Faculty Profiles

Andrew Abernethy Faculty Headshot

Andrew Abernethy, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies in the Litfin Divinity School; Program Director of the M.A. in Biblical Exegesis Program; Professor of Old Testament

On Faculty since 2014
BGH 563

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After a season of rebellion in his late teens, Dr. Abernethy experienced God’s mercy in Christ in a radical way and transferred to a liberal arts Christian college. A major surprise arose at his new college; though he thought the Bible was boring before, he now loved reading it, even the Old Testament. He was not naïve, however, about the challenges of understanding these ancient Scriptures. By the end of his college years, Dr. Abernethy sensed God directing him to devote his life to studying and teaching God’s word. He went on to seminary, and after a few years in pastoral ministry, undertook further study in the Old Testament.

Prior to joining the faculty at Wheaton, Dr. Abernethy was a Lecturer in Old Testament at Ridley College (Melbourne), where he benefited greatly from teaching and living with fellow Christians in a cross-cultural and post-Christian context. At Wheaton, he is excited to see students enjoy getting to know God more through the Old Testament and grow as faithful interpreters of Scripture. Dr. Abernethy's primary research area is the book of Isaiah, though Psalms, the Latter Prophets, biblical theology, and the topic of eating attract his attention too. He has written numerous articles and is also the author of several books: Eating in Isaiah (Brill, 2014); The Book of Isaiah and God’s Kingdom (IVP, 2016); God’s Messiah in the Old Testament (Baker, 2020); Discovering Isaiah (Eerdmans/SPCK, 2021). Dr. Abernethy is accepting applications for Ph.D. students in the area of Old Testament.

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., Old Testament, 2012

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
M.Div. (Summa Cum Laude), 2006

Bethel College (IN)
B.A. (Magna Cum Laude), Liberal Studies, 2002

  • Isaiah, Psalms, and the Prophets
  • Theological/Canonical Interpretation
  • Literary-thematic approaches to the Old Testament
  • Old Testament Theology
  • integration of ancient context, literary analysis, and reception
  • Society of Biblical Literature: member
  • Institute for Biblical Research: member
  • Evangelical Theological Society: member

Discovering Isaiah: Context, Interpretation, Reception. Discovering Biblical Texts Series. 2020. Grand Rapids/London: Eerdmans/SPCK.

The Messiah in the Old Testament. 2019. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.

The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom: A Thematic-Theological Approach. New Studies in Biblical Theology 40. 2016. Nottingham/Downers Grove: IVP.

Eating in Isaiah: Approaching Food and Drink in Isaiah's Structure and Message. Biblical Interpretation Series 131. 2014. Leiden: Brill.

Isaiah and Imperial context: The Book of Isaiah in Times of Empire. Edited by Andrew T. Abernethy, Mark G. Brett, Tim Bulkeley, and Tim Meadowcroft. 2013. Eugene, OR: Pickwick.

*** Additional Presentations and Appearances
See CV Link Above for Details

  • Old Testament Literature
  • Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation
  • Hebrew Grammar

Canonical Imagination, COVID-19, and Communion: Illumination from Isaiah’s Banquet and Purim in Esther.” Journal of Theological Interpretation (accepted; forthcoming).

The Shape and Shaping of Psalms and Isaiah in the Zion Tradition.” Under review.

A Tale of Modern Scholarship on Isaiah: Humpty’s Fall and Resurrection.” Didaktikos 5.3 (2022): 14–18.

The Spirit of God in Haggai 2:5: Prophecy as a Sign of God’s Spirit.” Vetus Testamentum 70 (2020): 511–20.

‘Mountains Moved into the Sea’: The Western Reception of Psalm 46:1 and 3 [45:1 and 3 LXX] from the Septuagint to Luther.” Journal of Theological Studies 70.2 (2019): 523–45.

Influential Old Testament Theologies.” Unio Cum Christo: International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life 5.1 (2019): 219–222.

The Ruined Vineyard Motif in Isaiah 1–39: Insights from Cognitive Linguistics.” Biblica 99.3 (2018): 334–350.

Feasts and Taboo Eating in Isaiah: Anthropology as a Stimulant for the Exegete’s Imagination.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 80.3 (2018): 393–408.

Is Psalm 8 a Messianic Psalm? Reading Psalm 8 as Christian Scripture.” Reformed Faith and Practice 2.3 (2017): 5–17.

God as Teacher in Psalm 25.” Vetus Testamentum 65.3 (2015): 339–51.

The People of God in Isaiah: Trembling at God’s Word.” Reflections 16–17 (2015): 27–36. [Festschrift for Eugene Carpenter]

‘Right Paths’ and/or ‘Paths of Righteousness’? Examining Psalm 23.3b within the Psalter.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 39.3 (2015): 299–318.

Theological Patterning in Jeremiah: A Vital Word through an Ancient Book.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 24.2 (2014): 149–61.

Jonathan Edwards as Multi-Dimensional Bible Interpreter: A Case Study from Isaiah 40–55.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 56.4 (2013): 815–30.