Provost Karen Lee 2024

All Faculty

Karen An-hwei Lee, Ph.D.

Provost and Professor of English


Ph.D. Cota-Robles Fellow in English (British and American Literature) 
University of California, Berkeley

M.A. in English (Poetry Writing)
The University of California, Berkeley

M.F.A. Beinecke Fellow in Literary Arts (Fiction Writing)
Brown University

B.A. Magna Cum Laude in English  (British and American Literature) with Honors in Creative Writing
Brown University

Courses Taught

  • ENGW 335 - Poetry Writing and Criticism


2020 Framework for Data Collection and Analysis, University of Maryland, College Park Certification Verification.

2020 Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys, University of Maryland, College Park and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor / Certification Verification. 

2020 Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel, Rice University Certification Verification

2020 Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People, University of California, Davis Certification Verification.

Conference Presentations

Accreditation and Higher Education Conferences

2019 PAMLA. “The Role of Laughter: Reconstructing Post-Traumatic Memory and Identity in Sonali Deraniyagala’s Wave (2013).” Wyndham Bayside, San Diego, CA.

2019 CCCU Diversity on Strategic Transformation. “Using Student Success Data to Inform Decision- Making at a Disability Resources Center.” Nichole Hope-Moore and Karen Lee. George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. 2019 AALHE. “Rethink Assessment with a Student-Centered Approach.” St. Paul, Minnesota.

2019 Learning Impact Leadership Institute, Presenter. “Rethink Assessment with Canvas and Portfolium.” IMS Global Learning. Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA.

2019 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter. “Information Literacy Assessment: A Partnership with Instructional Librarians at Point Loma Nazarene University.” Co-Presenters: Denise Nelson, Robin Lang.

2019 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter. “Intercultural Development Inventory: Assessment Intercultural Competence at Point Loma Nazarene University.” Co-Presenter: Dione Taylor.

2019 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Poster Session. “Prioritization at Point Loma Nazarene University: A Retrospective, 5 Years Later.” Co-Presenters: Maria Zack, George Latter, Kerry Fulcher, Karen Lee.

2019 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Poster Session. “Service as an Expression of Faith: Co-Curricular Program Review and Assessment in Spiritual Development at Point Loma Nazarene University.” Co-Presenters: Brian Becker, Esteban Trujillo, Liliana Reza, Brianna Lewis, Karen Lee.

2018 HEDS Annual Conference, Primary Presenter. “The Vital Role of Metrics in Diversity-Related Strategic Planning.” Spokane, Washington. Co-Presenter: Karen M. Lee (University of San Diego)

2017 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter. “Communities of Assessment Practice: Balancing Structure, Accountability, and Creativity in a Missional Context.” Co-Presenters: Lisa Bortman (Pepperdine University), Carole Huston (University of San Diego)

2017 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Poster Session. “Missional Ethos and the Culminating Experience: Engaging Community Stakeholders in Assessment.” Presenters: Phil Ferrari (Ferrari Productions), Alan Hueth, Karen Lee.

2017 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter, Deborah Erickson. “Using the Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP) to Assess Graduate-Level Core Learning Outcomes at Point Loma Nazarene University.” Co-Presenters: Tricia Lauer, Karen Lee.

2017 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter, Maria Zack. “Assessing Core Competencies at Point Loma Nazarene University.” Co-Presenter: Karen Lee.

2017 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter, Kim Schaeffer. “Assessing Core Competencies at Point Loma Nazarene University.” Co-Presenter: Max Butterfield, Karen Lee, Cherie Owen, Ross Oakes Mueller.

2017 WSCUC Academic Resource Institutional Showcase, Event Committee. “Missional Ethos of Community Engagement: Curricular & Co-Curricular Programming at Point Loma Nazarene University.”

2016 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter. “Empowering our Students: Using At-Risk Indicators to Improve Student Success and Retention.” Co-Presenters: John Kim, Ludmila Praslova, Vanguard University of So. California.

2016 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Presentation, Primary Presenter. “In the Tongues of Our Disciplines: An Intergenerational Faculty Engagement on the Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of the Degree (MQID).” Co-Presenters: Siaumin Fung, Michael Hanna, Hien Park, Ludmila Praslova, Vanguard University of So. California.

2016 WSCUC Academic Resource Conference Demonstration, Moderator. “E-Portfolios.” Primary Presenters: David Turbow, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences; Sammy Elzarka, University of La Verne.

Literary Conferences, Festivals, and Symposia

2019 “Avant-Garde Science Fiction as Social Critique & Resistance.” San Diego Writers’ Festival. San Diego State University.

2018 Symposium on Christian Poetics. “On a Poetics of Metaxu in our Millennium.” Calvin College. Grand Rapids, MI.

2017 “To Live and Write in L.A.” Mount Saint Mary’s, Doheny Campus, Los Angeles. Workshop and Featured Reader: “Kafka and the Mythologies of Daily Life.” 16 September 2017.

2016 AWP CONFERENCE, LOS ANGELES. Moderator & Presenter, Panel Session: Translating the Sacred in a Post-Religious Age. Karen An-hwei Lee, Afaa Michael Weaver, Cole Swensen, Ewa Chrusciel.

2016 AWP CONFERENCE, LOS ANGELES. Presenter, Panel Session: Midwest Magazine Seeks West Coast Writers. Allison Joseph, Karen An-hwei Lee, Lynne Thompson, Terry Lucas, Marianne Villanueva.

2016 “Vestiges of Sea Pilgrims: A Mesostic Postlude.” Presenter, Panel Session: Forget Avant-Garde, We Hew Our Path: Writers-of-Color of the Regional West on Contemporary Craft & Entanglement Poetics. Angela Penaderondo (Moderator), Samiya Bashir, Orlando White. Hosted by WritLarge. CIELO Galleries & Studios, Los Angeles.

2015 AWP CONFERENCE, MINNEAPOLIS. Moderator & Presenter, Panel Session: Ars Poetica, Ex Machina: Race, Gender, and Machine Translation. Karen An-hwei Lee, Prageeta Sharma, Tung-Hui Hu, Margaret Rhee, and Arlene Kim.

2015 AWP CONFERENCE, MINNEAPOLIS. Moderator & Presenter, Panel Session: Song of a Jade Flute - Chinese Poetry in Translation. Karen An-hwei Lee, Wang Ping, Ye Chun.

2015 Thinking Its Presence, the Racial Imaginary: A Conference on Race, Creative Writing, and Literary Studies. Moderator & Presenter, Panel Session: FracturationsMeditations on the Politics and Poetics of Intersectionality. Luisa A. Igloria, Bhanu Kapil Rider, Ruth Ellen Kocher, Karen An-hwei Lee.

2014 Literary Orange, Irvine Marriott. Panel Session: “Poetry, a Visual Language.” April 5, 2014. Irvine, California.

2014 AWP CONFERENCE, SEATTLE. Presenter, Panel Reading: Tupelo 15th Anniversary Reading. Ilya Kaminsky, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, CM Burroughs, Amaud Jamal Johnson.

