher certification:
- CBEST - Wheaton graduates who wish to become a substitute in CA public schools must pass CBEST (CA version of the IL Basic Skills Test). Private schools recommend but do not necessarily require it if you have IL certification.
- Any teacher candidate who graduated from a CA teacher credentialing program typically has passed the following 3 tests: the CBEST, CCET & RICA
- Out-of-state teaching candidates (outside of CA) are required to pass the CBEST prior to substitute teaching
- (B)CLAD certification - The (Bilingual) Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) certificate.
- To complete CLAD certificate you MUST have a CA teaching credential.
- Most CA public schools require teachers to have CLAD certification (BCLAD is optional), which is now embedded into the CA preliminary multiple subject credential However, if you were certified in Illinois, then you must take the CTEL- California Teachers of English Learners exam OR complete the 12-credit CTEL/CLAD certification program available online or at various CA state universities
- More information
- BTSA -Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment - 1st and 2nd year teachers must complete
- All teachers in CA start with preliminary. In order to get a cleared credential you must complete a 2 year program called BTSA (if you are a classified employee you do not have to complete in consecutive years but if you are credentialed (full-time) you must complete in consecutive years).
- BTSA - Home Page
- BTSA - Frequently Asked Questions
Related Blogs
- Blog maintained by the California Teachers Association
- Blog for California teachers by California teachers
Requirements for the State of Colorado
State Department of Education website
Registration fees
Initial Teacher License: In-State is $90, Out-of-State is $110, license expires 3 years from date of issue
Reciprocity with Illinois
State Requirements
- Holds a bachelor's or higher degree from an accepted, regionally accredited institution of higher education.
- Has completed an approved teacher preparation program at an accepted institute of higher education.
- Has provided an approved program verification form.
- Has submitted a complete application for licensure, including official transcripts, associated fees, and other supporting documentation.
- Has demonstrated professional competencies in the subject areas by completing 24 semester hours of course credit as demonstrated through transcript evaluation, or passage of the Colorado State Board of Education-approved content assessment relevant to the area of endorsement sought.
Note: All elementary education teachers and special education generalists must pass the Colorado State Board of Education-approved elementary education content exam. - Fingerprint necessary
- Requirements for a Colorado Initial Teacher License
Major Districts
Tips for Major Districts
Application Deadlines
- Different for each job listing
Ideal times to apply
- Before the current school year ends
- FAQs
Related Blogs
Special Education
Enroll in Colorado teacher prep program after bachelor degree, seek program that leads to endorsement the area of special education (reciprocity?). Educators who wish to teach in special education settings can add endorsements to their teaching licenses in the areas of Special Education Generalist, Special Education Specialist (ages 5-21), Special Education Specialist: Visually Impaired (Birth-21) and Special Education Specialist: Deaf/Hard of Hearing (Birth-21). The endorsement section of the CDE website delineates the requirements and procedures for adding these endorsements.
Requirements for the State of Connecticut
State department of education website
- Access the Connecticut Educator Certification System (C.E.C.S.)
- Apply online (state): (can apply online here, but may need to send in some paperwork via mail)
Reciprocity with Illinois
- YES- but depends on qualifications and experience, may still need to complete specific testing and licensure requirements more information about that:
- Connecticut Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
At least 36 hours of credit in which shall include study in understanding the growth and development of exceptional children, including handicapped and gifted and talented children and children who may require special education, and methods of identifying, planning for and working effectively with special-needs children in the regular classroom.
- Approved Courses for Special Education
- Connecticut ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Praxis I: Pre Professional Skills Test
- Praxis II: Subject Tests in your specialty area
- Obtaining Connecticut Educator Certification
Major districts
- Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Stamford, Norwalk
Tips for major districts
- Can apply online for most major districts
- Example: Bridgeport Public Schools
Application deadlines
- Most deadlines are January 1st, but check specific listings for deadlines
Ideal times to apply
- December
Related Blogs
Requirements for the State of Delaware
Apply online (state)
Registration fees
Beginning January 15, 2016, a one-time non-refundable fee of $100 will be charged to educators applying for their first license in Delaware (Initial, Continuing, or Advanced). The applicant must also meet certification requirements prior to a license being issued. The fee will be retained by the State of Delaware whether or not the transaction results in the issuance of a license and certificate.
Reciprocity with Illinois
- For teachers with out of state certification
- Educators who hold a full and current license/certificate in another U.S. state (including District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico) will receive a comparable Delaware license/certificate.
- They do not accept endorsements however.
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- *New version of the Health Education Test with a new code of 551, the test is similar to last years, but the scores are reported on a different scale
- Teaching and Leading in Delaware
- PRAXIS I scores of 150 to 190 and PRAXIS I Computerized Pre Professional Skills scores of 150 to 190, with passing scores of: reading, 175, mathematics, 174, writing, 173. OR SAT scores 540 in Math 560 in Verbal
ELL Endorsement
Special Ed
- Certification Application can be found here. More information can be found at How to Become a Special Education Teacher in Delaware
Major Districts
- Christina, Red Clay CSD, Brandywine, Colonial, Indian River, Caesar Rodney, Capital, Appoquinimink, Cape Henlopen, Milford
Application Deadlines
- The priority deadline to receive all application materials is 4:30 p.m. on March 19th, 2015. Applicants who apply after the priority deadline will be considered to the extent that funding is available.
Related Blogs
Requirements for the State of Florida
State Department of Education Website
Helpful Links For
- Types of Certification and Requirements
- Employment Opportunities
- Florida Teaching Certification
- Educator Certification
Apply Online
Registration Fees
- $75 first time application fee with either Visa or Mastercard
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Reciprocity for Out-of-state Teachers and Administrators
- The subject/s shown on your certificate must be considered comparable to a subject/s issued in Florida (comparable subjects can be seen on their website
- If you hold a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certificate, you can be granted a Florida Teaching Certificate and will be issued a comparable subject, which can be found at the Florida Department of Education website.
You must pass:
- the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) General Knowledge (GK) test ($130)
- the FTCE Professional Education Test, which is a test of pedagogy and professional practices for educators ($150)
Major Districts
- School District Data
- Counties: Dade, Broward, Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach
Tips for Major Districts
Application Dates
- Your application is valid for one year, and is evaluated once all your materials have been sent in
- Application deadlines vary by district
Special Education
Requirements for the State of Georgia
Apply Online (State)
Registration Fees
- $20 for out of state, free for instate
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Yes but does not accept out of state concentration.
- Georgia Professional Standards Commission - Educator Certification Division
- Georgia Professional Standards Commission - Out-of-State Educators
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Given three years to meet Georgia specific standards
- Must have course work in special education
- Does not accept PRAXIS II scores, you must take the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) or pass one of the following: SAT - 1000 on Verbal and Math, ACT - 43 on English and Math, ICTS - used in Illinois -
- Has Reading, Language Arts, Math, and Writing subareas with scoring done as one test with 4 subareas; Must have a 240 score to pass and must score at or above each of the minimum allowable test subarea scores
Major Districts
- Gwinnett Co.
- DeKalb Co.
- Cobb Co.
- Fulton Co.
- Atlanta City
Tips for Major Districts
Application deadlines
- Applications viewed on a rolling basis based on when they receive all your materials
- Online Teaching Programs in Georgia
Special Education Requirements
Requirements for the State of Hawai'i
State Department of Education website
How to Apply
- The Hawai'i State Department of Education website provides lots of information about applying and available opportunities, to apply you must create an online profile
- Licensure Test Requirements
- There will be an application fee of $25 for initial licenses and permits.
- There will be a $2 online processing fee per transaction. HTSB does not retain this transaction fee.
- Permit and license fees are $54 a year.
Online Licensing System
- Create a profile
- Submit verification that you completed a State Approved Teacher Education Program (SATEP)
- If you completed a SATEP in Hawaii since 2002, your institution will verify your teacher education program completion directly to HTSB, and you do not have to submit the Institutional Recommendation.
- If you completed a non-U.S. SATEP, submit an evaluation of your foreign transcript from a transcript evaluation company that is a member of NACES with your application.
- Find an Evaluation Agency
- Submit passing scores for meeting basic skills competency at the Hawai'i Teacher Standards Board
Registration Fees
- $250 for 5 year license
Reciprocity with Illinois
- If you were licensed for the first time in another state within the last five years:
- Submit your license application online or download and submit the paper application for the Standard Hawai'i Teaching License.
- Submit a copy of your out of state teaching license to HTSB.
- Earn a degree in the field of ESL Education
- Pass Hawaii’s Required Tests
- Apply for an ESL Teaching License
- Renew your Hawaii ESL Teaching License
Special Education Requirements
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- They accept SAT scores, Pre-Professional Skills Test scores, and National Teacher’s Examination scores
- PPST Math: 173
- SAT Math: 560
- PPST Reading: 172
- SAT Reading: 530
- NTA Communication Skills: 651
- NTA General Knowledge: 647
Major Districts
- There is only one school district
Application Deadlines
- Hiring continues beyond the start of the school year into the second semester of the school year. We accept applications for all subject areas year-round.
Ideal Times to Apply
- You can apply for a position with an out of state license but must obtain a Hawaii state license within 3 years and show that you are actively pursuing one.
- Avg. Elem. Teacher Salary: $49,030
- Avg. Sec. Teacher Salary: $48,070
- Teacher Retention: 89%
- Average Admin. Salary: $89,480
- Vacation Wks/Yr: 15
Requirements for the State of Idaho
State Department of Education website
Apply online (state)
- There is no online application, so the application packet for certification must be mailed in.
- A complete list of the necessary forms, documents, and information about the application process can be found at the Idaho State Department of Education website..
- The link to the applications is also on their website.. All materials should be mailed, along with the application fee, to the address listed at the bottom of the page for out-of-state educators.
