Health Professions and Health Related Courses

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(pictured above: SCI 201 Health Professions & Society course get together outside of class)

Health Professions Department Courses

The Health Professions program offers an opportunity for students to discuss current topics within the healthcare field and interact with healthcare professionals, hearing first-hand stories of the challenges and joys of serving others in a variety of healthcare careers. Three courses are taught providing unique experiences for students to engage, explore and personally reflect upon various issues within the healthcare environment.

students sitting on grass listening to professor

SCI 201: Health Professions & Society is designed to help students gain a deeper understanding of the variety of professions impacting the healthcare environment today. Emphasis is placed upon the skills and attributes needed to effectively prepare for entry into the professions. Students will explore health care history, health disparities, healthcare delivery, and culture as it relates to healthcare practice, inter-professional collaboration and professionalism. This course is intended for freshmen and sophomore students.

SCI 220: Health Professions Practicum provides students opportunities to observe the clinical and administrative responsibilities of various health careers. The course focuses on Christian understandings of vocation and calling, fosters self-reflection on the observational experience, healthcare topics, and facilitates assessment of work-related skills. The practicum includes a summative assignment in which students consider the links between healthcare issues, interpersonal communication and faith in their future healthcare practice.

SCI 291: Health Professions Colloquium provides a variety of topical discussions on issues relevant to work in the healthcare profession today. Dialogue and reflection upon the impact of the Christian faith and issues of medical ethics and care of various patient populations included. Discussions and assignments will prepare students for application to health profession programs. This course is open to students in their junior and senior year.

Consult the course catalog for full listing of current courses available.

 Students discussing around table