Distributed Concentration

Sample Program

This sample program plan gives you a possible overview of the types of courses a student would take each semester of the Distributed Engineering program at Wheaton College.

PLEASE NOTE: This program plan is for guidance only. Graduation requirements are found in the course catalog.

Download the Sample Program Plan for Distributed Engineering Concentration

Distributed Engineering Concentration (PDF)


Semester 1: Fall

Number Subject Hours
MATH 235 Calculus I (AAQR) 4
PHYS 231 Introductory Physics (SP) 4
ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering 1
CORE 101 First Year Seminar 4
CORE 131 Holistic Human Flourishing 1
ENGW 103 Writing (0-4) 4

Total: 18 Credits

Semester 2: Spring

Number Subject Hours
MATH 236 Calculus II 4
PHYS 232 Introductory Physics II 4
ENGR 132 Engineering Graphics and CAD 3
COMM 101 Oral Communications (0-2) 2
BITH 211 Old Testament Literature 4

Total: 17 Credits

Semester 3: Fall

Number Subject Hours
MATH 237 Calculus III 4
ENGR 211 Engr. Mechanics 1 - Statics w/lab 3
ENGR 334 Computer Modeling of Physical Systems 2
ENGR 351 Analog Electronics w/lab 2
LANG Language Core Competency 1 4

Total: 15 Credits

Semester 4: Spring

Number Subject Hours
MATH 333 Differential Equations 4
ENGR 212 Engr. Mechanics II - Dynamics w/lab 3
ENGR 214 Innovative Design in Engr. 3
LANG Language Core Competency II 4
SELECT Visual & Performing Arts (1 of 2) 2

Total: 16 Credits

Semester 5: Fall

Number Subject Hours
CHEM 231 General Chemistry I 4
ENGR 313 Mechanics of Materials w/lab 3
CONCENTRATION Concentration Course 1 3
CONCENTRATION Concentration Course 2 3
LANG Language Core Competency III 4

Total: 17 Credits

Semester 6: Spring

Number Subject Hours
ENGR 302 Engineering Systems Analysis 2
CONCENTRATION Concentration Course 3 3
CONCENTRATION Concentration Course 4 3
SELECT Thematic Core (1 of 3) (2 tags) 4
BITH 213 New Testament Literature 4

Total: 16 Credits

Semester 7: Fall

Number Subject Hours
ELECTIVE Math & Science Elective* 2
ENGR 451 Senior Design 1 4
CONCENTRATION Concentration Course 5 3
BITH 315 Christian Thought 4
SELECT Visual & Performing Art (2 of 2) 2

Total: 15 Credits

Semester 8: Spring

Number Subject Hours
ENGR 452 Senior Design II 2
ENGR 494 Engineering Ethics Capstone 2
  Apply for FE Exam 0
CORE 3xx Advanced Int. Seminar (1 tag) 4
SELECT Thematic Core (2 of 3) (2 tags) 4
SELECT Thematic Core (3 of 3) (2 tags) 4

Total: 16 Credits

Total for Four Years: 129 Credits

Minimum 15 Credit-hour concentration designed with department approval from courses in other engineering concentrations.

Course options currently include:
ENGR 235 Materials Science & Engr. 3
ENGR 323 Design of Machine Elements 2
ENGR 325 Solid Mechanics 2
ENGR 333 Mechatronics 4
ENGR 336 Fluid Mechanics 3
ENGR 338 Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer 3
ENGR 352 Fund. Of Environmental Engr. 3
ENGR 354 Water Resources Engineering 3
ENGR 356 Structural Analysis and Design 3
ENGR 358 Groundwater Hydrology and Well Hydraulics 2
ENGR 359 Geotechnical Engineering 2
ENGR 371 Biomaterials 3
ENGR 372 Cell and Tissue Engineering 3
ENGR 373 Biomechanics 3
ENGR 374 Biomedical Device Design 3
ENGR 375 Biomedical Imaging 3
ENGR 495 Independent Study 1-4

* The Math and Science elective may come from ENGR 271 or courses with prefixes ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, ENVR, GEOL, MATH, and PHYS that are approved by the Physics and Engineering department. Check with your advisor to determine course availability.