Helmut Ziefle

Helmut Ziefle

Helmut Ziefle, Ph.D.

Professor of German Emeritus

On Faculty since 1967, retired in 2001

Helmut W. Ziefle (Ph.D., University of Illinois), the youngest son of George and Maria Ziefle, was born in Germany during World War II, where he knew air-attacks, hunger, and chaos as a way of life. The Ziefle family immigrated to the United States in 1956. After pursuing his education in the States, Dr. Ziefle taught German at both the high school and college levels, including Wheaton College. 

He is author of numerous works, including:

  • Modern Theological German: A Reader and Dictionary
  • One Woman Against the Reich: The True Story of a Mother's Struggle to Keep Her Family Faithful to God in a World Gone Mad
  • Dictionary of Modern Theological German
  • Modern Theological German
  • Theological German: A Reader
  • Hermann Hesse und das Christentum Sibylle Schwarz: Leben und Werk