Illinois State University, Normal, IL
M.A., History, 2006.
Thesis: “‘A Serious Ethnological Exhibition’: The Indian Congress of the Trans-Mississippi & International Exposition of 1898.”
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
M.L.S., Library Science, 1997.
Franklin College, Franklin, IN
B.A., Political Science, 1994.
As the Dean of Library and Archives, Brent leads the library faculty and staff teams and collaborates with campus partners to provide strategic leadership for the development of library and archival collections, education and research assistance services, archival practices, preservation & digitization, and copyright guidance.
Brent comes to Wheaton College from Arkansas Tech University where he served as the Director of the Ross Pendergraft Library & Technology Center. Prior to Arkansas Tech, Brent served as Director of Library Public Services at Cedarville University.
Brent is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and earned his B.A. degree in political science at Franklin College, an M.L.S. in library science from Indiana University, and an M.A. degree in history from Illinois State University. He and his wife Susanna have four children.
Encyclopedia Articles
"John Amagoalik," "Council for Yukon First Nations," and "James Kivetoruk Moses," Encyclopedia of the Arctic, Mark Nuttall, ed. (New York: Routledge, 2005.)
"Bison," "Council Bluffs, Iowa," "Fort Snelling," and "Mesabi Range," Encyclopedia of the Louisiana Purchase, Junius P. Rodriguez, ed. (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2002.)
"Canadian Reciprocity," "Ignatius Donnelly," "Walter Hines Page," "Pan-American Exposition of 1901," "Shipping Act of 1916," "Trans-Mississippi Exposition of 1898," and "James B. Weaver," Encyclopedia of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Joseph Buenker, ed. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2005.)
“Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm,”Encyclopedia of Emancipation and Abolition in the Transatlantic World, Junius P. Rodriguez, ed. (Armonk, NY:M.E. Sharpe, 2007.)
Scholarly and Professional Presentations
Donley, Jennifer, Kathleen Baril, and Brent Etzel. “Bridging the Gap with Boopsie: How a Mobile App can Help Keep Your Students Connected.” Academic Library Association of Ohio Annual Conference, Wilmington, Ohio, October 2012.
Etzel, Brent. “The Augustana Model: Sequential, Integrated Information Literacy for First-Year Education and Beyond." Poster session presentation, Association of College & Research Libraries 2007 Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2007.
---.“Cataloging at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Croatia, 2013-2015, Association of Christian Librarians Conference, Jefferson City, Tennessee, June 2015.
---.“Course-Integrated Information Literacy Assignments for First-Year Students,” Association of Christian Librarians Annual Conference, Quincy, Massachusetts, June 2008.
---.“Defining Canadian Historiography, ”Illinois State University Graduate Symposium, Normal, Illinois, April 2002.
---.”The Evolving Role of Libraries in Supporting Higher Education,” UA-Pine Bluff National Library Week Observance. Pine Bluff, Arkansas, April 2019.
---.“The Future of Academic Library Reference Services,” Panel Discussion on the Future of Libraries. Association of Christian Librarians Annual Conference, Liberal Arts Section Meeting, Marion, Indiana,June 2006.
---.“A Grand Approach to Research Instruction: Integrating Information Literacy into a First-Year General Education Program.” Association of Christian Librarians Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 2007.
---. “It's Not All Greek: An Analysis & Comparison of Online Language Learning Tools.” Arkansas Library Association Annual Conference, Rogers, Arkansas, September 2017.
---.“The Legacy of the Indian Congress Exhibit of Omaha’s Trans-Mississippi Exposition of 1898,” Missouri Valley History Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, March 2007.
---.”More Than Mobile:Building (and Improving) a Library App” Association of Christian Librarians Annual Conference, San Diego, California, 2013.
---.“World Expositions, Wild West Shows, and the American Worldview,” Faculty Committee to the President Dinner, Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio, November 2009.
Ghinazzi, Connie, Amanda Makula and Brent Etzel. “Promoting Quality over Quantity: Information Literacy across the Curriculum in the Digital Age,” Illinois Association of College & Research Librarians Biennial Conference, Bloomington, Illinois, March 2006.