Global Christianity
"None of us can be too comfortable with power and influence, nor can we afford to be smug, for we stand under the judgment of the cross of Jesus who emptied himself and took on the form of a servant and was obedient even to death, yes, death on the cross." From the Forward by Desmond Tutu
> Read in HNGR 484, Global Christian Perspective
Nouwen uses the metaphor of the cup for the spiritual life. In holding, lifting, and drinking the cup, Christ set an example for us by his perfect life. We too must be willing to drink the cup of both joy and sorrow.
The story of how an American missionary "rediscovered" the Gospel message among the Masai in Tanzania.
> Read in HNGR 484, Global Christian Perspective
A powerful call to radical Christ-centered compassion. Nouwen asserts that only by emptying ourselves can we truly love others.
> Read in HNGR 484, Global Christian Perspective
The author of The Next Christendom takes a closer look at Christianity in the Global South: its focus on the Bible and fresh internpretations of ancient truths.
A tale of spiritual renewal that looks at genuine faith and goodness in the midst of everyday life. A refreshing conversation about faith, doubt, reason, and spirituality in the modern world.
Jenkins offers an insightful look at Christianity in the Global South, with its emphases on the Holy Spirit, justice, and social liberation. He compellingly traces world Christianity's shift from the West to the Global South.
Instead of emphasizing the political and economic aspects of globalization, this work examines the more influential social and cultural issues. Explores the impact of globalization on the more traditional questions of Christian mission.
A stirring look at the growth of global Christianity, with a focus on the Church in the Global South. An excellent resource on the relationship between religion and politics and the place of Christianity in today's world.