Teacher Candidate Secondary Certificate 114

The Secondary Certificate 114 resources have been prepared with two objects in mind: 


  1. To help secondary education candidates prepare for the Illinois Teacher Certification Test, and 
  2. To provide teaching resources for candidates who take teaching positions in the state and may be asked to teach Illinois history and government.


ISBE Social Science-History Standards

The  ISBE Social Science-History Standards might be the best place to start. These define what the competent social science teacher in Illinois understands and is able to do. Questions on the teacher certification test will be based on these standards. 

The teacher candidate may use any or all of several optional approaches to learning about Illinois history and government. They are:

Internet Resources

The sites listed under  Internet Resources have a wealth of information and are generally kept up to date. This is probably the best source of information since a number of sites can be accessed. These sites have been annotated and prioritized.

Illinois Government Handbook

This free book is issued by the Illinois Secretary of State and contains a great deal of information in print form. While this booklet is informative, it does not meet all the standards of the ISBE. Illinois Government Handbook >> 

Wheaton College Library Resources

These  Library Resources consist mainly of a set of twelve 30 minute videos that have been produced by Western Illinois University. These were produced about 10 years ago and contain much content beyond that needed for ISBE standards.


There are a number of printouts such as a time line as well as some charts and diagrams in the  Map/Timeline Resources. These are supplemental to the above resources.

Test-Answer Sheet

Finally, the site contains a self administered test based on the ISBE standards. An answer sheet can be printed out and sent by college mail to the History Department (Attn: Dr. Karen Johnson). This will also act as a certificate validating your completion of this course. Your score plus explanations of incorrect answers plus references to where you can find correct information will be returned to you within one week of receiving your answer sheet.

We hope this site will enable you to easily and efficiently access the information you need and gain the competence necessary to pass the certification test. Please respond with any suggestions or feedback that you think will be helpful in fine-tuning this program.

Contact: Dr. Karen Johnson (karen.johnson@wheaton.edu)

Phone: 630.752.5130

For comic relief - Roadside Illinois >> (There are similar sites for each of the 50 states. Click on your home state and see what you can find. This stuff is harmless but cool!)