Professional Associations and Conferences
Professional Associations
Christian Connections for International Health is a diverse network of approximately 200 organizations and 350 individuals from across the globe whose mission is to promote international health and wholeness from a Christian perspective.
Christian Medical and Dental Association provides resources, networking opportunities, education and a public voice for Christian healthcare professionals and students.
American Medical Student Association is the oldest and largest independent association of physicians-in-training in the United States. Today, AMSA is a student-governed, national organization committed to representing the concerns of physicians-in-training. AMSA members are medical students, premedical students, interns, residents and practicing physicians.
Medical Missions has helped guide thousands of individuals to connect with one of over 1,000 healthcare mission organizations to identify calling and how to move forward.
MedSend enables healthcare professionals to serve people around the world in the name of Christ by making their monthly educational loan payments while they serve.
Wilderness Medical Society is the world's leading organization devoted to wilderness medical issues and their challenges including the health, safety, and medical care of those who work, reside, or live in remote or extreme environments.
Upcoming Conferences
Christian Community Health Fellowship
Christian Medical and Dental Association
Global Missions Health Conference
Student thoughts on the Christian Connections for International Health Conference:
In the summer of 2016, Karis Barker ’16 attended the Christian Connects for International Health conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Johns Hopkins University campus.
“I learned about CCIH at a Thrive4 event (Wheaton Student Club) where I met a former public health nurse. I looked at the website and found out that CCIH had an annual conference. The highlight of the conference for me was being sought out for an internship opportunity because someone noticed on the conference attendance roster that I was a Wheaton College student. It seems that Wheaton College has quite a reputation within the CCIH community… I learned a lot, met great people, and had great conversations.”
What advice would you give students about conference attendance?
“I would suggest that they (students) be open to learning outside of the sessions; I think I gleaned more from casual conversations during breaks and free time…”