Student Perspectives
Majors: BA Spanish and BS Applied Health Science
"My studies in Spanish as part of the Modern and Classical Languages Department have given me the ability to understand and appreciate patients from diverse backgrounds and establish trusting bonds that are critical to the doctor-patient relationship."
Majors: BA Spanish and BS Biology
Dr. Devasirvatham, MD is a 2012 graduate in Spanish and in Biology who has specialized in Anesthesiology.
Katelyn chose the IDS major because she wanted to study what it meant to be a physical AND spiritual human. She found the IDS program at Wheaton to be thorough and excellent. Her final project examined the "Embodied Christian Church: Vital Discussions of Physical and Spiritual Nourishment."
Hannah is an interdisciplinary studies major, focusing on Applied Health Science, International Relations, and Human Needs and Global Resources. She calls Salem, Oregon home. Hannah shares about her summer conducting qualitative research in Kenya with Dr. Ickes.
Caroline is an interdisciplinary studies major studying chemistry, biology, and human needs and global resources. Caroline shares about her experience in Quito, Ecuador during a summer 2018 trip with Student Ministry Partners.
Nathaniel, a biology major and chemistry minor, was one of 252 Goldwater Scholars selected for 2016-2017. The Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,150 mathematics, science, and engineering students who were nominated by the institutional representatives of 415 colleges and universities nationwide. The Goldwater Scholarship is considered the nation’s premier undergraduate award in the sciences, and comes with a $7500 award.
Applied Health Science majors Amanda and Megan spent the past year researching the cognitive effects of sleep disruption on a much more scientific level. Shim, Hogan, and Applied Health Science professor Dr. O. Michael Bubu presented their findings at the prestigious Alzheimer’s Association International Conference summer of 2017 in London, the world’s largest conference dedicated to advancing dementia science.
AHS Major Daniel writes, “I have been particularly thankful for the way Wheaton’s liberal arts program has enhanced my pre-med studies, shaping me into a better scholar in my pursuit of medical school. Taking Philosophy 101 helped me to better formulate my views on health care issues and changed the way I view what it means to be human. As I am particularly interested in pediatrics, my Developmental Psychology course provided me with a foundational understanding of children’s growth and development.”
Moire graduated from Wheaton with a bachelor of science in Applied Health Science and a minor in Psychology. She currently works as a physical therapist at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. Her areas of expertise are in the hospital’s three critical care units.
Moire writes, “Medicine is often mistaken as strictly black-and-white—but my work as a physical therapist holds an immeasurable amount of uncertainty. In my hospital, I am part of a team with physicians, nurses, and other therapists that provide comprehensive care to critically ill patients. In the ICU, PTs promote physical and cognitive activity to address current impairments and prevent secondary complications. This is known as “Early Mobility,” a rising establishment for ICUs across the world, and a challenge to the traditional thinking that critically ill patients simply need bedrest.”
At Wheaton, Tuesday studied Applied Health Science and attended Wheaton’s program in Quito, Ecuador.
My interest in the SMP program was solidified when I heard from a fellow student that this was “hands down” some of the best medical experience she had ever come across in her time at Wheaton. As an applied health science major and with these recommendations in mind, this trip to Quito, Ecuador seemed to be the perfect option.