Registration Fees
- $75 - Application Fee
- $32 - Fingerprint Card Processing Fee
- Any Praxis II test fees
Reciprocity with Illinois
Yes, but any applicant must still complete the application process found here. An institutional recommendation is required for all out-of-state applications, unless they have at least 2 years of certified teaching experience.
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Background Check:
- Obtain a fingerprint card.
- Once you receive the card, have your fingerprints rolled at a local police department or sheriff’s office
- Send the card, fee, and forms with the rest of your application.
- Specific Praxis II Test requirements for Idaho can be found on the ETS Praxis website..
- Note: Application for licensure requires photocopy of out-of-state license to be notarized
Major Districts
- Boise Independent School District
- West Ada School District
Tips for Major Districts
- You can search for education jobs throughout Idaho on the SchoolSpring website.
- Boise City Public Schools website can be found here.
- Boise City Public Schools Job Postings:
- Boise City Public Schools Employment Applications Info:
- Employment opportunities for Meridian Joint Public Schools District 2 can be found here. Make an employment profile and apply for jobs in Joint Public School District 2 (West Ada)
Application Deadlines
- Certification: varies depending on specific certificate (check for certificate-specific info at their website)
- Jobs: Varies depending on the job selected on the job list (the closing date is listed to the right of the job listing links)
Ideal Times to Apply
- No specific times
Related Blogs
Must complete these steps:
- earn at least a bachelor’s degree in ESL Education
- pass the required tests
- apply to become an ESL Teacher in Idaho
- renew your ESL Teaching Certificate
Special Ed
Licensure Requirements:
- At the undergraduate level, students can enroll in a bachelor’s degree program in education; however, they will need to complete a teacher preparation program with an endorsement or emphasis in their chosen area of special education to meet state licensure requirements
- College graduates must complete a special education teaching certification program that meets the standards of both the Idaho State Board of Education and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, or pursue a master’s degree that includes the special education coursework required for state certification
- Candidates who hold a valid teaching credential from another state can apply for the Certificate/Credential for Out-of-State Applicants; however, their current credential must be from a teacher preparation program that meets the standards of the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and has State Board of Education (SBOE) approval. For the most up-to-date requirements, see the SDE’s Certificate/Credential for Out-of State Candidates guidelines.
- Boise State University’s Department of Special Education and Early Childhood Studies offers several degree programs for individuals pursuing a career in special education.
Requirements for the State of Illinois
State Department of Education website
Helpful Websites
- Illinois State Board of Education - Educator Licensure
- For renewal and reinstatement
- For education preparation providers and stakeholders
Apply Online (State)
- Educator Licensure application
Registration Fees
- $100.00 application fee for each educator certificate
- $150.00 if education prep is from out of state
- $50.00 for each subsequent endorsement application (includes ELL endorsement)
- $10.00 per year registration fee for the course of the validity cycle
- Illinois ESL Teacher Job Description and Certification Requirements
- Requirements for TESOL Certification include: baccalaureus degree (along with educator prep program), pass the TAP, APT, and edTPA tests, maintain license by renewing every five years
Special Education
- How to Become a Special Education Teacher in Illinois
- Illinois has a higher than average level of need for special educators
- Needs to meet ISBE requirements
- How to Become a Special Education Teacher in Illinois
Major Districts
- Chicago Public Schools (CPS)
- CPS has a principal-driven hiring process (each principal will interview and offer positions directly to the candidate)
- Internal and external candidates are encouraged to use the CPS TAM system to search for vacancies within the district.
- Once principals have interviewed and made their selections, there are several pre-employment requirements for candidates, including successful completion of a drug screening, a fingerprint-based background check, and a TB test
Tips for Major Districts
Application Deadlines
- ELIS account applications vary on time to be received and issued
- Educator license (PEL) renewal must be completed by August 31st (penalty fee $500)
Requirements for the State of Indiana
State Department of Education website
Registration Fees
- Mastercard and Visa only
- $35 for initial evaluation of credentials
- $35 to issue license
- Required Praxis tests: $50-$150
- Extra subjective fees for CPR/AED/Heimlich maneuver certification and Suicide Prevention Training certification
Apply Online
Reciprocity with Illinois
- f you hold a valid teaching license in another state, Indiana may grant you a one year Reciprocal Permit while you complete your deficiencies
- All applicants for initial licensure of any type must show proof of valid CPR/AED/Heimlich certification
- As of July, 2013, all applications must also have completed Suicide Prevention Training certification
- Pass the Praxis II tests for the content areas that appear on their licenses (required tests information and qualifying scores can be found on their website)
Major School Districts
Indianapolis, Fort Wayne Community, Evansville Vanderburgh, South Bend Community, Hamilton Southeastern, MSD Wayne Township, Vigo County, Carmel Clay, MSD Lawrence Township, MSD Perry Township
Steps to follow
- Obtain a degree in teaching ESL
- take your Pedagogy and ESL exams
- Apply for your Indiana Teacher’s License
- Fulfill your continuing education requirements to renew your license
Special Education
Licensure Requirements
For undergraduates, the typical route to an Initial License entails completing a state-approved teacher preparation program at a university, online or in a hybrid format. Most teachers-to-be complete a teacher preparation program after earning a bachelor’s degree, but select Indiana institutions offer undergraduate courses of study in education and special education that allow students to simultaneously earn a bachelor’s degree and an Indiana teaching license.
For graduates, they can enter a state-approved certification-only teacher preparation program in the area in which they wish to teach, or may complete a master’s or doctorate degree in education or special education. A graduate student should confirm with with his or her university and the IDOE that an advanced degree program contains the coursework and field experience required to qualify for licensure in Indiana.
Candidates holding valid teaching licenses from states outside of Indiana can apply for a one-year Reciprocal Permit by submitting their information through Indiana’s Licensing Verification and Information System. Holders of these permits have one year to satisfy any additional IDOE requirements to convert their permits to regular Indiana teaching licenses. The IDOE has similar policies for non-U.S. graduates, with the additional requirement of submitting documentation of credentials to one of several evaluation agencies to determine that those credentials are comparable to those required in Indiana.
Requirements for the State of Iowa
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
- Application can be done online, but background and fingerprinting require ordering the background packet and then being printed at a law enforcement center near your home using fingerprint cards in the packet.
- Or, if possible, you can be fingerprinted at the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners in Des Moines for more expedient processing
Registration Fees
- $223 total
- Application fee: $85
- transcript evaluation: $60
- background fee: $75
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Yes, but you must submit an application for licensure
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Iowa Mandated Tests (New requirement as of January 1, 2013; not sure where testing information can be found)
- Pedagogy Test
- Content Test
- Background Check: Orders for background checks are through the application, and it must be taken to your local law enforcement office to be completed.
To Search for Jobs
- Statewide
- Des Moines
- Cedar Rapids
Special Education
Blogs of Teachers in the State
Requirements for the State of Kansas
State Department of Education website
For Initial Licensure in Kansas, all candidates must
- Have a Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university
- Complete an approved program of teacher education
- Recency: applicant must have 8 credit hours or one year of accredited teaching experience completed within the last 6 years
- Pass The Praxis Series™ tests for their licensure area
- The Kansas Praxis Test Requirement page
- Choose which of the four Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) you should take. The qualifying score is 160.
- Choose an additional test if you desire a specific areas of licensure. The qualifying scores vary for each area.
- Submit the appropriate licensure form and fees
- Fees for these tests range from $50 to $160.
- Licensure forms/directions for out-of-state and out-of-country licensees can be found at: under Form 2.
- The state of Kansas requires a fingerprint card to receive a license.
- Application processing time is 6-8 weeks
- Kansas requires your name, address, date of birth and Social Security number (SSN) to process educator licensure paperwork.
School Districts
Kansas’s largest school district: Wichita
- Website:
- Enrollment: 51,133
- Graduation Rate: 75.3%
- Number of Schools: 93
- Student Demographics:
- White – 33%
- Black – 19%
- Native American/Alaskan – 1%
- Asian – 4%
- Multi-racial- 8%
- Hispanic – 34%
Special Ed
- Complete a bachelor degree and educator preparation program
- Pass pedagogy and content area exams
- Apply for your Kansas teaching license
- Maintain and upgrade your Kansas teaching license. For more info, go here
Requirements for the State of Kentucky
Registration Fees
A $50 money order or certified check made payable to the "Kentucky State Treasurer" or applicants may also use EPSB "E-Pay" online payment service to pay certification fees once the completed application has been mailed.
Reciprocity with Illinois
Candidates Trained Out-of State will need the following:
- A completed a CA-1 application
- Forward this application to your college for the completion of Section IV on page 5 of the CA-1 application.
- Passing Praxis II Specialty Area test scores for EACH area of certification* and the Principles of Learning and Teaching test score for appropriate grade range. More Information on the Praxis test
- Have Section II completed by your superintendent, if you have out-of-state teaching experience.
- A $50 money order or certified check made payable to the "Kentucky State Treasurer" or applicants may also use EPSB "E-Pay" online payment service to pay certification fees once the completed application has been mailed.
- Have OFFICIAL transcripts of all college and graduate coursework sent to:
Division of Certification Education Professional Standards Board
100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor
Frankfort, KY 4060
Additional Information
Out-of-state applicants must have completed a state approved teacher preparation program at a regionally accredited educator preparation institution or a state-approved alternative training program. In addition, candidates must comply with the state ancillary requirements such as GPA, testing and internship.
Internship Information
- Website
- *If you have had 2 years of out-of-state teaching experience, you do not have to take the tests.