2014 AWP CONFERENCE, SEATTLE. Moderator & Presenter, Panel Session: Ring of Fire / New Creations: Translation on the Pacific Rim. Sawako Nakayasu, Neil Aitken, Prageeta Sharma.

2014 MLA CONVENTION, CHICAGO. Presider & Respondent, Special Session: Parodic Form in Asian Diasporic Poetry & Culture. Inclusion: Presidential Theme, “Vulnerable Times.” Panelists: Timothy Yu (U. Wisconsin), Sueyeun Juliette Lee (Temple U.), Juliana Chang (Santa Clara U.)

2012 “Chapter & Verse.” Big Orange County Book Festival, Chapman University. September 21, 2012.

2012 “Circulating Poetry: How Poetry Lives in a Non-Profit World.” Lecture & book-signing for the Literary Publishing Crawl at Chapman University’s MFA Program. April 11, 2012.

2011 Los Angeles Times Book Festival. April 24, 2011. Poetry reading & book signing.

2011 Cultural Studies Association, Columbia College, Chicago. Presenter, “Portrait of a Transnational Woman Warrior as a Young Korean Woman.” Session chaired by Lan Dong, University of Illinois, Springfield.

2011 MLA CONVENTION, LOS ANGELES. Special Session Chair, Feminist Transnational Spaces: Narrating Lives of Asian Women. Presenter, “Poetic Surrealism of Hachikai Mimi.”

2011 Conference Chair, West Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature: Transformative Journeys.

2010 West Hollywood Book Fair. September 26: Poetry reading & book signing.

2010 AWP DENVER. “Tupelo Press Anniversary.” A poetry reading. Presider: Jeffrey Levine.

2010 AWP DENVER. “Orbiting Salt.” A poetry reading with Quarterly West, Western Humanities Review, and Versal. Presider: Dawn Lonsinger.

2009 AWP CHICAGO. “Yellow as Turmeric, Fragrant as Cloves.” Session Presider: Anne Marie Fowler

2008 MLA CONVENTION, SAN FRANCISCO. “Writing Machine Collectives: Digital Poetry in Hong Kong & Taiwan.” Literary Experimentalism in East Asia. Chair: Walter K. Lew, University of Miami

Field Interests

  • Poetry Writing: the long poem, innovative poetry, the prose poem, poecology
  • Fiction Writing: speculative fiction, avant-garde fiction American Literature: contemporary poetry by women Translation Studies: post-Benjaminian concepts of translation, experiments, “translucinacion”
  • World Literatures: Asian and African diasporas, literatures of witness, transnational feminism

Literary Journal Publications

2021 “Seven Cantos on Silence,” “Od to My Namesake on the Other Side of the Universe,” and “On a Lovefeast of Sundays.” Prairie Schooner. University of Nebraska. Print. (at press)

2021 “Dear Millennium, on a Rift Zone.” Washington Square Review. New York University. Print. (at press)

2021 “Dear Millennium, a Vision in a Xeriscape.” TriQuarterly. Northwestern University. Web. (at press) 2020 “On the Beauty of Prophetic Ghosts.” Art for the Isolated: A Poetry Project. Biola University. Print. (at press)

2020 “On June Blossoming in June.” Poetry. Print. 2020 “Dear Millennium, on Weather Alerts as Doxology.” Verse Daily. Reprint. Web.

2020 “Dear Millennium, on Weather Alerts as Doxology,” “Psalm of Praise for the Letter E,” “On Reverse Parousia, the Sequel.” Poetry Northwest XIV (2): 10-11. Print.

2019 “Love Chronicles from the Octopodes: Episodes of the Emily Diaspora.” The Big Other. Web.

2019 “On Floriography.” Academy of American Poets – Poem-a-Day. October 2019. Web.

2019 “A Glass Jar of Hours from the Other Side of the Universe.” Your Impossible Voice 20: 73-82. Print.

2019 “Dear Millennium, Of Edible Blossoms and the Unborn.” The Yale Review 107.2: 71. Yale University. Print.

2019 “Dear Millennium, on the Extinction of Migrant Doves.” The Cincinnati Review: 171. Print.

2019 “Microfictions from a Chronicle of the Octopodes.” Dispatches from the Poetry Wars. May

2019. Web. 2019 “Ballad of the Lost Octopodes.” The Big Other. Fiction. Web.

2019 “Dear Millennium, on the Angel of Immigration” and “Dear Millennium, Soliloquy of a Rogue Body Politic.” Poetry Northwest XIII (2): 13. Print.

2019 ”Quartet of Stills with a Martial Arts Film Star” and “A Parable of Turquoise as an Antidote for the Unrequited.” Pulpmouth. Web.

2019 “Dear Millennium, Jade Rabbit on the Other Side of the Moon” and “Dear Millennium, On the Methuselah Star.” The Account: A Journal of Poetry, Prose, and Thought. Web.

2019 “Dear Millennium, Toss Everything in the River and Read Celan,” “Meditation on Fourteen Gratitudes and Radiolucence,” “On the Turning of the Year,” and “Dear Millennium, On Little Valentines as Micro-Corpuscles of Love.” Spoon River Poetry Review 43.2: 99-103. Illinois State University. Print.

2018 “Dear Millennium, on the Debt of Love among Strangers.” A Public Space 27: 119. Print.

2018 “Meditation on Error as Beauty, Posteriori” and “Modulations of Bitterness to Sweet.” Hampden-Sydney Review. Hampden-Sydney, Virginia: 71-72. Print.

2018 "Dear Millennium, on the Nine Orders of Angels," "On God and the Hydroponic System," "On the Proprioception of Beauty not as Pharmakon," and "A Quarterly with Salt, Ferries, and Light." Modern Poetry Quarterly Review. Web.

2018 “Ode to the Tiniest Dessert Spoon in All Creation.” Poetry. December 2018: 276. Chicago, Illinois. Print. 2018 “Meditation on National Sorry Day “and “QuQu Not Qua Qua.” Bamboo Ridge. 40th Anniversary Issue. Print.

2018 “Soliloquy of the Rogue Translator,” “On the Existence of Translation Angels, or an Interview with a Poet and Her Rogue Translator,” and “Epilogue: The Translation Angel Speaks.” The Ellis Review. Web.

2018 “On the Levitation of Objects at the Carp-Tail Sugar Factory,” “On the Little Engines of Grace,” and “On the Zao of Passiflora in a Flammable Garden.” HocTok. Web.

2018 “The Silk Lessons.” Ruminate 48: 42-23. Print.

2018 “Suzume, an Origami Bird at the Apocalypse,” “Dear Millennium, Proof of Beauty in Exile,” and “Invitation from the Water in the Well, Jing Shui.” The Gravity of the Thing. Web.

2018 "Patina of Transparencies on Rose Himalayan Salt," "On Not-a-Lily-Pad in a Time of War," and "Figs Say Hunger Alone is Not the Body" South Dakota Review 54.1. Print.

