Understanding Earth and its resources for human flourishing Geology

With roots dating back to the 1860s, Wheaton’s geology major is one of the oldest and most prominent programs of its kind among Christian colleges. With a focus on sound scientific and theological thinking, our geology major equips students with practical and marketable skills as they explore the Earth’s complex functions and limited resources in the field, lab, and classroom.

Credential Type

  • B.A., B.S.

Major Credits Required

  • 52

Offered As

  • Major, Minor
Black Hills Panoramic

98.9% employed or in graduate school

Within six months of graduation, nearly 99% of Wheaton’s Class of 2021 found work in their field or continued their education.

50,000+ items & artifacts in our collections

In addition to the Perry Mastodon display, the department collection includes thousands of minerals, rocks, and fossils for study and museum display.

100% of the major courses have field trips

Our students get multiple opportunities to explore the landscapes and bedrock of the midwest and greater North America in multiple courses.

Connect with Admissions

You can reach us anytime via admissions@wheaton.edu.

Wheaton Students in the Geology Lab

Rock Solid Academics Why Study Geology at Wheaton College?

With a blend of theory and practice, Wheaton’s geology major will prepare you for graduate studies in earth and environmental science or for employment in fields such as resource development and management, geoscience research, environmental consulting, geotechnical engineering, and missions and development.

This is your chance to dive into questions about origins, to explore how geology addresses critical challenges to human flourishing in the realms of global climate change and resource management, and to live out stewardship of the Earth and be a part of the solution, all while preparing for adventure after you graduate.

With a geology major or minor at Wheaton, you could travel and work in the field, pursue cutting-edge research, learn to operate scientific equipment, give a talk at a professional conference, and much more.

Sample Courses

Geology majors and minors take a variety of core and elective classes, such as:

  • The Dynamic Earth and Environment
  • Energy & Climate Change
  • Earth History and Stratigraphy
  • Fundamentals of Mineral Science
  • Soil Science
  • Process Geomorphology
  • Hydrogeology
  • Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
  • Sedimentary Geology
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Field Geology (at the Wheaton College Science Station, Black Hills)
Wheaton College IL students hiking in Black Hills
Featured Opportunity: Wheaton in the Black Hills

Study in the Great Outdoors

The Wheaton College Science Station in the Black Hills of South Dakota provides hands-on field learning experiences and includes trips to explore geological features of Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains and National Parks like Yellowstone and Grand Tetons.

Students live and learn in community while seeing their classroom learning come alive in the field. Geology students earn 8 credit hours of required coursework during one summer prior to graduation with available financial aid support.

Learn About Wheaton in the Black Hills

Faces and Spaces Where You’ll Learn, Who You’ll Meet

Geology Students with Dr. Keil in Black Hills

Our Faculty

Our faculty members are committed to excellence in the classroom and in the field. They have a wide range of research interests, including geochemistry, hydrogeology, geochronology, tectonics, science education, and natural disasters. These specialized research areas provide opportunities for undergraduate research that often result in peer-reviewed publications.

Environmental Science Display in Meyer Science Center

Our Facilities 

Wheaton’s Meyer Science Center is home to state-of-the-art labs and classrooms, and our on-campus museum features the Perry Mastodon Exhibit and a large collection of rocks and minerals. Beyond campus, our students learn in nearby forest preserves, parks, and collections and exhibits at museums in Chicago as well as in the field at the Wheaton College Science Station and across the United States.

Wheaton College IL Geology Students sitting on rock in a creek in the Black Hills

Our Experiences

Geology majors get their hands dirty in many ways, including environmental internships, research opportunities, and field trips to museums, mountain ranges, and rock formations across the United States. Students frequently get involved on campus with clubs and environmental groups.

WITH Wheaton Opportunities Across Campus & Beyond

Interdisciplinary learning is a way of life at Wheaton. Aside from your work within your chosen major, you can enrich your educational experience and connect with peers and professors across campus (and beyond) in many ways.

Real-World Learning at Wheaton & Beyond

  • Wheaton in the Black Hills
  • Human Needs and Global Resources (HNGR Program)
  • Aequitas Fellowship Program in Sustainability

 Other Opportunities

  • Paid summer research and service internships on campus or at other universities and organizations
  • Independent and collaborative research with professors, including opportunities to complete a senior thesis or senior honors thesis
  • Assist professors in the classroom or lab as a teaching assistant

 Related Centers, Organizations & Co-Curriculars

  • Earth Club provides service to the major as well as leadership and professional development
  • Garden and Prarie Project

 Additional Academic Opportunities: Common Minors, Certificates & Second Majors

  • Environmental Science
  • Certificate in Environmental Sustainability
  • 5th year accelerated master’s degree program in biblical archaeology or education


Geology students using augmented reality topographical sandbox
GEOLOGY for Christ & His Kingdom

Faith and Learning at Wheaton

A Wheaton education is built on the foundation of our unique Christ at the Core general education curriculum. Geology majors are motivated by a passion for what God has created and a commitment to biblical principles of creation care. Our graduates are grounded in sound scientific and theological thinking, enabling them to contribute to constructive dialog on faith and science issues.

Learn More About Christ at the Core

Geology Major Career Information After Wheaton: Where You'll Find Our Graduates

Whether they go right into the workforce after graduation or their career path leads them to an advanced degree, our geology alumni make a difference.


Example job titles from recent geology graduates include:

  • Environmental consultant
  • Hydrogeologist (groundwater)
  • University professor
  • Mining (economic) geologist
  • Alternative energy manager
  • Petroleum geologist
  • Missionary
  • Disaster recovery manager
  • Geophysicist
  • Planetary geologist
  • Data scientist

Continued Learning

Geology majors continue their studies at graduate and professional programs such as:

  • Yale University
  • Stanford University
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • University of Colorado
  • Penn State University
  • Texas A&M
  • University of Utah
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of British Columbia
  • Northern Illinois University
  • Oklahoma State University
  • University of Arkansas
Wheaton College IL Prof Dr. Andrew Luhmann ’06 Examining Wintery River
Geology Students in Action

Geology and Environmental Science Majors Working Together to Model Water in Caves

Dr. Andrew Luhmann and students are building a physical model and employing field instruments and computers to understand groundwater flow in cave systems.

Read more about natural sciences research at Wheaton.

Dr. Dawn Wright
Geology Alumna in Action

Meet Dr. Dawn Wright '83

"I am grateful for how well Wheaton equipped me to be 'as wise as a serpent' and yet 'as innocent as a dove' (Matthew 10:16) while serving Him on a secular university campus and now in a secular information technology company."

Wheaton provided Dr. Wright with the rigorous scientific foundation needed to enter top graduate programs in not only oceanography but later on in geography as well.

Read More About Dr. Wright

RESOURCES & LINKS For Current Geology Students

If you’re a current student or want to dig deeper in this area of study, here are some additional resources for you to explore.

Department Website

Visit Wheaton's Earth & Environmental Science Department website for details about our majors, minors, faculty, learning opportunities, and more. 

Course Requirements

Visit the Wheaton College catalog for specific degree requirements and course descriptions.

Next Steps

Interested in a career in creation care or wondering if geology is a good major for you? Request more information about Wheaton's geology program or start your application today.