- Praxis I Score Requirements:
- Reading – 156
- Writing – 162
- Math – 150
- More information
- Contact Info:
100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Phone: (502) 564-4606
Fax: (502) 564-7080
Toll Free: (888) 598-7667
- Kentucky ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Steps:
- Take the coursework required for your ESL Endorsement
- Pass the praxis II ESL exam
- Apply for your Kentucky Teacher’s License
- Maintain your ESL Endorsement through professional development
Special Education
- Kentucky Department of Education - Special Education Services
- How to Become a Special Education Teacher in Kentucky
Licensure Requirements
- For undergraduates, Kentucky’s Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) oversees all matters concerning certification, as delineated on its website. Aspiring special educators must complete a teacher preparation program, verify one year of teaching experience at the relevant grade level, pass qualification exams and submit official transcripts to qualify for a teaching license. The teaching preparation program can be completed at the undergraduate level, as long as the course of study meets all Kentucky requirements for licensure, including student teaching or another form of supervised, mentored instruction.
- Choices for graduates interested in teaching students with special needs include enrolling in a non-degree teacher preparation program that emphasizes the area of focus in which they wish to teach (such as special education), or obtaining a graduate degree in education or special education that also awards a Kentucky teaching license.
- Reciprocity
The EPSB grants reciprocity to out-of-state applicants who have completed teaching credential programs and alternative teacher training programs at accredited institutions outside of Kentucky. These candidates must also pass state-required tests; however, the full requirements for licensure may be waived for out-of-state teachers who have two years of teaching experience in the same subject area and grade level in which they earned their out-of-state certificate. Applicants with foreign academic backgrounds and professional experience must meet the same requirements as those who studied in other states. In addition, they must submit all academic records and degrees to an approved evaluation agency.
Major Districts
- Kentucky’s largest school district: Jefferson County Public Schools
- Website
- Students: 100,000+
- Schools: 89 elementary, 23 middle, 19 high, and 24 other specialized learning centers
- Demographics of students: Kentucky Education Facts
- White – 76.8%
- African American – 10.5%
- Hispanic – 6.8%
- Asian – 1.8%
- Hawaiian/Pacific Islander – 0.1%
- Native American – 0.1%
- Two or More Races – 3.9%
Requirements for the State of Louisiana
State Department of Education website
Contact Information
LA Department of Education
Division of Certification, Preparation, & Recruitment
P. O. Box 94064
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9064
Phone Toll Free: 1-877-453-2721
Helpful Links for
Registration Fees
- $50 Initial Certification
- For more information
- Louisiana offers two types of teaching certificates to applicants holding a standard out-of-State teaching certificate. Both are valid certificates and make the holder eligible for a teaching assignment in a Louisiana classroom. The certificate that is issued to the applicant depends on whether or not the applicant has met Louisiana’s Praxis* and/or NTE testing requirements.
- Level 1 Professional Certificate is a standard, three-year Louisiana teaching certificate that authorizes certification for the levels or subjects available in Louisiana and that are consistent with those currently on the applicant’s Out-of-State teaching certificate. A Level 1 certificate is issued to individuals who have completed the Louisiana PRAXIS and/or NTE requirements.
- Out-of-State Certificate is a standard, three-year, non-renewable Louisiana teaching certificate that authorizes certification for the levels or subjects available in Louisiana and that are consistent with those currently on the applicant’s Out-of-State teaching certificate. An Out-of- State certificate is issued to individuals who have not met Louisiana’s PRAXIS and/or NTE requirements.
- Information on being EXEMPT from Praxis.
- Further information on Praxis scores.
- More general information on LA teaching requirements, including Praxis.
Major Districts
- Top 10 Districts by Enrollment
- Jefferson
- East Baton Rouge
- Caddo
- St. Tammany
- Calcasieu
- Lafayette
- Livingston
- Rapides
- Bossier
- Ascension
- List of all Louisiana Districts
ELL Requirements
- Obtain LA teacher’s license
- Add ESL endorsement
- Meet LA requirements for renewing your license
Special Education
- Bachelor’s degree in education or an area of special education
- Apply for a Level I Professional Certificate
- 180 hours of field experience in Louisiana classrooms, as well as
- One semester of student teaching or a teaching internship
Tips for Major Districts
A complete Application Packet has
- Out-of-State Application for Teaching Certificate with all information provided
- Official transcripts (copies not acceptable)
Transcripts may be sent electronically by your college or university to
Mailed transcripts must be sent to Division of Certification, Preparation, & Recruitment, LA Department of Education, P. O. Box 94064, Baton Rouge, LA, 70804-9064 - Copy of the teaching certificate you currently hold from another state, or letter from that state’s Department of Education verifying eligibility for a certificate in the area(s) of program completion
- Institutional/Private Provider Recommendation form to be completed only if your transcript does not provide clear evidence of a student teaching or internship experience
- School Experience Verification form signed by the appropriate employing authority is required for individuals who did not complete student teaching or an internship. The form is submitted to provide evidence of three years of successful teaching experience in the area of certification being requested in lieu of student teaching
- Professional Conduct form with all questions answered and signed and dated by the applicant
- Original Praxis/NTE score report (if applicable) and
- $50.00 non-refundable certification processing fee (check or money order, payable to the Louisiana Department of Education)
Application Deadlines
Tips from Grads in this State
Related Blogs
Requirements for the State of Maine
State Department of Education website
Apply online (state)
Application Process
To apply for initial certification evaluation, you must:
- complete page 1 of the application
- enclose an official transcript of your undergraduate (showing bachelor's degree and date conferred ‑ required for all endorsements and certificates except career and technical education teacher endorsements) and graduate transcripts (if applicable)
- if you hold certification in another state, submit a copy of your teacher or educational specialist certificate from that state
- list the certificate or endorsement code and the grade level on application
- enclose appropriate non-refundable fee, and
- include an explanation of questions answered with "YES".
Please submit all of your application materials together in one package. Incomplete applications will be returned.
Your package should include:
- A completed and signed application, list the code and grade level on the application
- Official graduate and undergraduate transcripts showing courses, degree and date conferred
- Foreign transcript evaluation (if applicable)
- ETS scores, if applicable
- Where applicable, a copy of out‑of‑state teaching certificate, Maine RN license (524), driver's license and driver education license issued by the Secretary of State (530), or NCSP or Maine psychologist license (093)
- Appropriate non-refundable fee; and If you answered yes, your explanation and, if necessary, court documents.
Registration Fees
- Initial Teacher/Educational Specialist Certificate: $100
- Each Additional Teacher Endorsement (beyond initial endorsement): $35
- Initial Administrators: $200
- Administrative Portfolios Reviews (In addition to the initial $200): $300
Reciprocity with Illinois
Yes, but it has specific coursework it wants you to finish before being licensed. Make sure you have at least a bachelor’s degree in education and that your coursework fulfills Maine’s requirements.
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Reciprocity is a case by case basis, must submit a copy of out of state teaching certificate.
- Fingerprints must be submitted
- Info on fingerprinting
Major Districts
- Falmouth
- Cumberland and Chebeague Island
- North Yarmouth
- Average Elementary Salary: $45,420
- Average Secondary Salary: $47,340
- Maine ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Earn a degree in TESOL
- Pass required tests
- Apply for TESOL certification
- Maintain and renew TESOL certification
Special Education
Requirements for the State of Maryland
Requirements for the State of website
If you hold an active or expired professional certificate from another state, have completed an educator preparation program and have two years of satisfactory teaching experience, submit the following:
- Official transcript(s), which must show the degree and date of conferral, if applicable. Student copies in an unopened mailer are also acceptable.
- A photocopy of your out of state professional certificate (may be current or expired)
- Original Verification of Experience form(s). Form must indicate satisfactory experience as well as subjects and grades taught.
- An initial application for certification
- A cover letter with your name, mailing address, last 4 digits of your social security number, date of birth, personal email address, and the area of certification you are seeking.
- Documents may be mailed or sent electronically to must come to this address directly from the Institute of Higher Education or an e-transcript service. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted.
Registration fees
- A $10 processing fee is required for the initial certificate and for each certificate renewal/reinstatement thereafter.
- Please do not submit payment until your application has been approved.
- Professional Eligibility Certificate (PEC)
- Valid for 5 years
- Issued to an applicant who meets all certification requirements and is not currently employed in a MD local school system or a publicly funded nonpublic school
- Standard Professional Certificate I (SPC I)
- Valid for 5 years
- Issued to an applicant who meets all certification requirements and
- Is employed by a Maryland local school system or a publicly funded nonpublic school
- Standard Professional Certificate II (SPC II)
- Valid for 5 years
- Issued to an applicant who completes the SPC I, is employed by a Maryland local school system or publicly funded nonpublic school, and submits the following:
- verification of 3 years of satisfactory school related experience
- 6 semester hours of acceptable credit; and
- A professional development plan for the Advanced Professional Certificate (APC).
- Advanced Professional Certificate (APC)
- Valid for 5 years
- Issued to an applicant who submits the following:
- 6 semester hours of acceptable credit
- Verification of 3 years of satisfactory school related experience; and
- Meets one of the following standards:
- Earned a master's or higher degree from an IHE in a certification area directly related to public school education, including 6 semester hours related to the teacher's specific discipline or the specialist's specific assignment;
- Earned at least 36 semester hours of approved content or professional education course work directly related to public school education, earned after the conferral of the bachelor's or higher degree, including at least 21 graduate credits, of which at least six credits shall be related to the teacher's specific discipline or the specialist's specific assignment; or
- Obtained National Board Certification and earned a minimum of 12 semester hours of approved graduate course work, earned after the conferral of the bachelor's or higher degree and related to the teacher's specific discipline or the specialist's specific assignment.
