The Health Professions office sponsors a trip to the Baltimore/Washington DC area. The trip focuses on learning more about healthcare issues within an urban environment, specifically underserved and under-resourced areas; explores health disparities and observes how followers of Jesus are making a difference in their communities.
During the week we hope to learn from and interact with individuals within the following departments and organizations:
Johns Hopkins University
- Radiology
- Center for Human Nutrition (International Health, Maternal, Newborn, & Child Health)
- Critical Care Medicine
- Infectious Disease
- Internal Medicine
- Nursing
McCarrick Center Medical Clinic, one of two community health centers managed by Catholic Charities of DC, the largest social services provider in the DC area. The clinic provides primary care and preventive care services to uninsured individuals, mostly immigrants. They serve patients from more than 50 countries; the vast majority are Spanish speaking.
National Institute of Health
Ronald McDonald House, volunteering to serve the families with children suffering from difficult illnesses.
Visits to the National Museum of Health and Medicine and National Institute of Health Museum.
Additional Information:
The trip costs will be similar to OCO BreakAway trips. We anticipate the cost being $425-$450. Transportation (Wheaton College vehicle), housing, museum fees and most food will be covered.
Students will be responsible to attend two pre-trip meetings held during the Tuesday/Thursday chapel times. Significant notice will be given regarding the dates and times. Very limited preparatory reading will be expected to help students prepare for the experience. Students will be expected to participate in daily group reflections and devotions during the week as well.
Students need to be flexible and understand individual components of the trip may change due to faculty and practitioner availability. If interested in participating, please email the Health Professions Department.