2018 “Thirteen Ways of Looking at Kombucha and Xenophobia" & "Dear Tokubetsu, or the Octopus Jar as a Broken Heart." Cosmonauts Avenue. Web. 2018 “Dear Millennium, a Nocturne of Questions.” Third Coast. Western Michigan University. Print.

2018 “Dear Millennium, Love” and “Dear America, Sanctuary of a Post-Human Exile.” Terrain. Web.

2017 “Prayer of Radiolucence.” Poetry. Chicago, Illinois. October 2017: 6. Print.

2017 “Meditation on Hakarl in Reykjavik.” The Compass. United Kingdom. Web.

2017 “The Millennial Year of the Superbloom” and “The Last Bookstore in the World.” Southern Poetry Florida Journal. Web.

2017 “Dear Millennium, On Microengineering New Hearts in Miniature,” “Dear Millennium, On Phenomena,” “Dear Millennium, Our Loveless Soul-Boutiques,” and “Dear Millennium, An Elegy in Palos Verdes Light.” Oxidant Engine. Web.

2017 “On Arigatory” and “Meditation on the End of All Things.” West Branch 84, Spring/Summer 2017: 59-60. Bucknell University. Print.

2017 “On Defamations of Millennial Love in the Metropolis.” The Shanghai Literary Review 2:18. Print.

2017 “Blue Soliloquy vs. Xenophobia.” Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 16.1: 37. Smith College. Northampton, Massachusetts. University of Indiana Press. Print.

2017 “A Seaside Dystopia Confesses Unrequired Love and War,” “On the Names of Invasive Beauty as Naturalization,” “A Triptych in Dark Chocolate for Unavenged Hearts.” MORIA. Woodbury University. Web.

2017 "Dear Millennium, On the Tallest Invisible Tower in the World," "Meditation on Figs and Hunger in a Summer Blackout" and "Bilingual Beatitude on Sopapillas for Angels." COG, Cogswell Polytechnic College. Web.

2017 “On the Etymology of Birds in a Season of Austerity," "And Say if Persephone, A Millennial Alter Ego," and "Z is for Zami in a Winter Garden of Women.” The Nottingham Review. United Kingdom. Web.

2017 "X is not for Xenophobia in Mandarin" and "A Wind Machine for Oranges Up North." 8-West Press. Web.

2017 “Meditation on a Red Seed as Transformation,” “Sisters of the Raging Millennium at a Hundred Years,” “On the Levitation of Beautiful Objects.” Prairie Schooner 91.2: 39-42. University of Nebraska. Print.

2017 “Extinction of Female Blue Morphos from the Love Archives of a Museologist.” Minola Review. Print.

2017 “Mizu in Seven Languages.” Poemeleon. Web. 2017 “Dear Millennium, Inadequate Witness.” Comment Magazine (Cardus): Christian Social Thought. Canadian Reprint. Web.

2017 “Meditation on Orchids, Noir, and Symbiosis” and “Premonitions on the Folds of an Origami Persimmon.” Geometry: An International Literary Journal: 91-92. Auckland, New Zealand. Print.

2017 “On Souls Flowering at Two Hundred Degrees.” Windhover. University Mary-Hardin Baylor. Feb. 2017. Print.

2016 “Epithalamium on Peau de Soie.” Glass: A Journal of Poetry. Web.

2016 “Dear Millennium, On the Interior Disclosures,” “Zona Negativa, Post-Catastrophe,” and “Meditation on Millennial Peace the Color of Nerve.” New Madrid. Murray State University. 121-123. Print.

2016 “Journal Fragments Composed during the San Jacinto Earthquake Advisory,” “Dear Millennium, inside a Hummingbird is God,” and “Prayer on a Millennial Cliff of Ash-Spun Glory in Los Angeles.” OCELLI. Oregon Center for Experimental Landscapes and Language Innovation. Web.

2016 “On Eschatological Radio Angels Flying in the Troposphere” and “On Chrysanthemums of Hunger and the Reckless Moss of the Body.” Aster(ix) Journal. 72-73. Print.

2016 “On the Politics and Poetics of Darjeeling.” The London Magazine: A Review of Literature and the Arts. October/November 2016: 85-86. Print. 2016 “On Insect-Holes as Fragrant Portals of Edible Light.” Ruminate Magazine. 84. Print.

2016 “Nonce Ode to an Oxymoron.” Ninth Letter On-Line. Special Issue: Immigrant Writers. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Web.

2016 “Prayer in a Year of No Rain” and “Triptych Future of the Book as a Signature Fragrance.” Angel City Review. Web.

2016 “On Lectio Divina, Counter-Clockwise” and “Meditation on Soteriology.” IMAGE: Art, Faith, Mystery. Summer 2016, Issue 89: 85-86. Seattle Pacific University. Print.

2016 “Untethered Starlings in the L.A. Apocalypse,” “On the Double Exposure of Angels in the City of Industry,” “Meditation on the Upper Echelons of Grace,” and “On Color Theory in Voire Dire.” Angels Flight: Literary West. Web.

2016 “On Levitation in a Season of Famine” and “Dear Millennium, Post-Utopia.” Uproot. Web.

2016 "Zona Negativa of Black Swans," "On Luminous Exoskeletons of Angels in the Walls," "Micrographs of Healing: Seven Tanka," and "Renga with a Thundercloud-Blossom Plum Tree, Her Shadow, and a Dragonfly." Bellingham Review. Western Washington University. Print.

2016 “Epochal Metamorphosis at Taroko Gorge in Hualien, Taiwan.” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. Web. 2016 “Kafka and the Happiness Machine,”” On Cicada Brood XIX,” and “Sweet Angel, An Auditor.” Zeit-Haus. Print.

2016 “Of Glyphs and Bones” and “On Pathos.” Reservoir Journal. Web.

2016 “Breath of Spiracles” and “Song of Black Sage.” Berkeley Poetry Review 43: 20-21. U. C. Berkeley. Print.

2015 “On Apophasis and a Bee,” “Dear Millennium, Our Hungry Roses,” “Prayer for a Box of Lightning,” and “On Little Epiphanies and a Bee Veil.” Rock & Sling 10.2. Whitworth University. Print.

2015 “And Say If Yes.” Palimpsest: Hybridity Issue. Yale University. Print.

2015 “The Sealed Fates of Xia, a Micro-Novella,” “On New-Wave Asian Feminist Mermaids,” “The Final Words of Madame Mao,” and “Not Gravity,” Feminist Studies. 741. University of Maryland. Print.

2015 “Say If the Rapture” and “In a Corner of the Universe, It Is Raining Bees.” MARY: A Journal of New Writing. Winter 2015. St. Mary’s College, MFA Program in Creative Writing. Web.

2015 “Meditation on Awe as Flavor,” “On Charismata and Minor Female Prophets in the Field,” and “On Transparent Vessels.” Bone Bouquet 6.2. Print. 2015 “Meditation on Bloom’s Taxonomy.” Quarterly West. University of Utah. Web.