- Resident Teacher Certificate (RTC)
- Valid for two years and
- Issued to an applicant who has been selected by a local school system to participate in an alternative teacher preparation program
- Conditional Certificate (CDC)
- Valid for two years
- Issued only to an applicant employed in a local school system or publicly funded nonpublic school who does not meet all professional certification requirements
Reciprocity with Illinois
- If you hold an active professional certificate from another state,
- Have completed an educator preparation program and
- Met the issuing state's qualifying test scores to receive certification,
- Please submit official transcript(s), which must show the degree and date of conferral, if applicable, student copies in an unopened mailer are also acceptable. A photocopy of your active out of state professional certificate, verification of test scores for the required teacher certification tests for your out-of-state professional certificate. (A photocopy of the test scores or an official verification from a state department of education will be accepted.)
- Also an initial application for certification, a cover letter with your name, mailing address, last 4 digits of your social security number, date of birth, personal email address, and the area of certification you are seeking.
State requirements beyond Illinois requirements
- Maryland offers teachers from out-of-state a variety of certification options depending on their current qualifications (education level, experience, and examinations completed).
Major districts
Tips for major districts
- Maryland Public Education information
- Allegany County Public Schools
- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Baltimore City Public Schools
- Baltimore County Public Schools
- Calvert County Public Schools
- Caroline County Public Schools
- Carroll County Public Schools
- Cecil County Public Schools
- Charles County Public Schools
- Dorchester County Public Schools
- Frederick County Public Schools
- Garrett County Public Schools
- Harford County Public Schools
- Howard County Public Schools
- Kent County Public Schools
- Montgomery County Public Schools
- Prince George's County Public Schools
- Queen Anne's County Public Schools
- St. Mary's County Public Schools
- Somerset County Public Schools
- Talbot County Public Schools
- Washington County Public Schools
- Wicomico County Public Schools
- Worcester County Public Schools
Related blogs
- Maryland State Department of Education
- Maryland Education Resources
- Maryland School District Rankings
Maryland ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- ESOL methods
- Teaching writing to limited English proficiency students
- ESOL tests and measurements
- Essential Skills Test
- English to Speakers of Other Languages Exam
- Application
- ETS test scores
- $10 application fee
- Official transcripts from your degree and teacher program
Special Education
Requirements for the State of Massachusetts
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
The Educator Licensing and Recruitment (ELAR) System allows current and prospective Massachusetts educators to complete most licensure related transactions on the Internet. Within ELAR, individuals may apply for new licenses, renew Professional licenses, check licensure status, edit personal information, post resumes, locate job openings, and more.
If you would rather mail a hard copy application, instead of applying online, download the printable PreK-12 Licensure Application
Create an ELAR Account
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Massachusetts Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
- Candidates from outside of Massachusetts may meet requirements for an Initial license if they have met one of the following:
- Completed a "traditional" state/jurisdiction approved educator preparation program outside of Massachusetts. A traditional program means from a regionally accredited higher education institution.
- Completed the appropriate educational employment in another state/jurisdiction under a valid license from that state/jurisdiction within three of the past seven years.
- Completion of a state/jurisdiction approved "alternative/non-traditional" educator preparation program and possession of the equivalent of an Initial license from that state/jurisdiction.
- Completion of an educator preparation program sponsored by a college or university outside of Massachusetts that has been accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
- Upon application, candidates should submit an official transcript verifying possession of a bachelor's degree. In addition to verifying one of the four routes referenced above, please submit the appropriate documentation noted below.
- Applicants seeking Massachusetts licensure through the completion of a traditional program must submit an official transcript and an endorsement confirming completion of a state/jurisdiction approved program from the preparing higher education institution.
- Applicants utilizing the employment option must submit a copy of their valid license and official verification of their employment.
- Applicants that have completed a non-traditional approved program will need to submit official program completion documentation, an endorsement from the approved program and a copy of their valid license.
- Applicants seeking licensure through completion of an educator preparation program sponsored by a college or university accredited by NCATE must submit an official transcript and an endorsement from the higher education institution validating completion of the program.
- Requires
- A Bachelor's Degree
- Passing score(s) on MTEL
- Completion of an Educator Preparation Program
- Professional License
- Valid for 5 calendar years
- Requires
- 3 Years of Employment Under an Initial License
- Completion of a Teacher Induction Program
- One of the Options for the Professional License
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Passing score(s) on MTEL Communication and Literacy Skills tests.
Major Districts
- Boston
- Licensing Requirements
Application Deadlines
- Can apply at any time.
Ideal Times to Apply
- During the school year.
Special Education
- How to Become a Special Ed Teacher in Massachusetts
- In most cases, students with a bachelor’s degree qualify for a preliminary license as long as their undergraduate study included the necessary pedagogical and subject matter coursework. Those who would like to be special educators need to complete the specific requirements for endorsement in the focus area of special education and the grade level in which they wish to teach. All prospective educators must also pass state-mandated exams.
- Massachusetts ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Earn at least a Bachelor’s Degree in an ESL Field
- Pass the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure
- Apply for TESOL Teaching Certification
- Renew your TESOL Teaching License
Requirements for the State of Michigan
Registration fees
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Michigan offers two types of certification to teachers from out-of-state who wish to teach in a Michigan classroom.
- The first option, Provisional Certificate, is for teachers from out-of-state who hold a valid teaching certification, but do not meet Michigan's examination requirements.
- The second certification is the Professional Education Certification, which is available to teachers from out-of-state who hold a valid teaching certification and have met the examination requirements of Michigan.
- Illinois is a member of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement and has signed reciprocity agreements with Michigan.
- Earn a TESOL Degree to Qualify for a Teaching License and ESL Endorsement
- Pass the ESL MTTC and Apply for Your Michigan Teacher’s License with ESL Endorsement
- Fulfill Your Professional Development Requirements to Renew Your Michigan License
Special Education requirements
- For Undergraduates -- The MDE’s “Facts on Educator Certification” e-book states that the traditional route to licensure in Michigan requires a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution, preferably with a major in the subject you want to teach. In addition, candidates must complete a teacher preparation program to qualify for a Provisional Certificate, the license traditionally granted to new teachers. Accelerated study and intern options are available to students who major in education or special education or who want to serve as interns in high-need public school classrooms.
- For Graduates -- If you opt to pursue education or special education at a graduate level, you can enroll in a master’s or doctorate degree program that concurrently provides the coursework necessary to qualify you for Michigan licensure. If you already have a general education license, you can pursue coursework to add an endorsement to your teaching credential in an area of special education, such as autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities or visual impairment.
- Types of Licenses -- The MDE grants many types of teaching licenses. Among them are the Provisional Certificate (for new teachers), the Two-Year Extended Provisional Certificate, the Professional Education Certificate (for teachers with three years of teaching experience who have met professional development requirements), the Temporary Teacher Employment Authorization (for new educators who still need to pass the certification exam) and the Interim Teaching Certificate (for those taking an alternative route to teaching).
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
Major Districts
- Detroit
- Utica
- Dearborn City
- Plymouth-Canton
- Chippewa Valley
- Ann Arbor
- Grand Rapids
Requirements for the State of Minnesota
State Department of Education Website
Apply Online
- Tiers without Fear! - The MN tiered licensure system
- (You will need to create an MDE account to apply for certification online.)
Registration Fees
- For initial/first-time applicants: an initial application and fingerprint card processing fee of $90.25
- Fees for the MTLE Tests – range from $25-$35 (see below)
Reciprocity with Illinois
- MN licenses are in a tiered system.
- All applicants for a teaching license from a program outside of Minnesota must take the MTLE basic skills, pedagogy, and content area tests.
- Each of the MTLE tests has a fee
- You can register for the tests on the MTLE website
- An applicant for a first-time Minnesota classroom teaching license must pass:
- Basic skills, which consists of three subtests: Reading, Writing, Mathematics
- Test of general pedagogy, which consists of two subtests
- Test of content knowledge for the specific licensure field, which consists of two subtests with the exception of Elementary content knowledge, which consists of three subtests
- If an applicant has been offered a job, they may apply for a license before passing the MTLE exams.
- All applicants must also complete the Human Relations Requirement, approved programs can be found in the appropriate file here.
- Some applicants will also need to complete an approved Reading Methods program, information for which can be found in the first file on the Districts, Schools and Educators web site.
- Earn a degree in teaching english as a second language.
- Pass the MTLE exams.
- Apply for your Minnesota Teacher’s License and TESOL certification.
- Fulfill the professional development requirements to renew your Minnesota License.
- For more information: Minnesota ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements.
Special Education
Major School Districts
- Anoka-Hennepin Public School District,
- St. Paul Public School District
- Minneapolis Public School District
- Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Independent School District No. 196
- Osseo Public School District
- South Washington County School District
- Rochester Public School District
- Elk River Public School District
- Robbinsdale Public School District
- Lakeville Public School District
- Wayzata Public School District
- View a complete listing
Application Deadlines
- For a tier 2 license, apply on or after July 1 for the upcoming school year needed.
- Tiers Without Fear - An interactive tool to navigate the teacher licensure system in Minnesota
Tip from graduates in the state
Related Blogs
- The Minnesota Teaching and Certification Resource
- Become a Teacher in Minnesota
- Online Teaching Programs in Minnesota
- Early Childhood Teacher Certification in Minnesota
Requirements for the State of Mississippi
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (state)
Helpful Links
Registration Fees
- A five year license is granted to applicants who hold a valid standard out-of-state license (K-12) in an area in which Mississippi issues an endorsement.
- Applicants must submit to the Office of Educator Licensure:
- Licensure Application
- Read Licensure Instructions and Checklist to locate the license for which you are applying. (Section A, pg 1-3)
- Most likely:
- Five-Year Reciprocity License (Applies to applicants with a valid, clear and renewable out-of-state license.)
- ‰ Licensure Application (Form #OEL 09-06, Sec.B OR online)
- Transcript(s) (Sealed)
- Original, valid, standard out-of-state teaching license (Photocopies are not accepted.)
