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Scott Moreau, D.Miss.

Professor of Intercultural Studies Emeritus


Dr. Scott Moreau's professional interests include contextualization of the Christian faith, issues related to phenomenology (folk religions, spiritual warfare), and technology in missions (especially information technology and the use of the Internet). For 16 years, he was the editor of Evangelical Missions Quarterly and the Encountering Mission series (Baker). He has written or edited over 20 books and 300 articles, and has received numerous recognitions for his writing, teaching, speaking and service to society.


Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
D.Miss., Missiology, 1986

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
M.Div., Missiology, 1983

Wheaton College
B.S., Physics, 1977

Areas of Expertise

  • Intercultural Communication
  • Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning
  • Trends in Missions
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Technology in Missions

Professional Affiliations

  • Association of Professors in Mission: member
  • American Society of Missiology (Board of Directors, 2006-2008)
  • Evangelical Missiological Society: National Vice President for Corporate Affairs
  • James Scholar (University of Illinois)
  • Midwest Fellowship for Missions Studies: member
  • Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics Honor Society): member


Martyrs in the Time of the Charity Selfie
The Wall Street Journal

A more immediate threat to missionaries now comes from religiously motivated violence—kidnappings, terrorist attacks and war. Scott Moreau, the editor of EMQ, a professional journal for missionaries, says that "security issues are significantly more challenging" than they were a generation ago. And now, he told me, people are at risk "from exposure as missionaries based on Internet research to physical targeting—and, at times, death—by radical groups of all stripes."...
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How Christians are Creating Crisis for Muslims

Many missiologists support this movement, including faculty at Fuller Theological Seminary, which in the past included such leading charismatics as Vineyard founder John Wimber and prophetic teacher Peter Wagner. Though harsher critics of these translations use words like heresy to describe it, Scott Moreau, professor of intercultural studies at Wheaton College, cautions against lumping all IM proponents into an unbiblical camp. In his recent book on contextualization for world missions, Moreau notes that movements are messy and that evangelical missiologists haven’t reached a consensus on IM after years of discussion...

Somali Pirates Kill Bible Distributors
Christianity Today

The retired couple might be a reflection of a generation interested in combining their faith with another stage of life, said Scott Moreau, professor of missions at Wheaton College...
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How Missionaries Lost Their Chariots of Fire
The Wall Street Journal

Scott Moreau, a missions professor at Wheaton College, estimates that two decades ago half of his graduate students believed building churches abroad was their top priority. "Today, it might be 10%," Moreau says. "Fighting trafficking, orphanage work, HIV-AIDS, poverty—that is probably 50%." (Those remaining have a variety of primary interests.)...
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Foreign Letter
Christianity Today

"We have to start somewhere, and at least opening the door is a critical first step," said Scott Moreau, a Wheaton College mission professor, who did not sign the letter. But critics say the Yale letter will do more harm than good...
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Contextualization: Assessing the Issues
Swallen Lectureship (8 lectures), Andrews University

Evangelicals and Contextualization: Oxymoron, Uneasy Relationship, or Energetic Experiment?
American Society of Missiology Northwest, Maryknoll, NY

Issues in the Global Church
Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis MN

How Shall They Hear?
Wheaton Bible Church, Wheaton IL

Contextualization of Theology and Ministry Practice
Morling Theological College, Sydney, Australia

Discourses on Demonology in North America
Instituts für Interkulturelle Theologie und Interreligiöse Studien Wuppertal, Germany

Cross-cultural Leadership and Roadmap to Effective Multicultural Teams
European Leadership Forum. Wisla, Poland

Cross-cultural Communication in Business
Intelligent Systems Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgaria

Multicultural teams and Cross-cultural Leadership in a Globalizing World
Lumina College Seminar. Hong Kong

What is God Doing in Missions Today?
China Evangelical Seminary. Taipei, Taiwan


Courses Taught

  • Contextualization
  • Folk Religions
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning
  • Spiritual Conflict
  • Trends in Missions


  • Individual: Contextualization and visual expressions of faith in majority world contexts
  • Collaborative: Missions use of the Internet, trends in missions

Selected Publications

Deliver Us from Evil Consultation 16‐22 August, 2000 (Nairobi, Kenya), in The Lausanne Movement: A Range of Perspectives on World Evangelization
ed. by Lars Dahle and Knud Jorgenson, 142‐47. Oxford: Regnum; 2014.

Discourses on Demonology in North America, in Witchcraft, Demons and Deliverance: A Global Conversation on an Intercultural Challenge
ed. Claudia Wahrish‐Oblau and Henning Wrogemann, 41‐68. Munster, Germany: LIT Verlag Fresnostr, 2017.

Demonology, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South.
ed. Mark A. Lamport. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.

"One Thousand Splinters", Send Institute. Online:, 2018.