2015 “On a Blood-Vessel Sewing Machines without Wings” and “On Four Hypothetical Ways the Universe Might End.” The New South. Web.

2015 “The Year of Four Decades.” The West Trestle Review. Web.

2015 “On Runaway Angels in the Haight.” Codex. Web.

2015 “Dear Millennium, Inadequate Witness.” Academy of American Poets – Poem-a-Day. 24 September 2015. Web.

2015 “A Tender Deciphering of Jacaranda,” “To the Tune of a Stranger in Flames,” “To the Tune of Santa Anas,” “To the Tune of Yes.” Waxwing 7. Web.

2015 “God of X-Multiplication,” “On Millennial Angels of Gravity,” and “Prayer at Thirty-Seven Thousand Feet above Sea Level.” Free Verse: Journal of Contemporary Poetry & Poetics. Web.

2015 “A Resistance Song of Zeppelins for Julio” and “Youngest Filament in the Universe.” The Collagist. Web.

2015 “North by the Taiwan Strait: One Nation, Two Systems.” Apogee Journal. Issue 6: 72. Print.

2015 “A Beautiful Number of Exiles” and “On the Dark Kiang Horses of War.” PEN Open Poetry Series. 29 July 2015. Web.

2015 “Meditation on Decades.” Memorius: A Journal of New Verse and Fiction. Issue 24. Web.

2015 “On Color Theory sans Goethe, Schopenhauer, or Wittgenstein.” The Offing, A Channel of the Los Angeles Review of Books. 24 July 2015. Web.

2015 “On a Periphery 在外圍,” “Other Side of Beautiful 漂亮的其他邊,” “Prayer of Alterations 禱告改建 ,” “On the Beauty of Insignificance 渺小的美麗,” “Why the Light Is Noise 白天噪音 .” Poetry Sky. Edited by Yidan Han. 23 July 2015. Web.

2015 “On Apophasis” and “On Lightening.” Kenyon Review 37.4: 57-58. Kenyon College. Print.

2015 “Prayer in a Tainan Flower Market.” The Offing, A Channel of the Los Angeles Review of Books. 16 July 2015. Web.

2015 “Via Lido and the Sky Woman.” So to Speak: Feminist Journal of Language and Art. Summer Edition. Web.

2015 “On the Fourth Day of Fires at El Centro,” “Flash Point,” and “Most Ubiquitous Producer of Oxygen.” Terrain: Journal of Built and Natural Environments. 1 July 2015. Web.

2015 “On Lucid Dreaming.” Prairie Schooner 89.2: 163. University of Nebraska. Print.

2015 “Postscript to Dear Millennium, Love.” Entropy Magazine. Enclave Blog, Finals Poems Project. Web.

2015 “Rhapsody by the Feminist Narwhal of Retribution” and “Tuvan Women Sing.” The Wide Shore: A Journal of Global Women’s Poetry. Issue Two. May

2015. Web. 2015 “Prayer for the Lost Water Bees” and “Lime Ceviche before the Rapture.” The Normal School 8.1: 66, 68. Print.

2015 “Prayer of the Red Grass in April,” “On Lightening a Cervical Rose,” and “On Chanticleer Reading Simone de Beauvoir for the First Time.” So to Speak: Feminist Journal of Language and Art Spring 2015: 23-25. George Mason University. Print.

2015 “A Short Autobiography of Perfume.” North American Review 300.2: 38. University of Northern Iowa. Print.

2015 “Prayer at the Vanishing Point.” Letters Issue 3, Spring 2015: 2. Web.

2015 “Say If Not a Moon.” Poetry Northwest 9.2: 48. Print. 2015 “Truffle-Hunting with Songlu Angels” and “On the Temperature of Loss.” Phoebe 44.1: 77-78. Print.

2015 “This Detour Was a Sea of Dynamite,” “On the Extinction of Desire as Shizi,” “Kong Empty Xin Heart,” “Post-Ailanthus in Taipei.” Kitaab: Asia+n Writing in English. 22 February 2015. Web. 2015 “On the Abnegation of Desire,” “Miracle of Sentience in the Dream of the Red Chamber,” and “Translation of Praise in a Language without Birds.” Brain of Forgetting 1.1: 51-53. Ireland. Print.

2014 “Three Years in a Post-Mission Garden.” Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment. 1 December 2014. Web.

2014 “Kafka Erases His Father with Moonlight.” Guernica. 17 November 2014. Web.

2014 “Extravaganza of Ruined Wasps” and “Prayers of Women in a Pomelo Grove.” Junoesq, Issue 2. Web.

2014 “Grace in Action or Murphy’s Law in Reverse” and “Meditation on an Evangelista.” IMAGE: Art, Faith, & Mystery 82: 53-54. Seattle Pacific University. Print.

2014 “On Bittersweet Guiyuan.” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. September 4, 2014. Web.

2014 “Meditation on San Joaquin Hills,” “Prayer for a Woman Named Xochitl,” “Horses of War, Horses of Hysteria.” Crab Orchard Review 19.2: 80-84. Southern Illinois University. Print.

2014 “Post-Love,” “Makura No Soshi, Diary of a Peach-Bomb,” and “On Tristeza Light in Santa Ana.” POOL, Issue 13. California State University, Long Beach. Web.

2014 “Rikyu Gray as Palindrome,” “Origin of Sadness as a Fixative for Perfume,” “Still-Life with Seven Transparencies and a Pear,” and “On Blue Phalaenopsis and Skepticism.” New Madrid 9.2: 100-103. Murray State University. Print.

2014 “On Light Noise as Translation: An Essay.” Your Impossible Voice. July 28, 2014. Web.

2014 “Song of Vayeira.” Painted Bride Quarterly 89. Web. 2014 “On a Recitation of Psalms for the Dead.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 30.1: 119. Print.

2014 “Kafka and the Radish,” “Kafka is Not a Poet.” Mantis: A Journal of Poetry, Criticism, and Translation. Issue 12: 25-27. Stanford University. Print.

2014 “Letter from Orange County.” Your Impossible Voice. Summer 2014: 19-24. Print.

2014 “X is for Xenophobia.” The Missouri Review. Poem of the Week. 14 April 2014. University of Missouri. Web.

2014 “On Hierophany.” Poetry Magazine April 2014. Print.

2014 “On the San Jacinto Wildfires,” “Woman Who Arises out of the South China Sea,” and “On the Temperature of Uncertainty.” The Leopard Seal 2014. Web.

2014 “Epilogue for a Woman in the Dunes.” Melusine: Woman in the 21st Century. Web.

2014 “A Sphinx Moth is not a Sphinx.” The Volta. February 2014. Web.

2014 “Letter to Nopales Hearts in the Santa Ana Winds.” Cactus Heart, Issue 6.5. Print.

2013 “On the Fascination of Orchids.” Third Coast Fall 2013: 64. Michigan State University. Print.