- Passing score on core subject test required for certification by the issuing state, or documentation that verifies the out-of-state license was obtained in a manner equivalent with current Mississippi license guidelines for that license.
- Collect documents required for your license and check off correlating boxes on Licensure Checklist
- Complete Licensure Application
- Original valid out-of-state license. (Due to falsifications, the board of education can no longer accept photocopies. Your out-of-state license will be returned to you)
- Sealed copy of all college transcripts.
- Documentation must be provided to show a passing score on a core subject test required for certification by the issuing state, or documentation that verifies the out-of-state license was obtained in a manner equivalent with current Mississippi license guidelines for that license.
- Requires partaking in two tests
- Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) test
- Praxis II
- To take the Praxis and Praxis II you must register online for specific locations and dates
- For further information continue to this link.
Special Education
State Requirements beyond Illinois Requirements
Major Districts
- DeSoto County School Districts
- Jackson Public School District
- Rankin County School District
- Harrison County School District
- Madison County School District
- Lamar County School District
- Jackson County School District
- Jones County School District
- Vicksburg Warren School District
- Tupelo Public School District
Application Deadlines
Ideal Times to Apply
- Apply as soon as possible; as soon as jobs are posted on district’s website
Related Blogs
- Routes to Certification
- List of school districts in Mississippi (For more information on teacher salary, student enrollment, demographics, etc.)
Requirements for the State of Missouri
State Department of Education website
Educator section of the state website:
Apply online
- Processing fee of $100 for certification application
Major districts
- St. Louis City
- Springfield R-XII
- Rockwood R-VI
- Francis Howell R-III
- North Kansas City
- Obtain Your TESOL Teaching Degree
- Pass Your MoGEA Exam and Apply for Your Missouri Teacher’s License,
- Maintain Your ESL Endorsement Through Professional Development
- Missouri ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
Special Education Requirements
For undergraduates
- The DESE guide to Educator Certification states that, to be certified as a teacher in Missouri, you must hold a professional teaching certificate. However, you can obtain this certificate through an undergraduate education or special education major, so long as your course of study contains the pedagogical coursework required by DESE and student teaching experience.
For graduates
- Graduates can opt to enroll in a program that results in only a teaching certificate, or enroll in a master’s or doctorate degree program that allows students to earn a teaching license concurrently with a graduate degree.
Types of licenses
- The educator certification section of the DESE website describes the teaching licenses issued in Missouri and the criteria for earning them. The four-year Initial Professional Certificate is the traditional certificate awarded to new teachers who have met DESE requirements for teacher preparation. After gaining four years of teaching experience, participating in a mentoring program and completing continuing education coursework, educators can apply for the Career Continuous Professional Certificate (CCPC). Educators who want to teach students with special needs can pursue one of over a dozen special education licenses. See the Compendium of Missouri Certification Requirements Index for a list of the many areas and grade levels in which teachers can choose to specialize.
Ideal times to apply
- Apply as soon as possible, as soon as jobs are posted on the district’s website. Here’s the teaching jobs website:
- Missouri Teaching JOBS
Requirements for the State of Montana
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Registration fees
- fees for Praxis II test
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Montana has no reciprocity with other states
- Complete a bachelor’s degree at minimum in TESOL and a teacher prep program
- Apply for your Montana teaching license with TESOL certification
- Maintain and upgrade your Montana teaching license
- Montana ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
Special Education
Major districts
- Clancy
- Gardiner
- Big Sky
- Clyde Park
Tips for major districts
Application deadlines
- Apply as soon as possible (as soon as jobs are posted on district’s website).
- Website for teaching jobs
Requirements for the State of Nebraska
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Registration Fees
- There is a $50 non-refundable fee for processing an application
- There are additional fees for fingerprinting.
- There are some additional fees depending on what type of certification you apply for
Reciprocity with Illinois
- If you would like to use your Illinois teaching certificate, then you can apply for a “State Substitute Teaching Certificate”.
- It is only valid for 5 years and authorizes teaching in any subject at any level with unlimited number of days of teaching.
- However, no more than 90 days may be taught in the same assignment (same class or subject to the same students).
- Nebraska ESL Teacher Job Description and Certification Requirements
- Obtain Nebraska’s Teacher License
- Take additional ESL coursework
- Add your ESL endorsement to your Teaching License
- Fulfill your professional development requirements to renew your Nebraska license
Special Education
- Application form
- Fingerprinting or support that you have lived Nebraska for immediate past five years.
- Official Transcripts indicating you have completed college and a teacher education program.
- Institutional Verification
- Photocopy (front and back) or valid or expired teacher’s certificate from ANY state
- Must meet Humans Relations Training requirement
Major districts
- Omaha is the biggest district with 45,197 students.
Requirements for the State of Nevada
State Department of Education website
Apply online (state): You can find all the forms for teacher certification at this link:
- Educator Licensure Information - State of Nevada Department of Education
- In order to apply for a certificate you need to enter the information directly into the online form, print it out, sign it or have it notarized, attach a check or money order for any required fees and mail it back to:
Dept. of Education
Attn: Teacher Licensure
9890 S Maryland Park Way # 221
Las Vegas, Nevada 89183
Registration Fees
- $161 application fee for one license area or endorsement.
- The fee for adding additional endorsements is $50 per endorsement.
Reciprocity with Illinois
Even if you hold a license from another state:
- you MUST submit a complete Initial Licensure Application packet
- including valid out-of-state teaching licenses
- and original tests scores
- if applicable, to be evaluated for issuance of a Nevada teaching license
- Information for New Teachers (Out of State Applicants)
Special Education
Major districts
- Biggest district is Clark County
- Total Population 1,821,507
- Caucasian – 71.9%
- African American – 9.7%
- Asian American – 7.2%
- Pacific Islanders – 0.5%
- American Indian – 0.7%
- Hispanic – 10%
- Find a School in Nevada
Requirements for the State of New Hampshire
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Registration Fees
- $130 - non-refundable registration and processing fee
- Any Praxis test fees that need to be completed
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Teachers who have completed their training in another state, including Illinois, can qualify for the Alternative 2 application through the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement.
- Otherwise, you need to submit the regular application, which can be completed online.
- Official applicable college transcripts from all applicable college courses including transfer credits, a copy of your current license, a copy of any testing you have completed,
- an employer verification of teaching experience including length of employment and assignment, and
- a current working resume are required for this application.
Special Education
Major Districts
The top 5 school districts (beginning with the largest) are:
- Machester (17,407 students)
- Nashua (13,668 students)
- Concord (5,564 students)
- Londonderry (5,419 students)
- Salem (5,102 students).
Ideal time to apply
- Apply as soon as possible.
Requirements for the State of New Jersey
Apply Online Only (State)
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Any applicant for instructional certification who presents a valid instructional certificate issued by any other state shall be issued a New Jersey instructional certificate for the equivalent and currently-issued New Jersey grade level or subject endorsement and certificate level covered by this subchapter, that is, a New Jersey certificate of eligibility, certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, or standard certificate.
- If there is no equivalent current New Jersey endorsement, then the provisions of N.J.A.C. 6A:9-8.1 through 8.8 shall apply to the applicant.
- There are two limitations to this rule:
- If New Jersey has an equivalent endorsement with required subject matter test for the applicant’s endorsement, the applicant shall have passed a state subject matter test to receive his or her out-of-State endorsement or else must pass the appropriate New Jersey subject matter test; and
- Candidates who have not taught successfully for three years under their out-of-State certificate shall be required to meet the New Jersey GPA requirement. Successful teaching experience shall be documented by a letter of experience from the applicant’s supervisor or authorized district.
- A candidate who holds the Meritorious New Teacher Candidate (MNTC) designation and the corresponding out-of-State license or certificate shall be eligible for the standard certificate in the MNTC designated field without additional requirements. N.J.A.C.6A:9-8.8(f).
- A candidate who holds the National Board for Professional Teacher Standards (NBPTS) certification and the corresponding out-of-State license or out-of-State certificate shall be eligible for the standard certificate in the NBPTS certificate field without additional requirements.
- Certification and Induction for Out-of-State Teachers, Administrators, and Educational Services Staff
Special Education
State requirements beyond Illinois requirements
- Applicants for New Jersey licensure in subject teaching fields and elementary education must pass the appropriate PRAXIS II Subject Assessment/Specialty Area test(s).
- The tests are required for all applicants including those applicants who are certificated in other states.
Major districts
- Princeton Public Schools (ranked 5th in the US)
- Job openings in Princeton
Tips from Graduates in the State
General to do list
- Take the PRAXIS test for your certificate/content area. The IL test we take does NOT transfer. Each test costs about $100. Good news is that the testing centers near WC offer them at pretty convenient times and dates.
- Get your transcript mailed. They only accept transcripts by mail directly from the college. It needs to be sent to the NJ dept of education. Details are on the webpage.
- Have Karen Felker complete your Verification of Program Completion Form. Also needs to be mailed in physically.
- Apply for your certificate online using the TCIS portal. There will be a fee and it will allow you to somewhat track the progress of your application.
Tips/Things to know
- The NJ ed website has everything there, forms, addresses, links, fees, requirements. It is a little difficult to navigate but just keep at it.
- if you are graduating from WheTEP you will probably apply for the CEAS (certificate with advanced standing)
- Email them if you get stuck/your application isn't updating/are concerned they haven't received your materials. I found that being proactive and reaching out actually helped things move along.
- you CAN apply for jobs while this is happening BUT I would start this process as SOON as you finish your Whetep/ed courses. (i started in February and didn't receive my certificate until end of march/beginning of April)
- Unless you have taught for 2 years full-time, your IL license won't really be helpful. Anyone who has not taught for 2 full years applies for a CE or CEAS. If you have taught for 2 full years and are moving, you will get your Standard certificate.
