Faculty Profiles

Christa Strickler Headshot

Christa Strickler, M.L.I.S.

Associate Professor of Library Science

On Faculty since 2014
Wheaton College Library 222

As part of the Resource Description and Digital Initiatives Group of Library at Wheaton College, Christa oversees the description of print and electronic monographs, ensuring the information is accurate and comprehensive so that users can easily find the resources they need. Christa incorporates her expertise in standard resource description methods with growing knowledge of BIBFRAME, Linked Data, and RDF. She enjoys streamlining resource description tasks while improving metadata quality, and is fascinated with Linked Data, digital humanities, and their potential for intersection with theological librarianship.

University of Washington
Library & Information Science, M.L.I.S., 2012

Northwest University (WA)
B.A., Music, 2006

  • Research
  • Library and Information
  • Science Cataloging and Metadata
  • Education/Learning
  • American Theological Library Association: member
  • Chicago Area Theological Library Association: member

Batch Record Enhancement with MarcEdit and OCLC Connexion
presented at the American Theological Library Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 15, 2017

Subject Librarian For:

  • Christian Ministry & Formation
  • Political Science/International Relations
  • Urban Studies

Using MarcEdit and OCLC Connexion to Enhance Bibliographic Records in a Batch, Theology Cataloging Bulletin 25, no. 3: 3–3–3–4
Strickler, Christa, 2017

From One at a Time to All at Once: Streamlining the Withdrawal Process, Theology Cataloging Bulletin 24, no. 3: 3-3-3–4.
Strickler, Christa, 2016

Linked Data: A Brief Introduction for Catalogers, Theology Cataloging Bulletin 23, no. 4: 3-5-3–7
Strickler, Christa, 2015