2013 “Song for Miss Li.” Michigan Quarterly Review Summer 2013: 448-455. University of Michigan. Print.

2013 “Ferramenta” and “Immunity.” Cream City Review Spring/Summer 2013: 37-38. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Print.

2013 “At the Garden of Divinity.” The Cortland Review 61: November 2013. Web.

2013 “Our Cloud-Based Future as Haibun,” “Kafka and the Interpreter,” “The Unfanciful Ire of Ursule,” “Polarities of a Rogue Translator,” “And Say If Not Mimosa.” Diode. November 2013. Web.

2013 “When I am Nianqing as an Octogenarian.” Hyphen Magazine. November Lit Blog. Web.

2013 “The Loneliest Light in the World.” Josephine Quarterly, Fall 2013. Web.

2013 “Prayer over Lentils in Winter.” Santa Clara Review 100.2: 48. Santa Clara University. Print.

2013 “Irenology” and “Forgiveness IV.” IMAGE: Art, Faith, Mystery Summer 2013, No. 78: 75-76. Print.

2013 “False Indigo as Regeneration,” “On Spiracles and Boundaries,” “Beauty of Wabi-Sabi.” The Bitter Oleander 19.2 :42-43. Print.

2013 “Festival de la Lluvia de Peces,” “Peace in the Bones,” “Last Views of a Mourning Dove.” Prairie Schooner (87.3): 105-108. University of Nebraska. Print.

2013 “Blindness and the Dialogical Imagination” and “Of Rosa Chinesis in a Fire Alert.” The Dialogist 1.3. Web.

2013 “Meditation on Skin.” Massachusetts Review Fall 2013: 505. University of Massachusetts. Print.

2013 “Elegy at San Juan Mission Capistrano.” Poecology, Issue 3. Web.

2013 “The Rogue Translation” and “La Vie en Rose as Film Noir.” Phoebe 42.2. George Mason University. Web.

2013 “Prayer for a Bamboo-Flowering Famine.” New York Times Learning Network. 16 May 2013. Reprint. Web.

2013 “Perfume Enfleurage as Awareness” and “On Radiolucence.” Kenyon Review 35.3: 146-7. Kenyon College. Print.

2013 “Anarchist Gardener” and “Post-Scarlet Blossom of Aporia.” The Account: A Journal of Prose, Poetry, and Thoughts. Web.

2013 “Phoenix Hairpin Terrace.” Plume 25. July 2013. Web.

2013 “A Tender Deciphering of Invisible Languages.” Fourteen Hills 19.2: 76. San Francisco State University. Print.

2013 “Blue Moon is not Blue.” Salamander 18.2: 78-79. Print.

2013 “On Thirty-Six Poetic Strategems for War.” DMQ: Disquieted Muse Quarterly. Spring 2013. Web.

2013 “Dear Xenophobia,” “Dear Sor Juana,” ““On the Autobiographical Injunction of Persimmons,” “Kafka Faces up to His Old Flames,” and “On Lilies and Cyclamen.” So To Speak: A Feminist Journal of Language and Art Summer 2013: 26-31. George Mason University. Print.

2013 “A Thousand Healing Birds.” As Us: A Space for Women of the World Issue 2: 86. Print.

2013 “On Beauty.” Virginia Quarterly Review 8.2: 65. University of Virginia. Print.

2013 “Prayer of Audible Grace.” Sycamore Review 24.2: 78. Purdue University. Print.

2013 “Loma Prieta is Not a Woman I, II, & III” and “Silent Meditation on Fruit-Bearing.” Kalyani Magazine 2: 12 -14, 25. Print.

2013 “Nuren Zin Haidi Zhen: A Woman’s Heart Is a Needle at the Bottom of the Sea” & “Parousia I.” Kartika Review 15 (Spring 2013): 55-56. Print.

2013 “Lesser Egrets.” Chronogram. Hudson Valley, NY. January 2013. Web.

2012 “Cataracta Viridans,” “On Kumquat Light,” “Prayer for Cholera,” “Dreams & Visions: Micropoetry in an Economic Crisis.” TAB: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics Volume 1, Issue 1: A1, A2, A3, A4. Print.

2012 “Beauty of Pi” and “Still-Life with Mosquito II.” Hampden-Sydney Review Winter 2012 (38): 25 & 27. Print.

2012 “Song-Riddle: Fire” and “Song-Riddle: Night-Blooming Saguaro.” Crazyhorse 82: 91. Charleston College. Print.

2012 “Happiness Machine” and “Given Air.” The Collagist 40, November 2012. Web.

2012 “Plumeria Enfleurage as Awareness,” “And Say If,” and “Karen to Kazhakstan.” CURA: A Literary Magazine of Art and Action Winter 2012. Fordham University. Web.

2012 “Questions & Canticles.” Another Chicago Magazine 51.1: 6. Print.

2012 “Elegy for Marlin,” and “Prayer for My Octogenarian.” Virginia Quarterly Review 88.3: 133-135. University of Virginia. Print.

2012 “Vestiges of Sea Pilgrims.” Manoa 24.1: 138-143. University of Hawaii, Mano. Print.

2012 “Poem Washed in Tuvan Silver.” Calyx 27.2: 32. Print.

2012 “Song-Riddle: Ryoshi” and “Song-Riddle: Blood-Kin.” Puerto del Sol 47.1: 187-188. New Mexico State. Print.

2012 “Prayer for a Bitter Melon” and “Prayer for a Female Lexicon.” Crab Orchard Review 17.1: 113-115. Southern Illinois State University. Print.

2012 “Prayer for Afghan Women” & “Dialogue of Soul and Female.” Journal of Feminist Studies & Religion 28.1: 35-37. Print.

2012 “Epithumia I,” “Epithumia II,” and “Star in the Field.” Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment 14.2. Print.

2012 “Prayer under Mesa Light.” American Poet 42: 79. Academy of American Poets. Re-printed from Phyla of Joy (Tupelo 2012). Print.

2012 “Diophantine Love.” Poetry Northwest 7.1 (Spring & Summer 2012): 21. Print.

2012 “Red Winter Tea,” “Prayer for Celan,” and “Prayer for a Woman with Dark Lilies.” Poetry Salzburg Review 21, Spring 2012: 16-20. Print.

2012 “Song of the Oyamel” and “Song-Riddle: Asian Box Turtle.” Poetry Magazine, April 2012: 30-31. Print.

2012 “Love and a Yellow Bicycle.” The Prose Poem Project, 7.2 Winter 2012: 37. Print.

2012 “Shiohigari,” “On Kairōdōketsu,” and “Ichigo.” New Madrid: 15, 16, 18. Murray State University. Print.

2012 “Song of the Red Ohia.” Poetry Quarterly, Spring 2012: 49. Print.

2012 “On Schadenfreude” and “Xue Rou: Flesh and Blood.” Cerise Press. Editor: Fiona Sze-Lorrain. Web.

2012 “Nazonazo.” Adroit Journal. Editor: Peter LaBerge. Web.