- You will hold your CEAS for two years (and be mentored by a veteran teacher in the district you get hired in) and then you will receive your Standard certificate.
- School year ends at the end of June. So that means the hiring process is then too. Keep looking at jobs as early as March but jobs WILL be posted and be interviewing in June and even July.
“The only info I remember about trying to get certified in NJ is that all of the websites that supposedly told you how to get your certification had differing lists of requirements, and it was a pain to get all the logistics done. So the best way to approach it would be to apply as early as you can and not be afraid to ask a lot of questions along the way. And I do believe I took a Praxis exam or two (one general and one specific to my field) as well.” - Sarah Choi
Requirements for the State of New Mexico
State Department of Education website
Registration Fees
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Yes, but it is limited and only for teachers and administrators
- Transcripts must be submitted
- Frequently Asked Questions about Reciprocity with Illinois
Special Education
State Requirements
- What you need as a K-8 teacher:
- Bachelor's Degree (earned from a regionally accredited college/university)
- Minimum of 30–36 semester hours in an Elementary Education program including student teaching
- 6 semester hours of credit in the teaching of reading for those who first entered any college or university on or after August 1, 2001
- Minimum of 24 semester hours in one teaching field such as: mathematics, science, language arts, reading, and history, etc. AND
- Passage of the New Mexico Teacher Assessments (NMTA)
- Basic Skills
- Teacher Competency, Elementary
- Content Knowledge Assessment (CKA) in Elementary Education OR
- Possess a certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
- Special Notice for Elementary Education (K–8) Candidates:
- Effective July 1, 2013, all new teachers seeking to be licensed in Elementary Education will be required to pass the NES® Essential Components of Elementary Reading Instruction test. To register or learn more, visit
Middle: for grades 5-9,
- Bachelor's Degree (earned from a regionally accredited college/university) AND
- Minimum of 24 semester hours in a Secondary Education program including student teaching AND
- 3 semester hours of credit in the teaching of reading for those who first entered any college or university on or after August 1, 2001 AND
- Minimum of 24 semester hours in at least one teaching field such as: mathematics, science, language arts, reading or history, etc., 12 semester hours of which must be in upper division courses AND
- Passage of the New Mexico Teacher Assessments (NMTA)
Basic Skills
- Teacher Competency, Secondary
- Content Knowledge Assessment (CKA) in the Teaching Field OR
- Possess a certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
- Testing Information
How to Apply
- Application Package
- Send Application Package to:
Professional Licensure Bureau
300 Don Gaspar (Rm. 101)
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Major Districts
- New Mexico’s largest district is Albuquerque
- If you have a question about a specific district, find contact information at:
Requirements for the State of New York
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Registration fees
- See the NYSED website for information on Application Fees to check the fee amount for your specific application.
Reciprocity with Illinois
- This pathway allows an educator who holds a valid certificate in a state that has a reciprocity agreement with New York State to obtain a comparable New York State certificate. The candidate must either
- have completed an approved preparation program or
- possess a valid, advanced-level certificate in the other jurisdiction and three years of service.
- At least two of those three years must have been completed under the reciprocal certificate. Specified non-coursework requirements, such as the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and fingerprint clearance, must also be satisfied.
- The reciprocity agreement (Interstate Certification Compact) stipulates that study and/or experience completed in another certifying jurisdiction satisfies New York's study and experience requirements only.
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
Once an application has been filled out, the Office of Teaching Initiatives in New York will determine eligibility for certification and specify other requirements that need to be fulfilled depending on the candidate.
- Certification for Applicants from Other States
- Achievement of qualifying scores on the NYSTCE tests is an additional requirement for certification in New York State.
- Certification Examination Information
Special Education
Major Districts
- The largest district is The New York City Department of Education, which has over 1.1 million students in 1,800 schools (as of 2016)
Requirements for the State of North Carolina
State Department of Education website
Apply online (state)
- Create an account online to begin an application. The website will give you instructions on how to continue your application as you complete it.
- Educator's Licensure - NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)
Registration fees
- Between $55.00-100.00
- North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Licensure Fees
Reciprocity with Illinois
State requirements beyond Illinois requirements
- Educator's Licensure - NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)
- Standard Professional 1 (SP1) Professional Educator's Licenses are intended for teachers with 0-2 years of teaching experience, and are valid for three years. To be issued a SP1 Professional Educator's License, an individual must have:
- completed a state approved teacher education program from a regionally accredited college or university, or
- completed another state's approved alternative route to licensure, met the federal requirements to be designated as “Highly Qualified,” and earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college.
- Standard Professional 2 (SP2) Professional Educator's Licenses are intended for teachers with 3 or more years of teaching experience, and are valid for five years.
- Teachers who are fully licensed and “Highly Qualified” in another state who have three or more years of teaching experience in another state AND who meet NC's Praxis testing requirements OR
- have National Board Certification are issued the SP2 Professional Educator's license.
- North Carolina ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Complete a Bachelor Degree and Teacher Preparation Program
- Pass Examinations for Teachers in North Carolina
- Apply for your North Carolina Teaching License as an ESL teacher
- Maintain and upgrade your North Carolina teaching license
Special Education
- How to Become a Special Education Teacher in NC
- Beginning teachers who have completed an approved teacher preparation program and have less than two years of classroom experience can apply for the Standard Professional 1 (SP1) Professional Educator’s License. After obtaining three years of teaching experience, educators can graduate to the Standard Professional 2 (SP2) Professional Educator’s License.
- The lateral entry provisional professional educator’s license allows candidates who have relevant experience outside of public classroom teaching or who have significant college credits in education to begin teaching while completing the requirements for a Standard Professional License.
Major districts
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and
- Wake County
Application deadlines
- Currently accepting applications for all positions throughout entire year
Requirements for the State of North Dakota
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
- North Dakota State Dept. of Education log in
- You must create an account to apply for licensure.
- In order to receive initial licensure, applicants must:
- Successfully complete a state agency approved bachelor's level teacher education program. The program must include both a certifiable major or minor (see list on the back of the ND licensure application form) and the professional education sequence well as the general studies. ND requires 26 semester or 40 quarter hours of professional education coursework for secondary and 34 SH or 50 QH for elementary.
- Have at least 2.50 overall grade point average
- Have successfully completed at least 10 weeks of full time, supervised student teaching in the certifiable area at the appropriate grade level(s).
- Clear fingerprinting screening for criminal convictions (See information on Provisional licenses)
- Be recommended for licensure by recent supervisors.
- Pay all applicable fees
Registration Fees
- There is a $30 fee to receive the application packet and a $175 non-refundable fee for the transcript review process.
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Yes, If you have completed a transcripted teacher education program, they will need a copy of your valid and current out-of-state teaching license and Confirmation of Other State Educator License form completed by your state's licensure agency.
- If you have completed an alternative certification program in another state and hold a valid license in that state, you will need to complete our Praxis I and Praxis II testing requirements for your content area(s) prior to being issued an OSEL in North Dakota.
- Apply online and the system will let you know what information is needed.
- North Dakota ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Earn your degree in TESOL from an approved teacher prep program
- Complete the required exams
- Apply for teacher licensure with an ESL endorsement
- Maintain licensure and pursue further TESOL education
Special Education
Major Districts
- Walcott
- Oaks
- Valley City
- Beulah
- LaMoure
- Argusville
- Ellendale
- Wahpeton
- Bowman
- Larimore
Requirements for the State of Ohio
State Department of Education website
Apply Online
- Apply for a New License through the Ohio Department of Education
- Applicants should create a SAFE account
Registration fees
- Evaluation fee (non-refundable) $50
- Application processing fees:
- 2-Year Provisional $80
- 4-Year Resident Educator $160
- 5-Year Professional $200
- Adding a teaching field $20
- 1-Year Temporary Out-of-State Educator $40
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Please see below requirements
- State requirements beyond Illinois requirements
- Obtain the BCI and FBI criminal background report fingerprint cards by calling the Office of Educator Licensure at (614) 466-3593.
- Info on background checks (FAQs)
- Ohio ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Earn Your TESOL Degree through A Teacher Prep Program
- Complete the Required Exams
- Apply for Your Teacher License with an ESL Endorsement
- Maintain Licensure and Consider Further Education
Special Education
- Licensure Requirements
- To get a sense of the makeup of students in Ohio schools check out this link
- Ohio School Report Cards
Ideal times to Apply
Apply as soon as possible, as soon as jobs are posted on district’s website
Requirements for the State of Oklahoma
State Department of Education website
Helpful Link
Apply Online (state)
- There is no online application for out-of-state applicants, but the file for the paper application can be found on the Oklahoma State Department of Education website..
Registration fees
- $50 Standard Certificate (valid for five years)
- $50 Provisional (2 years) teacher certificates
- $59 Fingerprinting and criminal history check
- There are additional fees for testing (if applicable), which may be found below.
Reciprocity With Illinois
- Specific information for out of state applicants can be found here.
- Each applicant is required to take three Oklahoma teaching tests.
- These are the General Education test ($75),
- Subject Area test(s) (range in cost from $45 to $130), and
- Professional Teaching examination ($150).
- There is also a registration fee of $40 and an additional fee of $35 if you want to take the tests online.
- However, the website did say that if you have taken teaching tests in another state you can request the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability to see if your tests are comparable to the Oklahoma tests. (See information for out-of-state applicants for more information on this.)
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Out of state applicants must send their transcripts, a proof of teaching form (if applicable), and copies of all their teaching certificates with their application.
- Every applicant is required to complete a criminal history record check, the application for which can be found here.
- Fingerprints are also required. As far as I can tell both of these requirements together cost $59.
