Information for Parents
Information for Parents
As the parent of an aspiring future healthcare professional I invite you to take an active role supporting and encouraging your son or daughter. The journey to be a healthcare professional is one that requires diligence and dedication. Although difficult to watch, the trials and difficulties one may face and mature from can produce resilience and perseverance. These two qualities among others are very important when pursuing a career in healthcare. To the degree you are able, I encourage you to support your son or daughter in exploring the various occupations within healthcare, recognizing that the career currently desired may be due to a lack of awareness of other options. One goal of the exploration process is to find a career that is a strong expression of their abilities, strengths and interests. Finally, reassure your son or daughter that it is ok to ask for help. Whether the assistance relates to academic difficulty, emotional or social struggles or the adjustment process to a new environment, the ability to seek help when it is needed is a sign of maturity and inner strength.
If you are interested, I invite you to investigate careers in healthcare and the application processes to the various graduate programs. The links to the left provide a variety of helpful resources and points of information I invite you to explore personally if you would like. As one of the few individuals who has had a front row seat to your student's journey you are in a unique position to speak into their talents and abilities. Therefore encourage, support and provide wise counsel; remembering, of course, that this path is theirs to walk; mistakes, triumphs, joys, trials and successes coming together to be the journey God has for them.
Candice Eisenhauer, M.Ed.
Director of Health Professions
The “Health Professions Seminar/Internship class was an outstanding way for Christopher to prepare for the medical school application process. From our observation, the pre-health professions program in general seems very well planned and executed. In particular, the detailed inventory you asked students to prepare was especially invaluable, and we watched Christopher return to it as a resource again and again. Thank you for asking him to thoughtfully and thoroughly prepare this document which made him step back and look in great detail at what he had accomplished up to this point, and to assess what he still needed to do to advance himself as a desirable candidate. Not only did this help him have pertinent information at the ready as he prepared applications, but it also helped him appreciate what he had accomplished and gave him greater confidence in his preparation to pursue medical school.”
- Lisa Lee, parent of Christopher Lee ’17 (Indiana University School of Medicine '21
and now Resident at UNC School of Medicine )