2011 “Twelve Minor Seas” and “Prayer in the Language of Ash.” Fifth Wednesday 9: 53-55. Print.

2011 “Sliced Casaba until Three,” “Requiem: Four Chrysanthemums.” Poetry International 17: 317-318. San Diego State University. Print.

2011 “Epithumia for Mangosteens.” North American Review 296.1: 43. University of Northern Iowa. Print.

2011 “Theories of the Soul.” Poetry Magazine, April 2011: 28. Print.

2011 “Prayer for Equinoctial Green”and “Psalm III:” 193-194. Witness XXIV. University of Nevada. Print.

2011 “Sea of Crises” and “Song-Riddle: The Ocean.” Connotation Press: An Online Artifact. Editors: Ken Robidoux and John Hoppenthaler, East Carolina University. Web.

2010 “Prayer for the Bamboo Flowering Famine,” “Dream of the Ink Calligraphy Brush.” Poetry Magazine, November 2010: 72-73. Print.

2010 “Aleatory Prayer for Gold Bees.” Versal VIII. Amsterdam, Netherlands: 121. Print.

2010 “Double Love Quarantine,” “Huang Yu: Yellow Rain,” “Prayer of Transparencies,”& “Salt Eclogue” Packingtown Review: 2, 39, 119, 150. University of Illinois, Chicago. Print.

2010 “Prayer for the Persimmon Bowl in a Thousand Languages,” “Asia : Asia,” “unwritten books as perfume . . .,” “postcolonial Asian woman . . .” Quiddity 2.2: 21-24. Print.

2010 “Invocation” and “Prayers for Cobalt-60.” Melusine: Woman in the 21st Century. Janelle Elyse Kihlstrom. Web.

2010 “Mare Imbrium.” Zocalo Public Square. Editor: Colette Atkinson, U.C. Irvine, Center for Writing & Translation.

2009 “Poem Colored with Henna,” “Topographies,” “Requiem for a Rosewood Marimba.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 30.2: 110-114. Ohio State University. Print.

2009“Prayer for an Ionic Levitating Car,” “Sweet Heteroglossia,” & “Prayer for Fire Season.” Crab Orchard Review 14.1: 146-150. Southern Illinois University. Print.

2009 “Preservation of Rare Languages.” Journal of Feminist Studies & Religion 25.2: 90-91. Print.

2009 “Postmodern Tea-picking Opera.” Tuesday: A Journal of Art (postcard art) Print.

2009 “Women Drying Green Tea Leaves: A Tanka Poem.” Melusine: Woman in the 21st Century. Web.

2009 “Choreography of Hidden Parts I & II” and “Prayer for Healing Arrythmia.” Cerise Press. Web.

2008 “Prayer for a Vanished Hour” & “Prayer for Irrawadiensis.” American Poetry Journal 8: 75-76. Print.

2008 “Lines from Here to Asia.” Blue Mesa Review 20: 40. University of New Mexico. Print.

2008 “Dream of Metasequoia,” “Prayer for the Air Engineer,” “Still Life with Red Paper,” “Ceci N’est Pas Une Pi Pa,” and “Double Bowls Poem.” Copper Nickel 10. University of Colorado. Print.

2008 “Sutura Vera or True.” New Orleans Review 34.1: 173. University of New Orleans. Print.

2008 “Prayer for the Underground Supplicant.” Iowa Review 38.1: 36. University of Iowa. Print.

2008 “Horses of Famine, Horses of War.” North American Review 292.3-4: 62. University of Northern Iowa. Print.

2008 “Meditation on a Cenote.” Emprise Review. Web.

2008 “Thirdletter: Resilience” and “Psalm I.” Swarthmore Literary Review. Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. Web.

2007 “Celadon Stone.” Rosebud 40: 21. Print. 2007 “Cartography.” Asheville Poetry Review 41.1: 72-75 Print.

2007 “Epigraphy in a Modern Language,” “Seventeen Cicadas,” & “Sunday is a Kind of Raiment.” Puerto del Sol 42: 15-18. New Mexico State University. Print.

2007 “Ounce of Camphor.” Crate: A Journal of Literary Borders & Boundaries: 62. U. C. Riverside. Print.

2007 “Recto: Verso” and “Salvages.” Sojourn 20: 152-153. Print.

2007 “In Parenthesis, Rutilance.” Columbia Poetry Review Spring 2007: 161-162. Columbia College, Chicago. Print.

2006 “Living Bread.” Carolina Quarterly 58.1: 10. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Print.

2006 “Starching,” “Auscultation,” “When the House Is Clean” & “Wasp: First American Chinese Woman Pilot” Prairie Schooner Winter 2006: 55-57. Print.

2006 “Plumeria” & “Maps.” Greensboro Review Fall 2006: 75-76. Print.

2006 “Grace,” “Cycle,” “Prayer,” & “Fragrance.” Iodine Poetry Journal 7.1: 27-28. Print.

2006 “Caring for Another Woman.” Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 7.1: 69-72. Print.

2006 “Uses of Telescopes.” Crab Orchard Review 11.1: 102-104. Southern Illinois University. Print.

2006 “Day after Yesterday . . .” Cue: A Journal of Prose Poetry 3.1: 29. Print.

2006 “Isochronous (Equal or Uniform in Time).” CutBank Literary Magazine 65: 117-120. Print.

2006 “Bones of a Bird’s Wing.” Bellingham Review 57.1: 45-46. Western Washington University. Print.

2005 “Fever.” American Literary Review 16.2: 58-75. Print.

2005 “Salt Medicine” & “Small Part of the Body.” Carolina Quarterly 57.2: 64-65. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Print.

2005 “Job’s Tears.” Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Arts 17.2 (2005): 12-21. University of Houston. Print.

2004 "One Day." Solo: A Journal of Poetry 7 (2004): 57. Print.

2004 "What She Sees." American Literary Review 15.1 (2004): 42. Print.

2003 "Faith by Hearing." Beloit Poetry Journal 53.4 (2003): 8. Print.

2003 "Spiritual Warfare" & "A Glimpse into Her Heart." Spoon River 28.1 (2003): 9-11. Print.

2003 "Clove Oil” & "Yeh Luo Kuei Ken." Spoon River 28.1 (2003): 11-13. Illinois State University. Print.

2002 "Catalpa" & “Cosopt.” Crab Orchard Review 8.1 (2002): 160-162. Southern Illinois University. Print. 2002 "Intercession." Cairn 36 (2002): 65. St. Andrews Presbyterian College. Print.

2002 "Wings,” “Pilate’s Wife,” & “Aperta: Serrata.” Mochila Review 3 (2003): 139-140. Western Missouri State. Print.

2002 "Ying Ri." Ellipsis: Journal of Literature and Arts 38 (2002): 23. Westminster College. Print.

2001 "Diagramming the Heart" & “Construction of Flight.” Mochila Review 2 (2001): 96-98. Print.