Special Education
Major Districts
- Oklahoma City
- Tulsa
- Moore
- Edmond
- Putnam City
- Broken Arrow
- Lawton, Union
- Midwest City-Del City
- Norman
Tips for Major Districts
- Oklahoma City Public Schools
- Tulsa Public Schools
- Edmond Public Schools
- Moore Public Schools
- Putnam City Public Schools
- Broken Arrow Public Schools
- Norman Public Schools
- Union Public Schools
- Lawton Public Schools
- Mid-Del Public Schools
Application Deadlines
Related Blogs
Requirements for the State of Oregon
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Registration Fees
- At the time of your licensure application, the correct fees will be charged to your debit or credit card. For more information on fees refer to the
Reciprocity with Illinois
- “If you completed any exams for your out-of-state teaching license, send your exam scores (original score reports will be returned to you). We will evaluate the content of the exams to determine if they are substantially similar to the exams that Oregon requires. If they are, we may be able to waive exams required by Oregon; otherwise, we will send you an advice letter with your Initial Teaching License explaining exactly what you must complete in order to move to the next renewable teaching license.” (from website)
- Teacher Licensure webpage
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Any requirements that are not waived will be described in an advice letter sent.
Special Education
Major Districts
Tips for Major Districts
Application Deadlines
- Depends. Check with each job posting.
Ideal Times to Apply
- As soon as possible, before summer break
Related blogs
Requirements for the State of Pennsylvania
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (state)
Registration Fees
Reciprocity With Illinois
- Candidates who have completed state approved certification programs at out-of-state colleges may have their credentials reviewed directly by the Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality by submitting the application packet. If the evaluation by the Bureau reveals minor deficiencies in the candidate’s preparation program, the Bureau will prescribe additional requirements. If a major deficiency is found, applicants will be advised to contact a college with an approved certification program.
- A graduate of an out-of-state college may be eligible for certification in Pennsylvania provided that:
The recommending college has a state-approved preparation/certification program in the area of certification requested - The applicant has received a recommendation from the dean or department of education chairperson of the preparing college (provision is made for this recommendation on the application form), or possesses a teaching certificate comparable to the Pennsylvania Level I certificate
- The preparation program completed by the applicant is comparable to approved programs offered by Pennsylvania colleges. Certificates are issued only for major areas of study
- The applicant applying for his/her Pennsylvania Certificate obtains a satisfactory score on the ACTFL, Praxis tests required by Pennsylvania and,
- Additional information may be required if the candidate has not:
- attained a teaching certificate in the state
- taught 3 out of the last 7 years on a state certificate
- completed a state approved program and student teaching in a state participating in the Interstate Agreement in the United States.
- In these instances, a candidate may be required to have a GPA of 3.0 and possibly 6 credits in English and 6 credits in Math.
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Pennsylvania has signed an Interstate Agreement with other states/jurisdictions based upon the mutually agreed-upon conditions of that contract . It should be noted, however, that in all cases, candidates for Pennsylvania certification must complete the ACTFL/Praxis tests required by Pennsylvania. In order for this Bureau to evaluate an application using the Interstate Agreement, the candidate must provide verification that he/she has:
- Been awarded a baccalaureate degree
- Completed a state-approved teacher education program, including a supervised student teaching experience, leading to a comparable or broader certificate in the member state
- Received the recommendation from the certification officer at the college or university on an application form designated by this Bureau
- Complied with all ancillary requirements, including Pennsylvania required tests and college minimum grade-point average in effect at the time of application
- Met all Pennsylvania requirements related to citizenship as well as moral, ethical and physical/mental fitness
- Candidates who possess a valid and comparable (in subject and grade level scope) certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards(Word) will be issued a Professional Instructional II certificate. The applicant will not be asked to complete any additional requirements for that certificate, including Praxis Series tests.
- NOTE: If you can verify three years of teaching experience in the content area applied for on a fully issued certificate within the past seven years, you may need only the appropriate content area test.
- Pennsylvania Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
Special Education
Major Districts
- Largest urban districts
- Philadelphia
- Pittsburgh
- Largest suburban districts
- Central Bucks
- North Penn
- Council Rock
- West Chester
Requirements for the State of Rhode Island
State Department of Education website
Teacher section of state website
Apply Online
Registration Fees
- Certification Fee
You are most likely applying for an initial educator certificate. In this case, Rhode Island offers you a 3 Year Initial Educator certificate - First Issuance and Renewal for $100 and charges $50 for each additional certificate area. Information about this can be found at the top of page 2 of the pdf application - Test fees
There are a number of tests that an educator applying for licensure must take. Depending on your certification area you could take as little as one test or as many as five tests. Below are two links to pdf documents to help you figure out which tests you need to take to become a teacher in Rhode Island. Information about prices can be found at the weblinks provided at the top of these pdf documents. The Praxis exams could range from $50 to $150. - Information on passing scores for tests (effective September 1 2013)
- Required tests for certification can be found at the Praxis website
- Info on the oral proficiency interview for language education
- Set up an Oral Proficiency Interview
- Information on other fees
- The Rhode Island Board of Education website has things nicely laid out for teachers applying for certification. Visit the site and be sure to look at the General Information, Applications, and Updates tab, as well as the Teachers tab. Within the Teachers tab, there is specific information for early childhood teachers, elementary teachers, middle grade teachers, etc. about the requirements expected of the teacher by the state including specific coursework, certification tests, and practicum experience.
Reciprocity with Illinois
- To obtain certification in Rhode Island through reciprocity, applicants must complete the following:
- Submit an Official Transcript showing conferral or completion of degree(s) and/or program(s) from a state approved educator preparation program.
- Submit a copy of a current, valid, and comparable educator certificate from the member state.
- Include either a letter from a prior employer on original letterhead clarifying dates and conditions of employment or a completed Work Experience Verification Form
- Provide evidence of meeting all Rhode Island certification assessment requirements.
- Apply for or hold the appropriate Independent Certificate.
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Rhode Island requires applicants to take certain assessments to attain certification. See above information under “Registration Fees” for more information.
Special Education
Major Districts
- Providence Public Schools
- Number of students: approx. 24,000
- Number of schools: 42
- All educational changes for certificate listed on RI Education website
Requirements for the State of South Carolina
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Registration Fees
- $105
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- For more information on state requirements and their exams refer to these websites:
- South Carolina ESL Teacher Job Description and Certification Requirements
- Earn a Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Pass the Required South Carolina Exams
- Apply for a South Carolina Teaching License
- Renew and Upgrade Your Teaching License
Special Education
Major Districts
- Greenville County
Tips for Major Districts
Requirements for the State of South Dakota
State Department of Education website
Registration Fees
- One year certificate: $21
- Five year certificate: $43
- Ten year certificate: $72
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Educators who have never held a South Dakota teaching certificate must complete an online initial application.
- Initial certification requires verification from an accredited university that the candidate has completed an approved education program.
- Individuals may receive a one-year certificate if they have completed a teacher
education program, but do not have the required six transcripted credits obtained in the past five years or required Praxis II tests. - To receive a five-year certificate candidates must:
- Have completed a teacher preparation program
- Have completed six credits within the past five years
- Have completed the required Praxis II tests
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- It is just the application that is listed online
- South Dakota ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Earn a TESOL degree and complete a teacher preparation program
- Pass the principles of learning and teaching test
- Apply for teaching certification
- Renew and develop your certification
Special Education
Major Districts
- Sioux Falls District
- Rapid City Area Schools
- Aberdeen Public School District
Requirements for the State of Tennessee
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Out-of-state teachers who wish to teach in Tennessee will need to complete an Out-of-State Certification application as well as supply additional material such as your current, valid teaching credential.
- The state of Tennessee has signed both the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement as well as the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education which covers all states.
- Illinois is a member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement and has signed reciprocity agreements with Tennessee.
Special Education
Major Districts
- Shelby County Schools
- Davidson County School District
- Knox County Schools
- Hamilton County School District
- Rutherford County Schools
- Williamson County Schools
Tips for Major Districts
Application Deadlines/Ideal times to Apply
- Check frequently for job postings and apply as soon as possible after jobs are posted.
- Find job listings at
Requirements for the State of Texas
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
- State Department of Education website
- Out-of-State Certification
- Initial Certification
Registration Fees
- Out of state cost $180
Alternative Certification
Reciprocity with Illinois
- To apply from out of state, create an certification account, pay out-of-state fee, submit college transcripts, and submit certificates
- After one year-certification is met, apply for standard certification
- Comparable Illinois educators tests include
- computer science education (test #38)
- physical education (test #144)
- technology education exams (test #174)
- Texas Comparability Test Score/Passing Verification Form (PDF,) must be completed and submitted to the National Evaluation Systems as part of the Review of Credentials for authorized release of applicants' test scores. (must have account to access page)
- Out of state certification process
Requirements for Educator Licensure
- Bachelor's degree
- Educator prep program
- Pass certification exam
- Submit state application
- Complete fingerprinting (now requires SSN)
- Steps for EL Certification
- Texas ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements
- Earn degree in TESOL, complete necessary state testing, apply for TESOL certification, maintain certification
- Common Languages include: Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, German, and Korean
- Information of Certification, resources available
Special Education
Major Districts
- According to American School and University Magazine the major districts are
- Houston
- Dallas
- Cypress-Fairbanks
- North Side
- Austin
- Fort Worth
- Fort Bend
- Northeast
- Aldine
- Arlington
- Largest school districts in Texas
Tips for Major Districts
- District Type Data, 2013-14
- Website lists districts based on eight categories such as economics, location, etc…
- Job search by district
- Another job search site
Application Deadlines
Requirements for the State of Utah
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Out-of-State License
- Application checklist
- Here is what to include in your application (Incomplete Applications are Returned to Sender).
- The completed application form.
- The completed endorsement application for each endorsement you are requesting in your application (no fee required).
