Sherri Shackel

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Sherri Shackel, Ph.D.

Guest Instructor and CFM Department Internship Coordinator


My wish is that every person would desire to know God more than anything else in life and experience His love so profoundly that God brings heaven to earth through our daily lives. I discovered the "wonderful adventure of the spirit-filled life" in college and since then have followed God to the University of Illinois where I worked with college athletes, across the globe with The Jesus Film Project, through a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology, into a deeply blessed marriage and family, and through a two-year program in spiritual formation via The Renovaré Institute. The epic adventure continues here at Wheaton College where I pray God allows me to participate in His faithful and loving work of Christlike transformation in my students (His students) and me. 


Certificate in Spiritual Formation Renovaré Institute

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
Biola University
Dissertation: The Effect of Parental Loss During Childhood on Adult Experience of God

M.A. Clinical Psychology
Biola University

B. A. Political Science/Economics
University of Michigan