National Awards and Fellowships

  • 2018 Prairie Schooner / Glenna Luschei Award, University of Nebraska
  • 2014 Prairie Schooner / Glenna Luschei Award, University of Nebraska
  • 2013 Eric Hoffer Award, Finalist
  • 2012 Diverse Issues in Higher Education: “The Poetic Gift,” Emerging Scholar Award
  • 2005 National Endowment for the Arts Grant, Poetry Fellowship
  • 2005 Norma Farber First Book Award, Poetry Society of America, Selected by Cole Swensen
  • 2003 Kathryn A. Morton Prize, Sarabande Books, Selected by Heather McHugh
  • 2002 Swan Scythe Press, Co-Winner, First Prize, Selected by Sandra McPherson

Invited Lectures and Featured Readings

2020 Featured Reader, New Writing Series: University of California, San Diego.

2019 Featured Reader, Laurie Okuma Memorial Reading: San Diego State University. October 30, 2019.

2019 Featured Reader, Program in Literary Arts: Brown University. October 17, 2019.

2018 Featured Reader, Jihmye Poetry Series: Café Cabaret in San Diego. October 9, 2018.

2018 Featured Speaker, Poetry & Art Series: San Diego Art Institute. September 21, 2018.

2018 Weeks Poetry Series, English Department: Westminster College. April 27, 2018. (Salt Lake City, UT)

2017 Fiction Reading with Eugene Lim, Janice Lee, and Harold Abramowitz. Skylight Books, Los Angeles. July 26, 2017.

2017 Poetry Reading with Lisa Alvarez, Andrew Tonkovich, Stephanie Brown, Chris Davidson. BC Space Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA. May 13, 2017. 2016 Keynote Address, English Honor Society (AKD), Cedarville University, 13 February 2016. (Cedarville, OH)

2014 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Cream City Review – ReadingSeries. November 20, 2014. 2014 IMAGE: Art, Faith Mystery. Faculty Poetry Reading. Glen Workshop & Retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

2014 ALTA-LA with L.A. Poets & Writers, Altadena Public Library, March 13. Featured Reader with Lynne Thompson. Curated by Linda Dove, Altadena Poet Laureate.

2014 Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Poetry Reading. Visiting Poet in Residence.

2014 Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Craft Talk. “Ideas of Order: Poetics of Sequence and Arrangement.” Visiting Poet in Residence.

2013 Featured Poetry Reading with GC Waldrep. George Mason University, “Fall for the Book.” Sep. 22, 2013.

2013 Featured Poetry Reading. Claremont Public Library, Fourth Sundays, Poetry Series. May 26, 2013.

2013 Featured Poetry Reading. University of La Verne, Department of Creative Writing. April 25, 2013.

2013 Craft Talk & Featured Poetry Reading. Visiting Writers Series. Pacific University, English Department. February 20-21, 2013.

2012 “CALYX Issue Launch.” Poetry Reading. The Last Bookstore, Los Angeles. September 9, 2012.

2012 University of Illinois, Chicago. Lecture: “On Transparency.” Symposium sponsored by the Ph.D. Program, Creative Writing. February 24, 2012.

2011 Lincoln Center, New York. Kundiman Faculty & Fellows Reading with Kimiko Hahn, Jon Pineda, Karen An-hwei Lee. June 17, 2011.

2011 “Beauty from Ashes: A Woman Warrior’s Journey of Awareness.” California State University, Fullerton. Featured speaker for Poetry, Activism, and Healing – National Poetry Month & Asian Pacific Islander Month.

2011 Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles. Poetry Reading for Indivisible (Univ. Arkansas Press).

2010 Barnes & Noble, San Diego, Grossmont Center. Poetry reading with Sandra Alcosser.

2009 Faculty WIP Symposium, Academic Paper: “Ceci n’est pas un poivre: Monique Truong.” Chapman University.

2009 Poetics Lecture: “Dreams & Visions: Micropoetry during an Economic Crisis.” Chapman University. Poetry Reading: Visiting Poet, Tabula Poetica, Chapman University.

2008 Casa Romantica Reading Series (January 30, 2008 in San Clemente, CA)

2004 Hugh C. Hyde Living Writers Series (San Diego State University, English & Comp. Lit. Depts.)

1998 Holloway Poetry Reading Series (U.C. Berkeley, English Department)

1997 John Hawkes Prize Reading (Brown University, Program in Literary Arts)

1998 Barnes & Noble in Berkeley Center (Monthly Reading Series)

1997 MacDowell Colony for the Arts (Reading) 


2018 “#BeattheBlues.” An Interview with Karen An-hwei Lee. HocTok. Web.

2018 “Helium Rebels: An Interview with Karen An-hwei Lee.” The Collagist (Dzanc Books) with Victoria DiMartino. 1 June 2018.

2017 Author Interview on Bibliocracy Radio, KPFK, southern California, by Andrew Tonkovich. 5 July.

2015 “IMAGE Artist of the Month.” Image: Art, Faith, Mystery. Web. Feature by Mary Kenagy Mitchell

2015 “Karen An-hwei Lee features Sun Yung Shin.” West Trestle Review: Cross Tie. Web.

2015 “Interview with Karen An-hwei Lee.” Interview Series, Speaking of Marvels. 28 February 2015. Curated by William Kelley Woolfitt at Lee University in Cleveland, TN.

2014 “A Votive Flame: An Interview with Karen An-hwei Lee.” Interview Series, the Poetry and Literature Center at the Library of Congress. Interview conducted over e-mail by Clare Hogan. December 12, 2014.

2014 “Karen An-hwei Lee interviews Karen Tei Yamashita.” Your Impossible Voice. May 5, 2014.

2013 “Hours Glean a Dark Hive.” The Collagist with Elizabeth Deanna Morris. January 24, 2013.

2012 “Episode #78: Karen An-hwei Lee.” May 8, 2012. Interview on the Blood-Jet Radio with Rachelle Cruz.

2012 “The Poetic Gift.” Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Interview with Pearl Stewart.

2010 “Poetry Magazine Podcast.” Reading of two poems & interview with Don Share and Chris Wiman.

2009 “Tabula Poetica: Interview with Karen An-hwei Lee” by Natalie D’Auvergne, Chapman University 2008 National Book Critics Circle: Small Press Spotlight by Rigoberto González 2005 Awardee’s Feature: Poetry Society of America’s 95th Annual Awards Ceremony (New York, NY)

2004 Voice from the Gaps at the University of Minnesota. Reprinted interview by Bryan Thao Worra.

2004 Asian American Press in Minneapolis, MN (Nov. 26, Arts Feature) Interview by Bryan Thao Worra

Anthology Publications

2021 “On Meridians of Love, Prayer, Light.” Border Voices Anthology. Edited by Michael Chung Klam, Jack Webb, and Bill Harding.

2020 “On the Levitation of Beautiful Objects.” They Rise Like A Wave: An Anthology of Asian American Women Poets. Edited by Randy White, Christine Kitano, and Alycia Pirmohamed. Rocklin, CA: Blue Oak Press.