- The evaluation filing fee of $75. Make your check or money order out to Utah State Office of Education (USOE).
- Official copies of all college/university transcripts. They do not need to be sealed in an envelope, but they need to be originals, not photocopies. Highlighting your degree and the date it was confirmed on the transcript is very helpful for processing. Do not have transcripts sent to us from institutions of higher education. Have them sent to you and include them in your application.
- If you are a new graduate from a teacher preparation program, you will first need to obtain a teaching license in the state where the program is located. You may then apply through Utah's Out of State applicant process and include a copy of the out of state license with your other required documents.
- License(s) issued by other state(s). Submit the original or a clear photocopy of both front and back of said license(s).
- If you have teaching experience, verification of licensed out of state experience (half-time or more).
- PRAXIS II test scores if the score has been reported to you, or a copy of your admission ticket for an upcoming exam.
- Verification that you have applied for the required background check.
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- PRAXIS II test
- “For initial licensure, you will most likely have to take at least one PRAXIS II test. Tests from other states are not accepted unless they are PRAXIS II assessments with the same test number as the tests required in Utah. When you apply, either provide a copy of all pages of the score sheet for the approved Praxis II content test if you have already taken it, or provide documentation verifying registration for the appropriate test(s). Register to take the appropriate Praxis II test(s) at the earliest possible date. You cannot be licensed until your test score has been reported to us. Therefore, it is in your best interest to register for the next possible PRAXIS assessment. Have scores reported to the Utah State Office of Education, and when you get your own score report, forward the e-mail to us so we can be sure to make note of it.”
- Completion of the online Educator Ethics Review
Special Education
Major Districts
- Alpine
- Davis
- Granite
- Job Listings in Alpine
- Job Listings in Davis
- Job Listings in Granite
- Utah Employment Opportunities
Ideal Times to Apply
- March 1st-July 31st
Frequently Asked Questions
Requirements for the State of Vermont
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
Registration Fees
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Yes
State Requirements Beyond Illinois Requirements
- Vermont does require that “each professional educator's license. . . have one or more endorsements.”
- Vermont Approved Educator Endorsement Codes
- Additionally, Vermont offers two levels of teacher certification for qualified candidates.
Level I license
- The Level I Beginning Educator License is the initial license teachers must possess to teach. After a period of three years, candidates may apply for a Level II professional license. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for a Level II license may renew their initial licenses.
Level II License
- Experienced educators may obtain their Level II licenses by showing professional development and earning recommendations from their school districts. A Level II license is valid for seven years and may be renewed.
Special Education
Major Districts
- Norwich
- Dover
- Richmond
- Dorset
- Underhill & Bolton Area
- Charlotte
- Hartland
- Williston
- Shelburne
- Londonderry
Tips for Major Districts
- Become a Teacher in Vermont
- Avg. Elem. Teacher Salary: $52,750
- Avg. Sec. Teacher Salary: $51,470
- Average Admin. Salary: $83,680
- Vacation Wks/Yr: 15
Requirements for the State of Virginia
State Department of Education website
Apply Online (State)
- To apply for licensure
- To add endorsements to certification: scroll down to licensure Changes and Form
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Virginia accepts any current, valid license from another state with no deficiencies and comparable endorsements, but you must submit an application for licensure
Steps to Apply
- $75 fee for out of state, $50 for in state
- College Verification Form
- Report on Experience
- Professional Teacher’s Assessment Scores
- Official Student Transcripts
- Out-of-state licenses photocopy
- Child Abuse Recognition and Intervention Training
- Complete the free training module
- print out the certificate, and
- send with application packet. Module available at:
- Emergency First Aid, CPR, and AED Training or Certification (new requirements in 2017, include dyslexia training and defibrillator training) - See FAQ Page
- Applicable to Teachers Seeking an Initial License with Endorsement(s) in an Area of Career and Technical Education
Special Education
Major districts
- To Search for Jobs Statewide
- Fairfax County Public Schools
- Virginia Beach City Public Schools: Have to create an account
- Prince William County Public Schools
- Educator Career Center
Related Blogs
Requirements for the State of Washington
State Department of Education website
Apply Online
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Reciprocity from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
- a Washington state certificate must be obtained
- List of available certificates for Educators in Washington
- Out-of-State and Foreign Requirements
- Fingerprint and Background Check
Special Education
Major Districts
- Seattle
- Tacoma
this page works but the pages linked to specific job opportunities in certain categories do not, hence the ones I could find are listed below- Administrative Staff
- Classified
- Certificated Staff
- Tacoma Applications
Application Deadlines
- For best consideration, apply before the closing dates next to the open job listings
Ideal Times to Apply
- By closing dates or March/April is ideal before school year starts
Tips from Graduates in the State
- No specific ones.
Related Blogs
Requirements for the State of West Virginia
State Department of Education website
Apply online
Registration fees
- $35 Processing fee for in-state applicants
- $100 Processing fee for out of state applicants
- $25 Processing fee for mandatory fingerprinting
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Under W. Va. Code §18A-3-1 and as defined in WV Policy 5202 §126-136-16, out of state applicants seeking initial licensure in the state of West Virginia, based on reciprocity, are required to meet EACH of the following:
- hold a valid teaching certificate or a certificate of eligibility issued by another state
- have graduated from a state-approved educator preparation program* at a regionally accredited institution of higher education
- have successfully completed a student teaching experience or equivalent in the state in which the approved program was completed {*send an official, seal-bearing transcript from the institution where the teacher preparation program was completed}
Special Education
Major Districts
- Kanawha County Schools
- Berkeley County Schools
- Wood County Schools
- Raleigh County Schools
- Cabell County Schools
Tips for Major Districts
Job openings
Application Deadlines
- Licensure applications take approximately 90 days
Requirements for the State of Wisconsin
State Department of Education website
Apply Online
Registration Fees
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Helpful information for out-of-state applicants
- An out-of-state applicant must have completed a state-approved education program, passed all their state’s testing requirements, and, as of July 2013, must also pass all required Wisconsin Basic Skills and Content tests. Information on testing for out-of-state applicants.
- If eligibility is met (defined in the link above), applicants must simply complete their modified license application, instructions for which are also found in the link above.
- Complete information on the application process for out-of-state applicants.
Special Education
Additional Information
- Every five years complete six credits from a college
Major School Districts
Complete application between January 1st-June 30th
Recommended Date
- May (website addresses issues of incomplete applications) To avoid complications complete application early.
Requirements for the State of Wyoming
State Department of Education website
Apply online
Registration Fees
- For a standard Wyoming Educator License (5 years)
- Initial, First Time License - In State = $150
- Initial, First Time License - Out-of-State = $200
Reciprocity with Illinois
Special Education
Major School Districts
Requirements for Washington D.C.
Office of the State Superintendent of Education
District of Columbia Education website
District of Columbia Public Schools
Apply Online
- An online application has been available. For more information continue to this link.
- Continue to this page for more information concerning the Teacher Application Process.
- All teacher certification applicants to earn bachelor's degrees from state-approved institutions.
- Additionally, teachers must enroll in and complete teacher preparation programs to ensure they meet all standards for qualified teachers in D.C.
Registration Fees
- $50 Initial Licensure
- More information concerning licensure pricing.
Reciprocity with Illinois
- Candidates are eligible for reciprocity if
- Candidate currently holds a valid, full license in the state where he/she completed their teacher education program and holds a current, valid license outside of DC, OR
- Candidate previously held a full license in the state where he/she completed a teacher education program and holds a current, valid license outside of DC.
- If a candidate does not meet one of the above criteria, he or she must apply for a DC Regular II license through OSSE, which may mean taking additional Praxis exams based on area of certification.
- Need to complete a state approved teacher program in the area matching the license, Need a valid out of state Level II license in the subject area, Completion of 3 years of teaching K-12 in the subject.
- Substitute teaching NOT included.
- Teacher Certification and Licensing.
- In Order to become an ESL teacher in Washington, D.C.:
- Complete a Bachelor Degree and Teacher Preparation Program
- Pass Basic and Content Matter Tests
- Apply for Your District of Columbia Teaching License and ESOL Endorsement
- Maintain and Upgrade Your District of Columbia Teaching License
- Washington, DC ESL Teacher Job Description and ESOL Certification Requirements.
Special Education
- Continue to this page to find information concerning specific needs.
- State Requirements beyond Illinois Requirements:
- Possesses or is eligible for a valid District of Columbia Teaching License.
Major Districts
- Fairfax County Public Schools
- Montgomery County Public Schools
- Prince George’s County Public Schools
- Prince William County Public Schools
- Loudoun County Public Schools
- District of Columbia Public Schools
- Frederick County Public Schools
- Stafford County Public Schools
- Charles County Public Schools
- Spotsylvania County Public Schools
Application Deadlines
- Teacher Certification and Licensing
- Must Complete the following
- Regular I (valid for 2 years, non-renewable)
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Verification of current enrollment in a state approved teacher preparation program
- Verification of current employment as a teacher in a DC local education agency
- Passing scores or equivalents for all portions of the Praxis I
- Passing score for the Praxis II Content Knowledge exam in the content area of the teaching assignment
- Regular II (valid for 4 years, renewable)
- Verification of successful completion of a state-approved teacher preparation program; OR
- Completion of ALL content and teacher education coursework required under the DC Municipal
- Regulations as determined by an OSSE transcript review; AND
- Passing scores for all portions of the Praxis I*
- Passing scores for all applicable Praxis II Content Knowledge and Pedagogy exams in the area of the requested license*
- *May be waived for applicants eligible for licensure reciprocity
Ideal Times to Apply
- “It takes approximately 12 weeks for the Office of Educator Licensure and Accreditation to process a license, and we encourage applicants to begin the licensure process as early as possible”
- Teacher Certification and Licensing
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