Featured IDS Alumni
After leaving Wheaton College, IDS program alumni apply their interdisciplinary skills in a variety of fields, locations, and settings. Below, several of our alumni offer their reflections on the program, describe the ways their IDS experience informs their current work, and give some advice for prospective IDS majors.

Read about how Joanna's experience in the IDS program informs her current work as an Academic Advisor at New York University.

Learn more about how Kirsten applies her interdisciplinary training to her work in theater as a teaching artist, acting faculty member, and director.

"The foundation that IDS laid is what I have built upon in my career as a professional artist." Read more about Colt's work at the intersection of theology and art.

In her work as a public defender, Wendy draws on her interdisciplinary training to evaluate and respond to complex systems.

The IDS program prepared Shyanne for her roles as a teacher, research assistant, and MFA candidate in the Writing program at Columbia University.

James describes the ways the IDS program equipped him for his work after Wheaton, including caring for elderly people with dementia and studying rhetoric as a graduate student.

During her time in the IDS program, Christina integrated Applied Health Science, Spanish, and Chemistry to explore ocular health and nutrition in the Latino population.

Integrating perspectives from Anthropology, Biblical & Theological Studies, and Human Neads & Global Resources, Sarah explored truth-telling and peace-building practices as a way to prevent child soldier use.