2020 “Dear America, Sanctuary of a Post-Human Exile” and “Dear America, Love.” Dear America: Letters of Hope, Habitat, Defiance, and Democracy. Edited by Derek Sheffield, Simmons Buntin, and Elizabeth Dodd. Trinity University Press. Print.

2020 “Rainfall.” Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing (14th Edition). Edited by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Reprinted with permission from God’s One Hundred Promises (Swan Scythe Press 2002). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

2020 “Rainfall.” Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing (6th Edition). Edited by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Reprinted with permission from God’s One Hundred Promises (Swan Scythe Press 2002). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

2018 “Song in the Heartwind of Fire Season.” San Diego Poetry Annual. Garden Oak Press. Edited by Adrian Arancibia, Brandon Cesmat, Seretta Martin, Jim Moreno, John Rubio, Rob O’Sullivan Schleith, Terrence Spohn, Jeff Walt, Jon Wesick, Olga Garcia. March 2018: 290. Print.

2017 “On JinXing in Transit, In Praise of Amarillo Light, and On Blindness, Lilies, and Siete Azahares.” Open Doors: An Invitation to Poetry. Edited by Irena Praitis, Jie Tian, and Natalie Graham. Chaparral Canyon Press. Print.

2017 “On Tristeza Light in Santa Ana” (reprinted from POOL). Orange County: A Literary Field Guide. Edited by Lisa Alvarez and Andrew Tonkovich. Berkeley, CA: Heyday Books. Print.

2016 “On the Banana Garden Poetry Club,” “Desire to Selah,” “On Point Judith Light,” “A Song for Tuvan Women in the Harmonics of Flesh and Spirit,” “Riddle of a Velvet Cork in Your Feminist Medicine Cabinet,” “On Fashionologies.” Remembering the Days that Breathed Pink. Edited by Nicole Borello. San Mateo, CA: Quaci Press. Print.

2016 “Eight Prayers for Cobalt-60” and “Invocation.” Reprinted in Best of Melusine Anthology. Edited by Janelle Elyse Kihlstrom.

2015 “Beauty and Utility,” “Seventeen Anagrams: Not Invisible I, II, & III,” “On Transparency I & II,” “Writing across Thirty-Eight Anagrams,” “Anumerical Sudoku in Wakese,” “Without I & II,” “Mnemonics for O,” “Mnemonics for Q,” “Mnemonics for X,” “Misalignment of Seas,” and “Translations from the Hyphen-Nations.” The Encyclopedia Project, L - Z. Edited by Tisa Bryant, Miranda Mellis, and Kate Schatz. Available from Small Press Distribution. Portland, OR: Publication Studio. Print.

2014 “Lines from Here to Asia.” Best of the Blue Mesa Review: An Anthology. University of New Mexico. 2014 “Nuren Zin Haidi Zhen: A Woman’s Heart Is a Needle at the Bottom of the Sea” & “Parousia I.”

2012-2013 Kartika Review Anthology. Edited by Sunny Woan and Eugenia Leigh.

2012 “Song of the Xoxoltik Rosa” and “Cuicatl: Song of the Rare Nahuatl Bird.” Nahualliandoing Dos, a chapbook of English, Spanish, and Nahuatl language poems ed. by Anise Onofre. San Antonio, TX: Aztlan Libre Press. Print.

2012 “Dream of Inflation” and “Museum of Zona Radiata.” The Arcadia Project, ed. by G.C. Waldrep and Joshua Corey. Boise State University: Ahsahta Press. 189, 190. Print. 2011 “Dream of Ink Brush Calligraphy.” Reprinted in Best Spiritual Writing 2012, ed. by Philip Zaleski. New York: Penguin Books. 135. Print.

2010 “White Gardenias and a Letter.” Poets of the American West, ed. by Lowell Jaeger. Kalispell, MO: Many Voices Press. 69. Print.

2009 Three Poems. “Petty Skills Like the Carving of Insects,” “Red Minutes,” and “East Bay Sequence.” Yellow as Turmeric, Fragrant as Cloves: Anthology of Asian American Women Poets, edited by Anne Marie Fowler. O’Fallon, IL: Deep Bowl Press. 3, 124, 146. Print.

2006 “Anthropomorphism.” In Pieces: An Anthology of Fragmentary Writing, edited by Olivia Dresher. Seattle, WA: Impassio Press. 146-153. Print.


Recent Books

Love Chronicles of the Octopodes by Karen An-hwei Lee, Ellipsis Press, 2023

Duress by Karen An-hwei Lee, Cascade Books, 2022

Souvenirs, co-authored by Andrew Colarusso and Karen An-hwei Lee, Baobab Press 2022

Rose is a Verb by Karen An-hwei Lee, Slant Books, 2021

Literary Criticism

2013 Anglophone Literatures in the Asian Diaspora: Literary Transnationalism and Translingual Migrations ISBN 9781604978605 cloth / Cambria Sinophone World Series (New York & London) Victor Mair, Series Editor, University of Pennsylvania. Print.


2019 The Maze of Transparencies (ISBN 978-1-940400-09-9 pbk.) New York: Ellipsis Press. Print.

2017 Sonata in K (ISBN 978-1-940400-08-2 pbk.) New York: Ellipsis Press. Print.

Poetry Collections

2012 Phyla of Joy (ISBN 9781932195149 pbk.) North Adams: Tupelo Press. Print. 2013 Finalist, Eric Hoffer Award for Independent Book Publishing

2008 Ardor (ISBN 1932195696 pbk.) North Adams: Tupelo Press. Print. 2006 JULY OPEN SELECTION, Tupelo Press

2004 In Medias Res (ISBN 1932511067 cloth; 1932511075 pbk.) Louisville, KY: Sarabande Books. Print. 2005 NORMA FARBER FIRST BOOK AWARD (Poetry Society of America, Selected by Cole Swensen) 2003 KATHRYN A. MORTON PRIZE (Sarabande Books, Selected by Heather McHugh)

Poetry Chapbooks

2014 What the Sea Earns for a Living. San Mateo: Quaci Press. Print.

2002 God's One Hundred Promises (ISBN 1930454155 pbk.) Davis, CA: Swan Scythe Press. Print. 2002 FIRST PRIZE CHAPBOOK CO-WINNER (Selected by Sandra McPherson)

Translated Volume

2018 Doubled Radiance: Poetry & Prose of Li Qingzhao. Columbia, SC: Singing Bone Press. Print. ISBN-10: 0-933439-15-6 / ISBN-13: 978-0-933439-15-3

Academic Chapters and Refereed Articles

2010 “From Female Self-Sacrifice to Korean Freedom Fighter: Yu Guan Soon in Theresa Cha’s Dictée.” Chapter in From Asia to Asian America: Transnational Asian Heroines. Edited by Lan Dong, University of Illinois. Published by McFarland & Company in Jefferson, North Carolina. Print.

1997 "A Chinese-American Woman's Categorical . . . " Hitting Critical Mass 4.2 (1997): 79-86. Print.